—Lancaster -Farming, Saturday. March 24. 1973 18 Area Farmers Call On Congressmen Area farmers paid visits to their senators and congressmei m Washington, D.C, this week. Food prices were high on the list of conversation items bet ween the lawmakers and the farmers. Donald Hershey, president of the Lancaster County Fanners Assn, reported that Rep. Edwin Eshleman said legislators are not interested m freezing farm food prices, but might consider a retail food price freeze. Eshleman also told the farmers he would like to see the Penn Central Railroad continue After 40 remember to ask your doctor for a pro to as part of your annual health checkup It’s a hfesaver, says the Ameri can, Cancer Society. Never throw away the cuffs of worn-out ankle socks but cut them off and use as wristlets when shampooing hair or washing woodwork. No more sudsy water run ning to the elbow. Help Us Serve You Don’t assume we know about your farm organization’s meeting To get your meeting on our Farm Calendar, it’s safer to assume we don’t know Remind us by calling 394- 3047 or 626-2191 or by writing to Lancaster Farming, 22 E Main St, Lititz, Pa. 17543 You’ll be helping us to serve you better. f PS —rfyou're not sure you told us already, we don’t mind hearing from you again. We Deliver IP-Gas No matter where you live, you can count on us to service LP-Gas needs fast and AGWAY Petroleum Corporation Box 1197 Diilerville Road Lancaster. Pa. Dail - 717-397-4954 operation, but he is not interested in loaning that company another $2OO million. Even if President Nixon vetoes a new Rural Enivornmental Assistance Program (REAP), Eshleman said a new bill in congress will contain many of the same programs for farmers. Senator Richard Schweiker told the farmers that he wouldn’t leave the Penn Central Railroad go out of business. A representative of the En vironmental Protection Agency told the farmers that large operators with over 700 cows, more than 1,000 steers or over 100,000 chickens, can expect to be required to secure a permit just to dispose of the manure on their farms in the future. Hershey called the direct contact between farmers and lawmakers, “the best thing we’ve got as far as working with our legislators. “Farmers for many years didn’t say anything till the tree was cut down,” Hershey ex plained. “Now 90 percent of the fellows in Washington are willing to work with us,” he said. The visit was sponsored by the Pennsylvania Farmers Assn. WITH BUXONLY THE ROOTWORMS HAVE WNffk/f ® u J Corn Rootworm Insecticide controls ■H ■ WIbVI HHBt WT „ ot . res^stan t and non-resistant rootworms ■ m wt ** a * so a relatively low mammalian toxicity, and it doesn’t smell bad. Let us give you the full story. BlfiC Two Machine-Horvestobie Tomato Varieties Released Two new machine-harvestable processing tomato varieties, ARC and CHEF, have been released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The new varieties are the result of 10 or more years of research by USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) to develop crops superior to those now grown in characteristics important to consumers, farmers and processors. Biological control of crop diseases and pests, by in corporating genetic resistance into new varieties, is emphasized m this continuing cooperative effort by ARS and cooperating State agricultural experiment stations. ARC is a late maturing, productive, medium-sized vine, crack-resistant variety that is resistant to gray leaf spot, Fusarium and Verticilhum wilts, harvestable by machine and has good processing quality ARC has performed well in trials in central Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey and Belt sville, Md. It machine-harvested satisfactorily in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Beltsvdle in 1971 and 1972. CHEF is an early maturing, productive, small-vined, jointless e T W SO.rHO CHEVRON AND DESIGM U S Mr OM .VO,O ,CC, OE *rS ftCAP THE LABEL AND USE ONuT AS OIHECTEO pedicel, crack-resistant variety that is resistant to gray leaf spot, Fusarium and VerticiUium wilts, harvestable by machine and has good processing quality. CHEF has performed well in trials in central Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, central California and Beltsville, Md. It also machine-harvested satisfactorily in Pennsylvania and Beltsville in 1971 and 1972. USDA has no seed for distribution. GMC THE TRUCK PEOPLE FROM GENERAL MOTORS THEY CAN TAKE THE PUNISHMENTS! Ml «0 % P. L BtoHBEB & 880., INC. : Smokftown, Pa. In the Kitchen DEVILED CHEESE SANDWICH % lb. cream cheese 1 small onion, chopped 3 canned pimlentos or 1 green pepper, diced 3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped V* tsp. salt % tsp. paprika 4 tbsps. mayonnaise bread or crackers Combine cheese, onion and pimiento or pepper. Add eggs, seasonings and mayon naise. Mix well. Spread on bread or crackers. Makes about 2Vz cups. r ~7i 397-3539
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