K*x*:vx-:v:*x*xwx*x«%v»xw Hog Prices Vintage Auction Saturday, August 12 Barrows & Gilts; Steady to strong. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. 30.50- 31.25; US No. 1-3200-235 lbs. 29.85- 30.50; US No. 2-3190-250 lbs. 29.00- 29.75; US No. 2-4 250-270 lbs. 27.75- 28.85; US No. 2-4125-190 lbs. 26.35- 28.75. Sows: US No. 1-3 310-490 lbs. 23.25- 25.85. Boars: 22.50-24.00. Tuesday, August 15 Barrows and Gilts 1.00-1.50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 210-2401b5. 30.85-31.25; US 1-3 195- 250 lbs. 30.25-30.75, few 30.00- 30.25. Peoria Auction HOGS; 3000. moderately ac tive, opening fully steady US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 30.25-30.50; 1- 3 200-250 lbs. 29.75-30.25. FEED BETTER! The Red Rose Programmed Beef system will give your cattle the exact balance between feed and forage for best growth. To help you feed better you can choose Red Rose Beef Supplement, Brood Cow Cubes, 2C percent Cattle Cubes, Beef Pellets, Creep Feed o r Beef Starter Pellets. These feeds will raise your steers to market weights easier and earlier. The result more money for you. We’re anxious to explain Red Rose Programmed to you. Get in touch with us don’t wait another day, WALTER BINKLEY & SON MOUNTVILLE Lititz BROWN & REA, INC. Atglen ELVERSON SUPPLY CO. Elverson HENRY E. GARBER Elizabethtown, Pa E. MUSSER HEISEY & SON RD 2, Mt Joy, Pa HEISTAND BROS. Elizabethtown DAVID B. HURST Bowmansville MARTIN'S FEED Mill £ ‘ P „ S INC Ephrata,Pa G. R. MITCHELL, INC. Refton, Pa Lancaster Auction Wednesday, August 16 Barrows and Gilts 25-50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 205-2401b5. 31.25-31.50; US 1-3 195- 255 lbs. 30.10-30.75; mainly 30.50- 30.60 Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, August 15 145 Head of Hogs BARROWS AND'GILTS: U.S. 2-3 200 -250 pounds 30.60 - 31.00; 2- 4190 - 26030.10 - 30.35 ; 2-4 155 -190 28.35 - 29.50. SOWS: U.S. 1-3 300 - 500 pounds (few) 24.60 - 27.50; 2-3 300 - 600 (few) 23.50 - 24.50. BOARS: 24.00. Indianapolis Auction HOGS—2SOO. mostly steady, instances weak on 1-2 200-230 lbs., moderate 16 active. US 1-3 including 1-2 200-260 lbs. 30.00-30.50; 2-3 230-275 lbs. 29.50- 30.25. The Red Rose Programmed Beef system is the way! Red Rose CATTLE FEEDS MUSSER FARMS, INC. RED ROSE FARM SERVICE, INC. N Church St, Quarryville CHAS. E. SAUDER & SONS Terre Hill SHELLY BROTHERS RD 2, Manheim, Pa FEED SERVICE Mountville Columbia H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer Lancaster Market Monday, August 14 Barrows and Gilts 50 higher, instances 75 higher; Sows scarce. BARROWS AND GILTS-US 1 205-235 lbs. 31.00-31.50; US 1-2 200- 240 lbs. 30.25-30.75; US 2-3 190-260 lbs. 29.75-30.25. New Holland Auction Monday, August 14 Hog Receipts 1160. Retail 30.75- 31.25; US 2,3, 4 30-30.75; Heavyweights 29-30. St. tools Auction HOGS—4SOO. rather slow, 50-75 lower 30 head shipment US 1 near 220 lbs. 30.501-2 210-240 lbs. 30.25- 30.50; 1-3 200-240 lbs. 29.75-30.25. Peoria Cattle Thursday, August 17 Cattle weekly: Receipts this week 4900; last week 5165; receipts last year 3568. Slaughter steer and heifer prices decreased substantially during the entire week. As compared to the previous weeks full decline, slaughter steers closed fully 50- 75, instances 1.00 lower. Slaughter heifers ended 50-1.00, instances 1.25 lower. Cows steady to 25 higher. Bulls steady to strong. Supply mainly Good to Choice slaughter steers and heifers with several loads Choice to Prime. Balance of receipts mostly cows. Supply about 65 per cent steers; 30 per cent heifers; 5 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1225-1300 pounds 3-4, 37.25-38.25. Mixed Choice and Prime 1175-1325 pounds 3-4, 37.25-38.25. Mixed Choice and Prime 1175-1325 pounds 3-4, 36.75-37.75. Choice 975-1325 pounds 2-4, 35.50-37.25. Mixed Good and Choice 950-1225 pounds 34.75-36.50. Good 31.50- 35.50. Standard to Good Holsteins 32.00-32.