22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 14,1971 Idas Notehoo It is a marvel to me that more farmers are not injured in their daily rounds of duties. There is so much machinery to be handled, silos to be climbed and sprays to be used. Not even mention electrical repairs and constant use of gasoline. We’ve had our share of broken bones and big and little fires. It is said some people are accident prone and this appears to be true, as the same persons are continually involved in troubles. I feel safety cannot be stressed too much in connection with farm work. After all, we can’t always be lucky. * ♦ * * How many Lancaster Countians have visit ed half of the historic sights in our area? As By rural workers we often are not free to take a month’s vacation or even a week A few hours spent touring the long tnp. Cloisters, Rockford or Wheatland Progressive Parties Bring In Health Funds The Fulton Grange sponsored - progressive parties lor the bene fit of the Southern Lancaster bounty Family Health Center continue to bring, in funds. To date they have realized $523.33. In the past two weeks the fol lowing have held parties from which $273.33 was contributed. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wood, Mr.. and Mrs. E. S. Cromwell Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James Kreider, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin H. Bleacher, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood, Mr. and Mrs. John Denlinger, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald 'Kreider, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Sheetz, Mr. and Mrs. James Douts, Mr. and Mrs. Wil der K. Kreider, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. McSparran, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aument, Mr.- and Mrs. James R. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fowl, Mr. and Mrs. William Frutchey, Mr. and Mrs. Elias R>. Groff, Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Holloway Jr. There was also a $2O donation. can be a welcome change. On a second visit to the Ephrata Cloisters this summer, I was amazed at the austere and pious simplicity of the surroundings. While writing this article, I’ve been interrupted so many times with questions. “Do these cookies look okay for tonight 7” “May I phone my girlfriend to come down to visit?” “Where is the carpenter’s pencil?” Shall I make cornmeal yeast rolls?” “Will it rain or should the sweet corn he sprayed today?” So, I give up for today. FIX-IT tip Remember that although an air conditioner- is basi cally a small refrigeration unit that cools and dehu midifies the air, it can do you little good unless air circulates through-it. So, in addition to the refrigeration unit, there is the blower—a fan that draws air from the room into the unit and then • circulates it into the room after it is cooled. If you slow down that flow of air, which should be continuous, you cut down on the effi ciency of the air conditioner. LANCASTER FARMING ADS PAY CALL 394-3047 OR 626-2191 LANCO BEDDING FOR POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK • Wood Shavings Soft and Hard Wood Call for information Phone 285-4506 WE NOW HAVE SEVERAL NEW Trojan Hybrids Available All Trojan Seed will be of normal cytoplasm. EUGENE HOOVER Lititz, R. D. 3 569-0756 Order Your Seed From t » i ✓ m'*" mjM, fesimtiy!
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