Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 14, iiiSiiftefl Female Help ATTENTION—TOYS & GIFTS PARTY PLAN Demonstrate the newest, most complete line of Toys & Gifts for Christmas. Highest commis sions. No investment! Generous Bonus Plan for Dealers and Hostesses. Call or write “Santa’s Parties”, Avon, Conn. 06001. Telephone 1 (203) 673-3455. ALSO BOOKING PARTIES. Male Help Married man to work on Dairy Farm. House Available, Experi ence Necessary. Call 267-6198. Doiry Equipment Walker approved tanks: 1000 Creamery Package $2500.00; 400 Creamery Package Vacuum $1274.00; 450 Esco $1276.00; 240 Esco $675.00; 300 Dair Kool $775.00. Will de liver and guaranteed. CURRY SUPPLY Phone 814-793-2829 Curryville, Penna. For Sale —Kelly-Duplex 1 ton Feed Mixer with 5 hp single phase motor $2OO. Also belt ■driven Corn Cracker & Line Shaft, Tractor Cab for 600-800 Ford Clifford Grube RD#l Womelsdorf, Pa. 19567 Phone 717-933-8763 One 425 gallon Sunset Bulk Tank, M.C.D. No. 1 stamped. One 400 gallon Girton round vacuum tank. CLARK ELECTRIC RDI, Klnzers, Pa. Ph: Intercourse 768-8228 Auctions Public Auction AT GREENSBORO, MD. Sot. Aug. 21, 11 o.m. John Deere 4020, JD 4010 Diesel Tractors, JD 105 Combine w/4 row corn head, plows, disc, 494-A Planter, drill, back & front Cultivators, Loader, Sprayer, Etc. Etc Clarence Knotts, Owner at Greensboro, Md. Harry Rudnick & Sons, Inc. Sales Managers USED LUMBER SALE WEDNESDAY EVE'G AUG. 18, at 7:00 P.M. Located 2 Miles South of Manheim. Turning East off Rt. 72 on the Lititz Rd. Near Roots Country Mdt. All kinds of Lumber. 2x4’s, 2x6’s, 2xB’s, 4x4’s, yellow pine roofing, plywood, doors, 200’ spouting, Four 60’ Big Dutchmenwaterers, Three 24” Fans, Elec? wire, switch boxes, 1/8 T. elec, chain hoist, scales, wh. barrow, 30 gal. tank, chimney flu, hog trough, pipes, etc. some poultry equip. & items not listed. SALE BY GLENN HERR C. H. WOLGEMUTH (AUCT.) PH. 665-5664 Farm Equipment' Little Colt Camper Caps for 8 ft. and 6 ft. beds. Road Cap Pickup Caps. Special Caps for stepside pickup beds and Jeep pickups. Ferguson 35 Tractor ELWOOD FLOWERS Manheim RD2, Pa. Phone 653-4839 Used 1968 Fox SPF. Diesel with pickup and 2 row head, 1965 Gas self-propelled Fox with 2 row head, Super 6 with 1 row head, used New Holland, Case, 300, Int. 350, and A.C. 780 har vesters. 1 used harvester for Uni System. J.D. 4 row cultivators, used hay crimpers. STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE COCHRANVILLE, PA. 19330 Phone 215-593-5280 For Sale % bushel Tomato baskets, 30c each in 100 lots or ■more. Added charge for delivery. Used Poles for sale. Howard Groff Co. 11l E. Bth St. Quarryville, Pa. 17566 ■ For Rent Cement Finisher $13.00 per day. Sander—sls.oo per day. Howard Groff Co. 11l E. Bth St. Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Massey Ferguson 1130 Tractor Ford 8N M. M. WEAVER & SONS Massey-Ferguson Sales & Services 717-656-7702 Leola, Pa. Corn Pickers, 1 and 2 row, Mounted, pull type and self pro pelled; Gravity Boxes, harvest ers, forage wagons, elevators, blowers, corn cribs, choppers, grain drills, grinder-mixers, disc harrows, potato diggers, baler twine $5.85 per bale, crawler and wheel type tractors, 1855 Oliver tractor. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rt. 72 and 283 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster Phone 717-569-9861. Auctions Yost Farms Sheep and Equip ment auction, just off Rte 15 at Campbell, Steuben Co., N.Y., Sat., Aug. 21 at 9:30 a.m. Selling 4 tractors, 4 trucks, s p combine, all farm machinery, sheep equip ment, small items, hay and oats, etc., in morning. Livestock at 1:30 p.m—7oo sheep (half are natives, half are Westerns), 2 trained Border collies, saddle horses and ponies. For full list mailed you, write Rumsey Sales, 226 Liberty St., Bath, N.Y. or phone 607-776-3478. Phone 394-3047 or 626-2191 Farm Equipment PARTS BY THE THOUSANDS: Dismantling Cat D 2 turn D 8; 933, 955, 977; HDS thru HD2I Int. TD6 thru TD2S; Oliver Cletrac, ID, Case, transmissions, final drives, winches. Engines, power units. Good used crawlers, loaders, backhoes. New & used tracks, rollers, idlers, sprockets, up to 30% off on new bottoms. “If Not Listed Ask For It” Wanted: Used equip, parts. Ben Lombardo Equip. Co., R.D.