VOL. j: NO. 51 Extension Slates Toys, Holiday Foods Programs The 'oanty Extension office lias announced its annual Holi day Foom- and Toys foi Chnsl mas programs The Holiday Foods p.ogram will h* held at 1 p m Tuesday (Nov 17' at the Faim and Home Ccntei foi any inteiested home maker 'eeking new ideas toi Christmas foods eithei foi homo use 01 a* gilts The TV-s foi Chustmas pio giam at 1 p m December 8 at the Farm and Home Centei is planned *o help parents and gam a better undei standmg of the impoitance of toys in tne development of chil dien from, one to 10 yeais old, and how to select toys foi differ ent ag< tafidren Intei ested pei sons are irged to attend Penn State 70 Farm Income Tax, Serial Security Course Slated The 1970 Faun Income Tax and Social Security Short Course has been completely revised and will be held from December 7 to 11 on the main campus of The Pennsylvania State University All sessions of the course will fee held at *he Nittany Lion Inn The reerse has been lengthen ed to pro--.de basic instruction foi newcomers to Faim Income Tax leporimg and as in the past piovide opportunities to review' Greg®i»y Third in First Pa, Perk Cookout Bout Rebel’ l Giegory, Lititz RDI, finished thud Wednesday in the fiist annual State Poik Cookout King c-rnh -t Gicgory \.on the light to com pete ifi the contest at the Penn sylvania livestock Exposition m Harrisburg by winning the Lan caster County contest at the Manhetra Fair October 8 Gregory’s entry was fiesh ham steak marinated in pink Chabhs wine Pr«nh J Waters, Allen town, was first with a poik kabob and William D Godwin, Cai lisle KDS, wa= second with pineapple poik chops Local 4-H Livestock Judges Place Second at Exposition The local 4-H team lepiesent ing Pennsjlvama was second in the Junior Livestock Judging Contest at :he Pennsylvania Ex position Thuisday The 4-H team fiom Ohio was fust wit-i & total of 2219 point* to 2153 iOi the Lancastei County group Mainland was thud with 2116 Kentucky fouith with 2103, Michigan lirh w ith 2102 Among high mcluiduals wcie Gaiy Put.. Stiasbuig RDI sixth with 726 Claik Struffei, Ephrata EDI, eighth with 725 Other Lancastei team membeis are. Eurneil Buchen, Manheim RD3, and Ed Donough, Manheim RD4. Lancaster Co. Holstein Breeders Present Awards, Choose Officers Picscntation of ‘ Divinguished Boy and Gu 1’ awaids, election of office) s and a challenging speech to buildcis and Uf cs weie highlights of the Lane.is lei Countv Holstein Bicedeis Assn banquet Thuisday night at H.uvest Dine Reslauiant The annual Distinguished Boy aw aid went to Nelson Mai tin, son of Mi and Mis Clyde Mai tin, East Eai] RDI, and Susan Kauffman, daughter of Mr and Mrs Robeit Kauffman, Eliz abethtown RDI, received the Distinguished Gul awaid Miss Kauftman and Eail the extensive changes made in tax laws, rulings and pioceed ings, accotding to Jay W Irwin, associate county agent Such people as certified public accountants, justices of peace, vo-ag teachers, and tax practi uoneis will be especially intei ested, he added The couise is taught by Intel nal Revenue Agents and Penn State staff members This yeai H Alan Long, dis trict dnectoi, Intel nal Revenue Sen ice Pxttsbuigh, will be the guest speakei During the coiuse, time is al lowed foi questions and discus sions by those attending As the tax laws become moie complex, the assistance of tax piactitioners is becoming moie impoitant Those qualified will piofit most At the close of the session a cei tificate of completion will be presented to each m attendance Application blanks and fuithei infoimation can be seemed fiom the Direetoi of Short Goinses, Room 208 Armsby Building, Penn State Univeisity, Univei sity Park, Pa 16802 or from oui Agncultuie Extension Office in the Faim and Home Centex, Lan caster Pa, Irwin said Ten teams with four membeis each competed The local team was fust in the sheep judging division with 530 points, Michigan was second with 527 In swine judging, the local team was fouith, it was second in beet cattle The local team was slated to compete this morning {Satin dav) in the Jumoi Lucstock Judging Contest at the Eas'em Rational Show at Timonmra, Md Team leader is Max Smith Lancastei County Agucultuial agent. Lancaster Farming. Salurdaj. Ncn ember 14. 1970 Staulfei, «on of Mi and Mis Clatcnu* Stauflci Ephiala RUI aie each finalists in the stale Distinguished contests Stauffci was county winnei last \eai, making him eligible toi the stale contest Statewide theie aie a total ol thiee finalists m each ot the two divisions. boy and gnl The winneis will be selected at the annual Pennsylvania Holstein Assn meeting Thursday and Fu day In the election of officeis, Clyde Maitm, East Earl RDI, was the only new officei He was elected secretaiy Reelected weie Jay Landis, Lancaster RD6, president, Clai ence Staufter, fiphrata RDI, vice piesident, and John Hai nish, treasurer Three new directois weie elected foi three yeai teims as follows Curtis Akers, Quarry vill'* RDI, Galen Crouse Stevens RDI, and Aithur Wenger, Man heim RD2 A 525 savings bond was awai d ed to Steve Bieneman, son of Mi and Mis Heniy Bieneman Millersville RDI Bieneman was first out about 600 vo-ag bo>s who judged dairy animals at Lnmpetei Fan this jeai William Nichols of the Penn sj'lvania Holstein Association piesented the Counts Held Plaque and SlOO to the countj organization foi the best countv heid at the Pennsylvania Black and White Show The County Association gave special recognition to 10 men who began the fust annual Hoi Farm Calendar Saturday, November 14 4-H Livestock Judging, Eastern National Livestock Show, Timonmm, Md. Monday, November 16 7 30 p m Garden Spot Unit of Agway, Inc, annual meeting, Farm and Home Center. 