Farmsßeing Developed The Virginia Tech College of Architecture is reported help ing to develop the Ambassadors Paradise Farms near Paradise as a recreation area for Chinese students and Christians. An Ambassadors for Christ spokesman .said this week that the old farmhouse and grounds has been converted to a dormi tory which can sleep 50 persons. A chapel has been constructed. Obsolete farm buildings have been torn down. Excavation of a lake has begun. Voracious Fish Schools of piranha, a fish common to the entire Ama zon Basin, can strip a wounded animal or man to a Skeleton in minutes. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD - IT PAYS! New Asgrow RX Line hybrids the corn-profit prescription you asked for New RX hybrids . . . disease resistant by design not by accident . . . prescrip tion-bred to give you what you’ve always wanted in hybrids: Genetic character istics to help you cope with the complex problems affecting your corn produc tion. DV OC "NORMAL CYTOPLASM" in 1972 j ll#V Ov prescription-bred for this area and your farm RX 85 is an extremely uniform special cross—a record performer you can put your trust in. It’s prescription-bred for high profit potential and disease resist ance—including Race “T” Southern corn leaf blight. Q An excellent yielder with good tolerance to MDM. □ Uniform, medium-tall plants with semi-upright leaves stand exceptionally well. □ Medium- to smooth-dent kernels have high test weight. Q A real profit producer, it is excellent for picking and combining. As an experimental hybrid in 1970 on Normal Cytoplasm, this variety produced 177.4 bu/acre at Manheim, Pa. Asgrow Research and Development Test Plot. RX 85’s Emrly-Season Zone Twin RX 60 Produced from plants with normal cytoplasm to provide resistance to Race “T” Southern corn leaf blight, this hybrid offers superior blight resistance It grows well in narrow rows and at high popula tions and has excellent resistance to stalk rots The medium-dent kernels have a good test weight and the gram dries exceptionally fast at maturity 1970, asan “N” Cytoplasm Hybrid (yielded 173.5 bu/a. to out yield 24 other varieties by 10 bu/a. in Asgrow Research Plot. RX 85’s Full-Season Zone Twin RX99 A prescription-bred, pure single cross, RX 99 Is produced from the same, but reselected inbreds as IXL 9—reselected for more uniformity, better seed vigor, and higher yielding ability It is resist ant to Northern and Southern (Race "T"). leaf blights and tolerant to MDM Medium-height plants with thick, sturdy stalks and massive roots mean good standability—even under stress Large, heavy ears have high test weight, medium dent kernels An excellent picking or combining corn with a yield potential over 250 bushels per acre. Fulton Grange Reelects Holloway Fulton Grange, meeting September 13 at Oakryn, reelected Richard Holloway Master for the coming year. Other officers who will be in stalled at the October 11 meeting are; Junior matron, Mrs. Jacob - Fantom; overseer, James - Huber; Lecturer, Mrs. J. Stanley Stauffer Jr.; Steward, David Knight; Assistant Steward, Lloyd Welk; Chaplain, Gyles Brown; Treasurer, R. Clair Murphy; Secretary, Mrs. Charles Mc- Sparran; Gatekeeper, Donald Reath; Ceres, Joyce Galbreath; Pomona, Miss Peggy Jackson; Flora, Mrs. Rebecca Quinn; Lady Assistant Steward, Miss Donna Welk; Executive Com- You may have seen RX 60 At the recent AG-PROGRESS Days, State College For More Information Call or Write to Robert Hood, White Horse mittee Member, Norman Wood; Finance Committee Member, Richard Lefever; Pianist, Mrs. Richard Lefever; Trustees, David Wissler and Thomas Galbreath; Purchasing Agent, C. G. McSparran; Hospitalization Secretary, Mrs. Robert Mc- Sparran; Flower Committee - Mrs. Mary Giffing and Mrs. Anna Armstrong; Librarian, Mrs* o.Richard Hanks and Scout Representative, Richard Nye. The youth committee an nounced that the Philadelphia baseball game August 27 was rained out and they are rescheduling the bus trip for September 28 to see the Pitt sburgh- Philadelphia game. There were five colored photo entries which will compete in the asgrow ASGROW SEED CO. Box 8, Mechanicsburg, Pa. 17055 Phone 717-766-7608 Grain Merchants, Inc. R. D. #2, Cochranville, Pa. 19330 Phone 215-869-8301 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 18.1971—11 Pennsylvania State Grange ■contest. J. Robert Reed, accompanied by Mrs. Richard Jackson, played a medley of songs on his violin. He was then presented a decorated cake in observance of his 87th birthday. Mrs. Clifford W. Holloway Jr conducted a quiz and games. Need . . . HAY - STRAW - EAR CORN Buy Now and Save! More and more farmers are buying from us for better value and all around satisfaction DELIVERED ANY QUANTITY Phone Area Code 717 687-7631 Esbenshade Turkey Farm PARADISE PA. Are your beef cattle programmed There is a program that will give your cattle the exact balance between feed and forage for maximum growth and profit. Whether yours is a cow-calf opera tion, or you’re finishing cattle for market, Red Rose’s unique new service can take the guesswork out of your feeding operation. You tell us about your herd. The breed. Average weight. The gam per head you want to achieve. What forage you’re feeding and how much. Give us these facts and we’ll analyze your herd and tell you how you can obtain the most efficient, profitable opera tion possible. Your present feeding program may be the best possible one for your herd. But, if you’re not abso lutely sure, let us compute it the Red Rose way. This scientifically formulated analysis is free. Red Rose ,fl U Walter Binkley & Son Lititz Brown & Rea, Inc. Atglen Elverson Supply Co. Elverson L. T. Geib Estote Manheim I. B. Groybill & Son Strasburg E. Musser Heisey & Son B. D. #2, Mt. Joy, Pa. Heistond Bros. Elizabethtown Red Rose Form Service, Inc. N. Church St, Quarryville .David B. Hurst The last of the county Grange visitation meetings will be held September 21 at the Quarryville Fire Hall under the direction of Colerain Grange. Salisbury Grange will present the program and Fulton Grange officers will open and close the meeting. The Pomona chorus will hold rehearsal at the conclusion of that meeting. G. R. Mitchell, Inc. Refton, Pa, Mountyille Feed Service Mountville Musser Farms, Inc. Columbia Martin's Feed Mill Ephrata, Pa. Chas. E. Sauder & Sons Terre Hill Shelly Brothers B, D. 2, Manheim, Pa. E. P. Spotts, Inc. Honey Brook H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Witmer
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