—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. February 13,1971 6 Proposal! Pennsylvania Brand Egg Program Discussed Her (Continued from Page 1) the time she gets it out of the gram He said it is important Hess also noted that some caiton,” he explained that the local biand piognm chains in recent years have that the basic pait of the pio- There’s too much shell dam be one of the fust so that the “spun off then egg pioduction giam staits with the pioducei, a g e an( j this Wl n have to be local egg mdustiy can “capita- units” he said, ‘were aftei a pioduct wa tched caiefully if the brand hze on some of the maikets that In other comments, Hess of umfoini high quality ’ piogram is adopted, he said He aie in oui backyards” stated, “We must leahze we He explained that the popula- also emphasized that the brand Asked about multi-billion dol- aie production oriented Be tion today is veiy mobile and egg piogiam involves highei lar chain stoies which have cause we have never done mai moves fiom one stoie to an- costs including higher delivery then own integrated egg set up, keting we don’t know too much other to shop If the housewife costs Something has to be built Mitchell emphasized the need to about it We must understand gets accustomed to a pioduct, into this pi ogram to covei these sell the piogiam to the consum- the tiue nature of marketing she expects it to look the same costs ei “Make the consumer depen- and this we have never done ” fiom one stoie to the next He said the brand program is dent on it Consumers buy He also said that if the m- He emphasized that the quah- a supplement to existing prac- biands in any pioduct because dustiy has its own biand name ty will have to be maintained in tices and cannot offset poor they have confidence in It ” to protect, poultrymen aie go both the intenoi and the ex- management piactices and in- He continued, “We must con- mg to get more involved and do tenor of the egg One of the fenor pioducts vmce the chain stoie that by a bettei job to make the pro most fiequent complaints he handling two biands of eggs duct light than if they’re sell heais about eggs, he said, is T Conclusion it's goin g to se n moie eggs and mg under somebody else’s that the housewife can’t get , In the question period, a pro- satisfy more people and make name them out of the cai ton because ducei asked if feed men will get more money ” All three speakers emphasiz they stick fast The fust as- inv ° lvecl m supp a umloim He also stated that if a good ed the difficulties and time and sumption of the consumer is P locl^ ,ct s ° tnat e S2 yolks will an( j 1S developed the chains work involved m getting a that the egg is ciacked 01 60 uni 01 m Quan y “can’t decide tomonow they’ie brand egg program undeiway. broken This may not be the Birth said that umfoimitv “is not going to sell vour eggs be- but they said that such a pro case "but piobably will be by n °t as senous a problem as i, cause the consumer won’t let gram is needed to insure a once was The mam thing, he them” sound futme for the local egg said, is uniformity of egg Bnth added that many chains mdustiy quality within the same cai- have been disillusioned by then Sponsored by the Lancaster * on egg pioduction piogiams be- County Poultry Association, the In other comments, Hess cause they haven’t been able meeting was conducted by Jav noted that two states aie be- to maintain the egg quality and W Irwin, associate Lancaster ginning an egg check off pro- umfoinnty they desne County agucultuial agent • Farm Calendar (Continued fiom Page 1) 6 30 p m —Pennsylvania Milleis’ and Feed Dealers Associa tion legional meeting, Lin coln Woods Inn York 7 p m —Manheim Young Farni eis Welding Couise No 2, Agricultuie Depaitment, Manheim Cential High School 30 pm —‘‘lmmunization ’ of Poises, Di Dwight Schvvaitz, Penn State Extension Vetei manan, Municipal Building, 400 S Btn St, Lebanon 730 pm—Octoiaro Watershed , meeting, Octoraio High School 730 pm —lndian Run Water shed meeting, Ephiata High School Income Tax Workshop for PARA Clients, Faim and Home Centei Friday, February 19 6 45 pm —Garden Spot Young Farmers annual banquet, Blue Ball Fue Hall Skating Paity. Bioken Bit 4H Light Hoise and Pony Club Satuiday, Februaiy 20 State Grange Regional Institute, St Mary’s v f ... with a $lOO minimum balance Write as many checks as you like — FULTON %dima£ BANK SERVING LANCASTER AND DAUPHIN COUNTIES Member Federal Reserve System / F.D I C. "*y " y> ir FREE! ■I-: lli 1 11! ' i w ■t ■:, t Vernon Leminger, poultry i sociation chairman, spoke brii ly, emphasizing the role of tl farmer in steadily increasii production at reduced costs, pi ting him in the forefront in tl U S fight against inflation. Help Us Serve You Is your farm organiza tion’s meetings making our farm calendar? If they’re not and you think they should, let us know. As a public service to farmers and the farm com munity, we try to get as many meetings as we can on the calendar. But we miss some. Remind us by calling 394- 3047 or 626-2191 or by writ ing to Lancaster Farming, 22 E Mam St, Lititz, Pa. 17543. You can help us serve you bettei mt* lift y'Mi < v AI CVrV i''n‘ ,il “W -JJ <. > < < \i < s f* i s WF 'f ! t, ■ ** , s Ml fWJ •] !!7 SI i i* ]\r I'M *j 5 : f ? H i N \ ‘I 1/ /: If if ha , h r t' i > ;I|i i v !' - • « * 1 <tSi I
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