#6, Sink Sprg. MN, Rdg., Pa. Ph: 215-678-1941, 944-7171. NEW EQUIPMENT Case—New Idea Dunham tillage equipment Farm-eze belt feeders Heald & Sensation trail bikes USED EQUIPMENT IH, NH, NI, AC, Ford spreaders Hawkbilt tank spreader NH, IH forage blowers AC 56F flail chopper 660 Case combine, grain & corn NI 702 Uni w/forage harvester Case 480 loader-hoe 300 hrs. Rental Equipment Case Uni-loader Case Backhoe-loader Case Windrower A. L. HERR & BRO. Quarryville 786-3521 Used Fox Self-Propelled Harves ter with GM diesel FARMERSVILLE EQUIP. Inc Ephrata RD2, Pa. 717-354-4271 CA Tractor w/Cultivator New Idea 760 Harvester w/2- row corn head AC 780 Harvester w/2-row com head ROY H. BUCK, INC. Ephrata International 150 bu. Spreader Farmall 560 Tractor International 16 Forage Harvest- er New Holland Forage Harvester COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence 786-7351 Let Us Demonstrate Our New 56” Fill-Rite Blowers and Recutters. Starline Feeding Systems Starline Unloaders Belt Feeders Tapered Board Feeders We have new and used single chain or belt conveyors in stock. Check our prices be fore you buy. LANCASTER SILO CO. SERVICE DEPT. 2008 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, Penna. MANURE PITS 36 ft., 48 ft. & 60 ft. Diameter 12 ft. Dip circular precast concrete with Gunite coated interior. Zimmerman Industries, Inc. RD#l Ephrata, Pa. 17522 733-6166 Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 Farm Equipment USED TRACTORS Case 1030 Dsl. Case 930 Dsl Case 730 Gas—Sold Case- 730 Gas Case 430 Dsl. w/loader - Case 541 C Gas Case 530 w/loader Case 400 Dsl Ford 971 Dsl MM Model U Oliver 77 Gas New 6 in. PTO Driven Auger Elevators 32 foot lengths $350. Cash & Carry. Not set up. Call for special prices on new Gravity Boxes. Used N.I 702 Dsl. Uni-System w/cab. KINZER EQUIP. CO. Kinzers, Pa. Ph 442-4186 Lane. Customers Ph. 768-8916 We are now open til 9 PM. Tuesdays. FARM EQUIPMENT New #27 Baler $1490. New 4-row 3 pt. Cultivator $839. New Rotary Cutter 3 pt. . $390. New #l4 Rake 7 ft. . $590. International Harvester Sales & Service 1054 S. State St., Ephrata Phone 733-2283 For Sale Alias Chalmers CA with Plows, Corn Planter, Culti vator and Sub Soiler. Like new condition Phone 626-8648. FARM SERVICE For fast service on your New Holland, AC, or other farm equipment call 626-7766 859-2441 NH Demonstrators Self Pro pelled “1880” 9 knife and pull type 880 9 knife Forage Harves ters. USED, NH 717 1-row Forage Harvester, Silo pipe, goosenecks and distributors; Tank and Beat er type Manure Spreaders; New NH and Lamco Forage Boxes. * SERVICE 700 Woodcrest Ave. RD#3 Lititz, Pa. CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS Poultry & Supplies LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY 2 Box 317 Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 Phone (717) 367-1545 Day old and started pullets • J. J. WARREN SEX-SAL DAY OLD AND STARTED PULLETS LEUKOSIS RESISTANT GIVE THEM A TRY! • WHITE MOUNTAIN CROSS BROILER CHICKS * BROILER CHICKS WITH TOP PERFORMANCE ROYAi Farm Equipment Fickes Silos ana Badger Feeding Equipment. Speedy Corn Cribs. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE QuarryviUe Ph. 786-3630 4040 Simplicity New Tractor 16% h p. Just right for those odd farm jobs and lawn care AC 10 ft. Transport Disc Forage Harvesters Engine & PTO Balers L. H. BRUBAKER 350 Strasburg Pike Lancaster, Pa. Ph. 397-5179 Used Elevators $25. to $175. 300 Case Tractor New Tires Good Condition, Reason ably Priced 14T J.D. Baler with Thrower 550 Case Windrower — Sold 25V I.H. Mower 30H Case Industrial Mower New Idea Trailer Mower K 54 Kools Blower — Sold 190 Case Loader/Hydraulic Dump Top Trade In Allowance On Elevators WALTER BINKLEY & SON R. D. 4, Lititz, Pa. Ph. 626-4705 Poultry & Supplies KimberChiks and Started Puffers Warren Sex-Sal, Golden Sex Link, Broiler Chicks Cobb and Wt. Mt. Moyer's Chicks, Inc. Quakertown, Pa. Ph. 215-536-3155 SHAVER |Q v*! LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. 1, PA 1971 27
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