22—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. October 17.1970 For Full Market Reports Read Lancaster Farming Bgssats! Ssi-Sjg* FORTIFIED with a new combination of Power-Packed Ingredients!^^* • GRAIN DISTILLERS SOLUBLES • AMMONIUM POLYPHOSPHATE • CONDENSED FERMENTED CORN EXTRACTIVE So what???? Recent College Research Showed +12.8% Weight Gains! + 5% Feed Efficiency! Both Benefits at No Extra Cost in Mol-Mh£ JOHN Z. MARTIN New Holland Ry 1 *0 -Go Phone 717-354-5848 The Baron Stiegel Lions Club of Brick erville last week honored the Cloister FFA Chapter of Ephrata for outstanding achievement on the state level, and pre sented four chapter members with $lO checks to help with expenses of trips they are taking. From left to right are: Jay Zimmerman, Ephrata RDI, holding a Baron Stiegel Lions Club Honors Four FFA Youths Four members of the Cloister FFA Chaptei weie recognized at the October 8 dmnei meeting of the Baron Stiegel Lions Club of Clay and Elizabeth Townships at Polly’s Restauiant near Bncker ville. The four boys were each aw aided a check for $lO to be used to help defray expenses for trips which the boys won on the state and national level Ken Sensenig of Ephrata RD2 placed second in the Pennsyl vania FFA Poultry Judging con test held at Penn State in June and was selected to be on the Pennsylvania team to compete in the national contest being held this week at the National FFA Convention in Kansas City, Mo Jay C Zimmeiman of Ephrata RDI and Rick Pfautz of Stevens RDI will also accompany the State delegation to Kansas City bj charter bus Jay was awaided a tup to the National FFA Convention foi JOHN DEERE 122 and 125 CHUCK WAGONS You get operator safety with these year-round self-unloaders Shotzberger's 665-2141 Elm Landis Bros. Inc. M. S. Yearsley & Sons arc Graff Inc Lancaster 393-3906 West Chester 696 2990 3544191 trophy he received for being named Lan caster County Star Farmer; Marlin Smok er, Stevens RDI; Ken Sensenig, Ephrata RD2; Rick Pfautz, Stevens RDI, receiving a check, and Allen Stober, Baron Stiegel Lions Club president, presenting the check. being named Lancaster County Star Farmer. Jay is past chair man of the Chapter Safety Com mittee and will receive the National Gold emblem Chapter Safety Award Rick, vice presi dent of the Cloister Chapter, will receive the National Gold Emblem Chapter Proficiency award for the chapter. Marlin Smokei, Stevens RDI, won a trip to the Eastern States Exposition at Springfield, Mass with the Pennsylvania FFA Dairy Products judging team The checks were presented by Lions president Allen Stober of Hopeland. The theme of the meeting was FFA and Faimers night. Numeious FFA and fann er guests were piesent. Phil Oglme, county FFA ad visor and vo-ag teacher at Gar den Spot High School, presented Jay with his Star Farmer trophy Oglme discussed county FFA activities and the impoitance of agriculture. Carl Graybill, Cloister FFA ad- Your family can have a confident feelfng when you’re in the feediot. Sturdy John Deere Chuck Wagons have a throwout bar right where you need it...on mixing chamber front and alongside tho discharge opening. Beaters and bed conveyor halt instantly whenever pressure is applied to this safety bar. Stop in and check out the details soon. Wenger Implement, Inc. Hie Buck 284-4141 A visor, and Cliff Grube, Warwick FFA advisor, were present and introduced their FFA Chapter members and discussed chapter activities. Charles Ackley, vo-ag teacher of Ephrata High School, was m charge of the meeting and gave a colored slide prsentation of FFA and vo-ag'actmties in local schools. Imitation Margarine Among the margarines today are cartons labeled “imitation margarine” This margannf is maiked “low-calorie” and with moie emphasis than the word “imitation” The list of ingre dients as requned by law tells the story, points out Harold E. Neigh, extension consumer eco nomics specialist, The Pennsyl vania State University. Food standaids lequue margarine to have 80 per cent fat. Since low calone margarines have only about half that amount, they are lequued by law to be labeled “imitation ” 125 Chuck Wagon
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