16—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. October 9,1971 Lanchester Pony Members of Lanchester Pony Club, and their parents recently attended the annual meeting and picnic at Pony Club headquarters on the John Gibson farm near Drumore. Guests included Col. Howard Fair, Newark, Del., and Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Moore, Darling, Pa. Elected to the execuitve committee for the coming year were: Mr. and Mrs. George Hassler 11, Quarryville; Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Little, Quarryville; Mr. and Mrs. John Waters, Refton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane, Elkton, Md; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Myer, Kirkwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Rankin, New Providence; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hill, Lincoln University; Mr. and Mrs. Jere Bunting, Willow Street; Dr. and Mrs. John Farmer, Lancaster, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welk, Willow Street. Mrs. Hassler and Little are district comissioners for the Lanchester Pony Club. Lane is president of the executive committee, Welk is vice president, Mrs. Rankin is secretary, and Rankin is treasurer. Presentations of awards for outstanding achievments throughout the past year were made as follows: The Niel Kaiser Memorial Trophy to Wendell Lane, Elkton, Md., and the Beverly Miller JOHN DEERE SELF-UNLOADING WAGONS 125 Chuck Retire the unloading hook and silage fork... put John Deere Self-Unloaders to work for you. High volume Forage Wagons keep pace with modern forage harvesters. Durable Chuck Wagons are built to take year-round feedlot use. Stop in for the details. Finance charges waived on forage wagons until May 1, 1972. Shotzberger's Landis Bros. Inc. Elm 665-2141 Lancaster 393-3906 M. S. Yearsley & Sons West Chester 696-2990 Wenger Implement, Inc. A. B. C. Groff, Inc. The Buck 2844141 New Holland 354-41»i Club Holds Banquet Memorial Trophy to Sally Lane, Elkton, Md. First place winners in the various riding levels for high score on tests were Ralph Hill, Mary Beth Little, Maureen Little, and Kathrine Read. First place winners for the most points accumulated at rallies went to Ralph HOI, Mary Beth Little, and Lisa Kolb. Four Lanchester Pony dub members have taken part in the club exchange program during the summer. Mary Beth Little and Patti Hassler, QuarryvOle, were guests of the Lake Oswego Pony Club in Oregon. SaUy Lane, Ilkton, Md., and Carol Myer, Kirkwood, were guests of the Millbrook New York Pony dub. Ralph Hill, Lincoln Univer sity, a member of Lanchester Pony dub and a member of the United States Pony Club team, consisting of six members, is now in England as part of the in ternational Exchange Program. Ihe Old iimm FRIENDLY urnto CO. J P.FRIENDiy PRES “The way most people manage to live within their income is partially.” Notice! JDCP! u ly je ge ing bs 'agon &^HAND HARVE WIN A $lOOO SHOPPING SPREE! OUR GRAND PRIZE! To be awarded Saturday, October 16, the day of the Sale. Plus exciting prizes to be awarded every day ... THREE $5O SHOPPING SPREES DAII Be sure to register every day for these prizes ... on the second fl either store, Downtown or Park City. All adults other than \A/ Shand employees and their families are eligible. No purchase sary for you to win! DOWNTOWN LANtf SHOP 9:30 TO 5 FRIDAY AND TUESDAY 9:30 TO 9 PARK CITY: SHOP DAILY 10 TO 9:30 Starts Frida^ at two store: EIGHT DAYS OF SAVINGS! Its bac Lancaster's great Fall savings eventlDoi lar because you can save in either bf 1 Watt & Shand stores... in Downtown Lc Park City. Don't miss our biggest Harvest
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