—Lancaster Farmi 12 A recent business meeting of the Pequea & Mrs. Mark Beyer: Gordon Hoover, son of Valley F.F.A. revealed that there were several Greenhands who were eligible to be raised to Chapter Farmers. They are, left to right: Carl Caskey, son of Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Caskey: Nelson Martin, son of Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Martin; John Beyer, son of Mr. Fruit Growers A meeting for fruit growers has been scheduled for the Lancaster Farm and Home Center on Tuesday, February 13. It will begin at B*3o a m. and end at 3:30 p m The schedule for the neeting Is -8:30-9:00 a.m. - Coffee and Donuts 9:00-9:30 a.m. - New legislation affecting fruit growers, some observations and trends. A. G mg. Saturday, February 10, 1973 Slate Meeting Lueck, Associate Agent, Lan caster 0:30-10:00 Meeting. 10:00-10:30 a.m. - Pennsylvania Apple Referendum and New Departmental Promotions. Ray Retier, Bureau of Markets, Pennsylvania Dept, of Agric. 10:30-n: 15 a.m. - Orchard insect control, emphasis on pear psylla, apple leafhoppers, bud moth; m k m Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hoover; Tom Denlinger, son of Mr. & Mrs. Tom Denlinger; Absent from the photo but also receiving the honor was Mike Weir, son of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weir. Growers a.m recommendations for 1973. Dr. Robert Tetrault, Extension Entomologist, Penn State 11:15-11:45 a.m. - Growth regulators as useful tools in production. Dr. Anthony Hatch, Extension Pomologist, Penn State 11:45-1:00 - Lunch 1:00-1:45 p.m. - Some essential considerations in marketing fruit, Dr. Tom Brewer, Extension Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Specialist, Penn State 1:45-2:15 p.m. - Extending Storage life of apples. Dr. An thony Hatch, Penn State 2:15-3:00 p.m. - Plant diseases to expect, recommendations for 1973. Dr. Don Peterson, Ex tension Plant Pathologist, Penn State 3:00-3:30 p.m. - Retailing techniques that work. Larry Yager, Area Marketing Agent,. Penn State 3:30 p.m. - ADJOURN TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! PHONE 626-2191 or 394-3047 Get non-stop plowing with John Deere Power-Reset Plows harness hydraulic power to help you work rocky fields One or more bottoms can rise rearward and up—then reset instantly Exclusive interchangeable valves let you adjust tripping pressure to match your plowing conditions See us soon. LANDIS BROS. INC. WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. Lancaster 393-3906 The Buck 284-4141 EDWIN HURST INC. Adamstown.Pa. 215-484-4391 Swine Producer A swine producers meeting has been scheduled for the Farm and Home Center on Monday evening, February 26. Speakers will be Dr. Samuel Guss, ex- tension veterinarian at Penn State, and Roger Grout, ex tension dngineer at Penn State. Guss will talk about swine ■aaimidri M/wr DANIEL S. ESH Box 351, RDI Ronks, Pa. COMPLETE BARN AND INDUSTRIAL PAINTING Water proofing on block walls (5 year guarantee) Write for Free Estimates and Service. A. B. C. GROFF, INC. New Holland 354-4191 Meet Schedule diseases and their control, fthi Grout will address the meeting the proper storage and handli of manure The meeting will start at 7:1 p.m., and will be held in tl basement meeting room of tl Farm and Home Center. m M. S. YEARSLEY & SONS West Chester , SHOTZBERGER'S Elm 665-2141 V n 696-2990 d 01
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