10 a m - 4 p.m. 1970 Agrono my Dealers Workshop by Penn State, Fleetwood Grange, Berks County Ipm Holiday Foods Pro gram, Faim and Home Cen ter. 6 45 p.m Farm and Home Foundation board of dnec- tors and spouses, Faim and Home Center 7 30 p m Epln ata Young Farmer Meeting, Ephi ata High School agncultine depaitment. 7 45 pm Quality Milk Pio duction Com se, Garden Spot Young Faimeis, class numbei 2 Pennsylvania Conference on Agncultmal Waste Man agement, Penn Hams Mo tor Inn, Camp Hill. No\ em ber 17-18 (Continued on Page 12) s’ein banquet and meeting m 1951 The 10 au .1 Moweiv Fhev Si 1951 piesidtnt Rohi.; C (aotl uce pi evident Ei\in Hess Ji seciela'y J Z lit.i* tieasmei John Netz'u liemy Hackman J Le=iei Chatles Galen Hen the late Naman Sloltzius and Paul G Long cnecker state dnectoi Nichols also gate a slide pies entation on the oiganization s activities ovei the past yeai Betsi Sheehan, food publicist foi the Northeast district of the American Dany Association spoke buefly on hei duties Speaking at the 20th annual banquet. Giovei C Goukei Ji told the Holstein gioup that it was the few good people who de cided to bring about change that have provided what we have to day Stating that he didn’t like all that was around him, Goukei told association membeis that changes would only come when (Co'.tinned on Page 5' FLBA, PCA Hold Annual Banquet About 350 poisons attended the annual banquet of the Fedeial Land Bank Association and Pio duction Ci edit Association at the Plain and Fancj Restauiant neai Bnd-m-Hand, Novembei 5 Duung a buef manage!’s ie poit Cail A Biown summaiized the farm economic situation as follows Local faimeis aie lepouing record com fields While theie are complaints of no place to put it, ‘that’s a good pioblem to have” The puce ot coin is down, but “it will be back ’ The good yields came in spite of such problems as mot woim and coin blight Elsewheie, however, things aien’t nearly as favoiable “The bottom is out ot the hog mai ket Steeis aie shaky Eggs and bioil eis aie hitting weak spots " Milk prices aie good, howevei But considered in teims of puces ovei the past two yeats times have been generally good for farmeis Interest mtes now are extieme ly high, Brown said although they have been tapeung oft in the past couple of months He projected a possible fuithei in teiest late diop of x a to 3 4 pei cent by y ear end But long teun, he indicated he expects mtei est lates to go high ei again The lepoit to stockholdeis in dicated that loan \olume in the associations inci eased moie than $3,000 000 duung the past yeai bunging total loan balances out standing in Lancastei Pi eduction Ciedit and Fedeial Land Bank to more than $27 000,000 In the business session duec tois weie le-elected $2.00 Per Year Annual Forage, Seed Conference Scheduled Hu* \rnni.il ro ,1,1 ana seed Conk'nice will In held in the "Sitt.im Lion Inn on The Penn -\l\am.i St.ik I ni\ei sil\ Cam pus Noitmbei 23 .md 24. 1970 Top louue main and livestock pioduung Limit is as well as seed companies and othei indufi ti\ peisonncl v.,11 be interested in this two day p; ogiam, accord ing to \tnold Lueck, associate coumy agent I The formal piogiam, with 22 speakers paitiupatmg. starts at Ipm Monday afternoon. No vembei 23 and ends at 4 pm. Tuesday, Xovembei 24 The first aftei noon and evening is devoted to forages. Highlights will include a discussion of for age impi ovement and production n. Pennsylvania, Australia, and New Zealand Top giasslanders will be recognized at the evening banquet Supeuor small grain, vege table and turfgrass varieties will be identified and discussed. Whftt .s r.tvv m cereal seed treatmuftS will be covered, Lueck said. Di Jonathan Tobey, technical agucultmal director. Chase Man hattan Bank, New York will talk on the lole of ciedit in Agricul tuie Tuesday afteinoon will be de voted to the field corn crop The 1970 peiformance of No-Till Coni will be discussed by a panel Reseaich peisonnel will discuss then findings on the majoi coin leaf disease. Twin Oaks Farms Bulls Win Again Twin Oaks Faims, Quarryvißfr RD2, had both the grand champ ion and reset ve giand champion bulls at the Pennsylvania Live stock Exposition this week. The Angus bulls are. Manning of Wye, giand champion, and Colossals Image, reserve grand champion The bulls have been top animals in several other shows this yeai The exposition's grand champ* ion is the replacement hull for the Fiey held, and has just re cently been put into service. Calves trom the young animal Vvill be diopped in the spring. The \oungei bull also is owned b\ Fied Hamer of Fredericfcs buig Md , who along with Pena sjlvama State University also i-S pait ownei with Fiey of Coloa* sals Image Twin Oaks also had top animals in othei \ngus bieedmg classes. Including H and F Sportsylvani* Juijman, the faim had the top thiee bulls GVF Bandolier Lad, an eail\ summei \earling hull, placed thud in class Twin Oaks heifeis were first in late summei yearling, and eaih senior classes
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