12—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 30, 1972 Research For Organic Food Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Jim McHale disclosed that his department has initiated a research project aimed at protecting a growing market for organic food producers. McHale’s disclosure was made during a speech to a meeting of East Coast Organic Farmers Saturday at an experimental organic farm at Maxatawny. The secretary said a $29,000 European Chafer Quarantine Dropped The U.S. Department of Agriculture is terminating its European chafer quarantine effective Sept. 30. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) explained that control measures used against other insects also help to combat the European chafer. Therefore, it is unnecessary, in many situations, to apply a specific treatment for the chafer In view of this in formation and with the need to place additional emphasis on more economically important pest problems, USDA is discontinuing the program and revoking the quarantine. In the Kitchen SESAME CHICKEN BARBECUE 2V2 to 3 lbs. chicken legs and thighs % cup soy sauce 3 tbsps. sugar 1 tsp. ground ginger % tsp. onion powder V 2 tsp salt V 4 tsp. garlic powder 2 tbsps. melted butter 2 tbsps. toasted sesame seeds Place chicken in a tight fitting container or plastic bag Mix soy sauce, sugar, ginger, onion powder, salt and garlic powder. Pour over chicken, cover and re frigerate 2 to 4 hours Broil over hot charcoals or under preheated broiler 7 inches from heat source, 50 to 60 minutes, turning often. Brush with butter and mar inade frequently during broiling Sprinkle with sesa me seeds when chicken is tender ELECTRIC POWER Black-Outs and Brown-Outs Can Deliver your Agri-Business a Knock-out. "LOADSTAR” PTO # (TRACTOR DRIVE) ALTERNATOR - To 40,000 watts continuous duty - To 90,000 watts surge capacity - Outstanding motor start MANUFACTURED AND SERVICED IN LANCASTER mm FIDELITY ELECTRIC ■ COMPANY INC. 332 NORTH ARCH STREET LANCASTER PENN 17603 TEL 717 397-8231 ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL DISCOUNTS or call for more information or a free demonstration Project contract had been signed with Pennsylvania State University for a one year project aimed at getting “a better grasp of the extent of organic farming in this state and its acceptance in the market place and at developing “a handbook of production procedures adaptable to the small farmer interested in organic farming.” The project will also develop a certification program to insure that products The quarantine restricted interstate movement from regulated areas of soil, plants with roots, grass sod, plant crowns and roots for propagation, used mechanized soil-moving equipment, true bulbs, corms, rhizomes and tubers or ornamental plants, and other items that might spread the pest. This action removes Federal regulations from all States previously under quarantine— Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York. The chafer is an insect pest of lawns, pastures and small grain crops. Related to the May beetle, it was probably brought into this country in the 1920’5. Mature insects do very little damage, but the larvae feed on the roots of plants, causing barren spots in lawns and pastures and some damage to small grains. Fix-It Tip Gasoline engines should be kept properly fueled. Fill the tank before putting the mow er away since condensation and gum are more likely to form in an empty tank. A gasoline engine has a filter of some sort, usually an oil bath type. Check this and keep it clean The filter element should be washed in kerosene and fresh oil added. Keep a close check on the crankcase oil, making sure the oil is changed after the required number of hours of engine use, according to the manual, which accompanies every mower. Disclosed Producers labeled organically grown in the marketplace are genuine. McHale told the gathering that he has “come to recognize organic farming as a strong ally of the forces that want to see agriculture remain in the hands of the people, that want to see the family farm survive.” McHale noted that the nation’s farm population of 2.9 million represents a severe decline since World War 11. He said the trend toward expensive machines and fertilizers and price depressing surplus crops have made family farming economically un feasible. However, organic farming, with its lack of dependence on large, expensive machinery and chemical fertilizers, appears to be “an alternative system which can provide the farmer with cheaper overhead costs,” said McHale. McHale said that as consumer demand for high quality foods increases, the small organic farmer will have an enlarged market for his products. “Therefore,” said McHale, “it is natural that the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture,, committed as it is to the survival of family farming, take an active interest in organic farming” by protecting the growing market for organic products. TOAST-N-FLO TOAST YOUR OWN SOYBEANS All automatic. Use LP Gas and 110 volt electric. For More Information Call Collect 717-872-4348 Prime Lime dolomite limestone from our Gap quarry HARRY FREESE Oxford-932-9762 LIMING PAYS lid B AKER’S AGt^UMESTONE will Liming pays off in healthier soil, better crops, stronger and more productive animals. In fact, it has been estimated that each $1 in vested in limestone returns from $3 to $lO in bigger and better yields. Baker’s agricultural limestone pays off best because it does more. It sweetens soil to reduce acidity and raise pH level, and it also adds vital magnesium. Both are important to make sure that your crops can make full use of the fertilizers you apply Take care of your land, and your land will take care of you. Choose the brand of Baker’s agricultural limestone that meets your needs. Conestoga Volley balanced limestone from our Ephrata quarry 'Hy Mag limestone from our Paradise quarry FRANCIS WENGER Quarry ville - 786-2678 MARTINS FEED MILL, INC, Ephrata - 733-6518 HEISTAND BROS. Elizabethtown - 367-1504 CLIFFORD HOLLOWAY Peach Bottom - 548-2640 Products of The J. E. Baker Co. Call collect—(7l7) 354-4202 caster Fanning Ads Pay FAST MILKING*, Full-capacity milk claw m 1. Narrow-bore teat cup liners 2. 3. ___ _| it Question : What’s the heart of flllU ■■ any milking system? Answer: THE PULSATOR! Two types to choose from DE LAVAL STERLING OR MAGNETIC PULSATOR Here’s a brand new pulsator that brings you dependable pulsation, hour after hour, day after day, for years and years. There are no adjustments to make. Not af- fected by heat or cold or humidity, Rugged and corrosion-resistant. J. B. ZIMMERMAN S Blue Ball, Pa. SALES & SERVICE CALL 354-7481 Colcium Oxide Mognesium Oxide AMOSEBY Paradise-687-6860 SHOWS THE WAY TO Easy-to-handle pails Choose^s, 50 or 65 pound capacity. Il ll^ H HR SONS
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