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 925-1025 pounds 3-4, 36.00. Choice 800-1050 pounds 2-4, 33.50-35.75. Mixed Good and Choice 750-950 pounds 32.75-34.50. Good 30.50-33.75. COWS: Commercial 24.75- 26.00. Utility 25.25-27.50. High yielding Utility 27.50-28.00; in dividual 28.25. Cutter 23.25-26.50. Canner 20.00-23.50. Bulls: Utility and Commercial 30.00-33.00; couple 33.25 and 33.50. U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CATTLE HOGS SHEEP 498,000 1,125,000 150,000 Week to date Same period last week Same period last year No cost if lost Commonwealth Natnral Bank A CMcb liaraalta jSfe v ire» and Caalitiau lank in Mice s km guarantees My cnct Cari ac ment it checks > | caunt number town an it by * Mfe *QmP is written «n catihaUet check Check aravilel »Mt»W«t# Picture is •( m f aM^eMsit Mrsantfraw v «< by an es mt check Übhihea Check aaesmt busmen Car< exeeb $lOO I» »"Hrtr •* Check is K' lank lit may be at aiy hiUtf s name '** Commonwealth Master Charge Commonwealth JV National Bank AX The Master Charge Bank A.T.T3LT T,t*WT TXT* T.f.T.T-T.V.I.T r,TJ.T T.t.’TTT T T T^.t, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 19,1972 Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, August 17) Chicago Chicago New York Hogs Cattle Maine Potatoes 30.35 35.05 August September October 26.85 33.33 November 26.85 33.30 December January ‘73 February 26.70 34.07 March 24.35 34.02 4.51 April May 25.27 34.17 June 25.55 July 24.12 34 02 August October 22.72 Trend—Cattle are weaker, Hogs are weaker, Potatoes are weaker and Eggs are stronger. a-asked b-bid n-normal Markets provided by Commodity Dept., Reynolds Securities, Inc. New York Dressed Meats Thursday, August 17 Compared with Wednesday; Choice and Prime steer beef weak to mostly 50c lower. Good grade steady. Choice heifer beef fully $1 lower. Veal, calf and spring lamb steady to weak. Pork loins around $3 higher. Other listed pork cuts steady. Supply of pork moderate with other fresh meat classes normal. Beef sellers adjusting prices in line with lower trend for replacement stock and also endeavoring to create better purchasing power. Chain stores still buying light tonnage in beef while Arm Chucks and rough cuts continue under pressure. Steer Beef Prime 600 - 900 pounds 61.00 - 62.50; Choice 600 - 700 60.50 - 61.50; 700 - 800 60.00 - 61.00; 800 - 900 60.00 - 61.00; Good 500 - 800 57.00 - 58.00. Heifer Beef Choice 500 - 700 pounds 59.00 - 59.75. 485.000 473.000 1.131.000 1.243.000 Calf (Skin Off) 150 - 350 pounds Choice 79.50-83.50, Good 78.50 - 82 50; Standard 69.50 - 73.50. Veal (Skin Off) Choice 90 - 150 pounds 9&00 - 101.00; Good 60 - 90 85.00 - 90 00; Standard 60 - 120 73.00 - 76.00. Choice Beef Cuts Hinds (Steer) 145 - 190 pounds 69.00 - 72.50; Arm Chucks 90 -105 47.00 - 49.00; Ribs (7-rib) 34 - 40 76.00 - 80 00; Loins (trmd) 50 - 70 94.00 - 96.00; Rounds (Steer) 70 - 95 65.00 - 66.50; Full Plates 35.50 - 36.00; Hinds (Heifer) 120 - 170 66.00 - 68.00 Fresh Pork Cuts Loins (regular) 8-14 pounds 71.00 - 74.00; 14 - 17 69.00 - 71.00; Picnics (regular) 4 - 8 42.00 - 44.00; Boston Butts 4 - 8 54.00 - 55.50; Spareribs 3 pounds down 73.00 - 75.00; Spareribs 14 pounds down 56.00 - 58.50; Hams (skin ned) 14 pounds down 56.00 - 58.50; 14 -17 54.50 -56 00; 17 -20 54.50 - 56.00. Kosher Steer Beef Prices $1 lower. Prime Fores 52.00 - 55.50; Choice 52.50 - 55.50. Prices weak. Choice and Prime Spring Foresaddles 71.00 - 78.00. 151.000 148.000 Regional Hay Prices Monday, August 14 (All hay No 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm price per ton.) Hay and Straw steady to strong Alfalfa Mixedhay Timothy hay New Straw Mulch ERTH-RITE SEA-BORN ALGIT ZOOK & RANCK, INC. R.D. 1 Gap, Pa. 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 Chicago Fresh Eggs 32.75 34.85 3.64 39.20 48.85 40.45 39.85 4.26 38.80 5.13 36.35 Kosher Lamb 35.00- few sales to 50.00 25.00- few sale? to 45.00 25.00- 18.00- 10.00- 00 3
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