—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 13,1971 12 The Sixth Annual Red Rose Southeastern Pennsylvania Dairy Conference was held Tuesday at the Guernsey Pavil ion, Lancaster. Among those participating in the piogram of working be hind the scenes were these men left to light, seated, Jack Miller of Ciutiss Breeding Seivice, Inc. Wally Lindskoog, ownei of Aihnda Holstein Farm in Cali fornia and keynote speaker, Dick Stem, John W Eshelman and Sons; left to right, standing, Bill Stewart, New Holland Sup ply Co, Lloyd Fortna, Allis Chalmers Co; Jerry Shaffer. PP&L farm specialist, and Loiin Weigaid, John W Eshel man and Sons Speakers and their topics in cluded - Try A Classified Ad It Pays! Plug it in and forget it . . . Th is high-capacity Reddy Heater has an automatic safety shut-off control Exclusive control .gives you peace of mind Stops heater automatically if flame or ignition fail. Makes it ideal for building tradesmen, farmers, waiehouses ,any application where heater must run unattended over night. Big 85,000 BTU capa city Buns up to 145 hours on tankful of low-cost kero sene. Hauls easily in a car. Ask for demonstration. ddy Heafeß GEHMAN BROS. Sales and Service 1 Mile North of Terre’Hill on Route 897 East Earl, R D. 1, Pa. Phone 215-445-6272 . Shaffer of PP&L spoke on Division, discussed worming power for all phases of farm dairy cattle operation and all types of jobs , _ _ _ . „ , ~ , . Miles R Carrj, Curtiss Breed- Shaffer of PP&L spoke on in g a g licu ituial relations direc power for all phases of farm tm explained selecting the operation and all types of jobs IJoht bull Weigard explained held an alysis as related to protein and Jim Thomas of Allis-Chalmers energy requirements foi the pro- reviewed tiactor selection in re ducing heid. lation to farm s\ stems, includ ina flo till C E McDougall, sales lepie- ° sentative of Merck Chemical Lindskoog, SUNSET AUTOMATIC SPIN-CLEAN WASHER Sunset 1000 gal. Milk Cooler with automatic Spin-Clean Washer • Saves time and effoit O Conti ols watei and detei opni • Cleans thoioughly eveiy a time e Fits all Sunset Coolei s © Piotects your cooler • Adapts to most Bulk Coolei s SIMPLE TO OPERATE a. PRE RINSE with lukewarm water, without recirculating. This means that only clean water is sprayed in the tank then drained out directly b. RINSE with lukewarm water, which is recirculated through the pump, then drained ' c. WASH with hot water and deteigent, recirculated through pump, then diained d. FINAL RINSE with lukewaim water and optional acidi fied unse, recirculated and drained Your Authorized Sunset Dealer who is '.s' I Lancaster. Supply’ Center .. 1027 DiUerville Ed., v > Lancaster, Pa. Ph: 717-397-4761 » X. * » known as owner of one of the Feedlofs in the 16,000 to 31,999 best dairy herds in the country, capacity range totaled 105 last spoke on dairying, including \ ea , r ’ compared in ,, , , „ And. they accounted for 3,203,- challenges and requuements for 000 hea d_ o r 13 per cent of the piogiess in the future total marketings in those States. EPnn^ THE ULTIMATE IN widely WATERPROOF COATING * Here's the Coating you can depend on to pre»’ serve and protect all your property in any type of weather. Rain, wind, dirt, heat and light, rays have no effect on a EPOCS surface. As yop protect you beautify, with a whole range of colors all in the purest shades. HOUSE FACTORY SILO BARN POOL BOAT ■ ■ippi -TEST FREE. YOURSELF ASK YOUR DEALER FOR A FREE SAMPLE 350 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster Ph.: Lane.’’39*7-5179* Strasburg 687-6002* CLEAR - WHITE - COLORS Feedlots Get Fewer,Bigger The nation’s feedlots continue to get fewer and bigger. The number operated in the 22 major feeding States declined four per cent last year—to 182,550 But while the smaller lots, those with a capacity of below 1,000 head, declined four per cent from 187,725 to 180,339, the number of those with capa cities above 1,000 increased seven per cent—from 2,069 to 2,221, reports the USDA. Moreover, while cattle market ings in the 22 States increased four per cent to 24,790,000 head, marketings through those 2,221 larger feedlots increased 10 per cent —to 13.642 000 head AdQ, accounted for 55 per cent of the total marketings from those States, compared to 52 per cent in 1969. Sharpest increase was in the number of feedlots with a capacity of above 32,000 Tiead. Their number jumped one third —from 31 in 1969 to 41 last year. And, a total of 2,807,000 head er one out of nine in the 22 States —were marketed through those 41 feedlots. ■f ' { Wood Masonry. Colors f BASEMENT or FOUNDATION Clear < or
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