—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 1972 6 Fair Funds Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Jim McHale told members of the Agriculture Research Committee to remember the farmer in con sidering priorities for research projects for the coming fiscal year. “Research must benefit the family farmer and the Com monwealth’s economy,” said McHale. “The practical problems of revitalizing Penn sylvania must be answered. We cannot allow research to propagate merely the pet projects of academic and specialized industrial interests.” McHale stressed that “people and land” are the two most important factors in determining research priorities. The Secretary’s remarks came during the annual meeting of the Agriculture Research Committee last week at the Agriculture Building to select projects for 1972-73 that will be financed by surplus Fair Funds derived from Harness Racing proceeds About 17 new projects were proposed, many of while will have to be discarded because of funding limitations. McHale said another meeting will be held sometime before June 30 to decide while projects to pursue. According to Act 298 of 1967, a portion of monies raised by the State Harness Racing Com mission is paid into the Penn sylvania Fair Fund A surplus of Fair Funds up to $400,000 can then be disbursed for agricultural Strip tests prove it Cattle prefer Pioneer ® brand sor ghum-sudangrass hybrid over other brands. That means they’ll eat more .. . make more meat or milk. Unbeat able hot-weather pasture or green-chop. Can be planted on diverted acres Treat your cattle to the borghum-sudangrass hybrid they like best 988! SEE or CALL YOUR PIONEER DEALER /S\ PIONEER SORGHUM Pioneer is a brand name, numbers identify varieties ® Registered trade mark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Des Moines, lowa, U.S.A. to Benefit Family Farmer through Research research projects “as deter mined by the Secretary of Agriculture from the recom mendations submitted by a committee appointed by him.” Among committee members are Dr. David McClay, acting dean of the College of Agriculture at Pennsylvania State University and Dr. Mark W. Allam, dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania, the two schools at which the bulk of the projects are conducted. Col. Raymond W Reisner, comptroller for the Agriculture Department, reported that Fair Fund allocations have diminished becuase of increasing fair costs. The appropriation for 1971-72 was $290,459. Reisner projected that funds available for research at the end of this fiscal year would total $315,650. Of this about $lOO,OOO is needed to continue existing ap proved projects, leaving about $215,000 for new projects. However, new requests presented totaled almost $360,000. Penn State introduced seven new projects, and the University of Pennsylvania, six. As a beef operator you’re interested in maximizing your profit picture. You're looking for new ideas, new methods and new innovations that will help “beef up” your profit. Here’s a program worth looking into. It’s called "Van Dale Systems Feeding." It starts with maximizing your production of total digestible nutri ents with increased haylage and silage. This permits the best use of your land and cattle coupled with a fully mechanized feeding system. Van Dale has the equipment and know-how for maximizing profits through mechanized feeding FORAGE BOXES So let’s bring it in from the field with a Van Dale Forage Box. These rugged built units are equipped with exclusive auger-type “beaters” that deliver all kinds of forage under ail kinds of conditions. No clogging at the blower, as the forage is metered between the augers —not over the top! SILAGE DISTRIBUTORS Van Dale distributors insure even silage distribution throughout the silo for a maximum fill The 1640 Power Fit's unique revolving deflector plate diverts the explosive force of incoming material and spreads it evenly in a con tinuous sweeping pattern to the wall. The 538 oper ates in an elliptical motion, directing forage to the outside walls of the silo. Varied spout rotation speed allows for even fills SILO UNLOADERS There's a Van Dale unloader for every feeding application. These high performance twin-auger units can handle virtually any silage or haylage under the most adverse conditions... frozen, gummy or what have you, and do it fast. The 1230 has been customer-certified in the field to outperform, and outlast any make its size. For hard work in smaller silos there’s the 1020 F. The Industrial is built for silos from 20 to 40 has a capacity up to 40 tons per Thomas Rowland, the Agriculture Department’s planning and research director, issued guidelines for drawing up project proposals. Most im portantly, proposals must show how they would benefit the family farmer. Emphasis is on practical research that will revitalize rural Pennsylvania. McHale, acknowledging recent publicity over the termination of certain projects at Penn State, said the differences between the department and the school “are not that broad” and hoped for cooperation on future projects. During the past five years, McHale noted, about $2.5 million has gone for agricultural research projects, yet the far mer’s economic condition is still in distress. He asked that research serve as a stimulas for drawing federal funds into rural Pennsylvania. “In the past Washington has put money into the cities. Now the money must be channeled into rural areas and this department must be the action group to get that money.” McHale told committee members, “The people around Non-Stop Feeding VANT DALE Box 337 • Long Lake, Minnesota this table might forget that the farmer is getting 77 cents for wheat and that’s a shame.” He also cautioned that use of the Fair Funds might be jeoparadized if projects did not show greater benefits for the farmer. Lanchester Pony Club Plans Annual Horse Show During March, the Lanchester Pony Club heard a lecture on Polo by Harlan C. Williams. During his lecture, Williams introduced the Pony Clubbers to proper attire and demonstrated how the equipment is used. He explained the type of horse used and how they are conditioned and trained for this rugged sport. Members have been busy getting patrons, ads and sponsors for the annual Spring Horse Show to be held May 6 at the John Gibson Farm, Drumore, Pony Club headquarters. Winners of the poster contest CALEB M. WENGER Drumore Center, RDI Quarryville, Pa.~ Phone 548-2116 Make Farm Buildings Safer Farmers should make a safety check of their buildings during early spring, says the Cooperative Extension service Farm and Home Safety Com mittee of Pennsylvania State University. Stairways should be sound and uncluttered, providing protection around loft doors and feed bay chutes, floors should be repaired and light provided in dangerous corners. publicizing the show are Vicki Armstrong, Katherine Read and Lindsey Rodney. A Junior Hunter show, the Spring Horse Show is open to anyone wishing to participate. Chairmen for the event are Bill Rankin (717-786-3819) and Bob Welk (717-464-3045). It is the Club’s annual fund raising event. The next event on the Pony Club’s calendar are Horse Trails, to be held at the headquarters April 16. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD-IT PAYSI BULK STORAGE BINS Supplementary feeds are easily handled with Van Dale’s bulk stor age feed bins. The Super Stores are available in 4Vz or 7 1 /z ton sizes. These units are fiberglas con structed . They won't rust, dent, cor rode or absorb heat from the sun. CONVEYORS Whether straight-out, incline, au ger or chain, Van Dale conveyors fit most any automated feeding system. The SCCI4OO Chain Con veyor is Van Dale’s highest capacity conveyor. It handles all rations— safely. The CT2OO and 300 auger type conveyors are adaptable to any feeding system. They’re tough, efficient, easy to install \d economically priced. BUNK FEEDERS Van Dale has a bunk feeder for every operation. The SCFI4OO Traveling Bunk Feeder is a single chain unit that will carry and feed virtually everything. The Mammoth 14 Multi-Feeder is an auger type de signed especially for multi-lot operations. The 934 and 1234 Auger Bunk Feeders are the sturdiest, smoothest operat ing, lowest cost feeders ever produced. Then, there’s the stainless steel Shaker Feeder, A combination feeder and bunk designed for single lot operations. Van Dale Systems Feeding comes down to one word ... efficiency. Van Dale offers var ious models and sizes of feed ing equipment to most effici ently match the needs of every feedlot layout... old or new, large or small. Check with your Van Dale dealer to see what you need to maximize your profits. And ask him about Van Dale’s new agri-leasing program.
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