2f>—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 19,1970 PUBLIC SALE REGISTER S\T SEPT. 19 Auction of c.ittlc and Machinery located 15 mi west of Montiosc, 4 mi noith of Lawton, 20 mi south ol Vestal, N. V and I'a mi west fiom Rt. 267 Sale by Rob ert Coleman, owner, Reuel Downer and Watson Dayton, Auctioneers. SAT. SCPf. 19—10 am. Public sale of valuable farm imple ments, antiques, and personal propeity. Located at Wrightsville RDI on the East Pi ospect-Craley Road near East Prospect. Terms by Ernest and Margaiet Leib hart. Jacob A. Gilbeit, Auction eer. and Fiey - Leber - Kline, Clerks SAT. SEPT. 19—2 P.M Public Sale of the 4 Way Faim on the piemises at mtei section of Line Road and Wabash Road, Stevens, EVERY TUESDAY, CATTIE SALES featuring large selections of cattle & calves direct from producers. Staunton Livestock Market, Inc. C & O Flats Virginia Beef Calf Sale HARRISONBURG. VA. Tues./ Sept 22, 7970 7:00 P.M. (E.D.T.) Shenandoah Valley Livestock Sales Inc 600 CALVES CROSSBRED ANGUS HEREFORD 1 Dehorned, vaccinated foi shipping fevei and black leg, malignant edema 2 Heifeis guaianteed not bied 20% lehind if bied Steei s guaianteed, 10% icfiind on stags 3 Calves officially giaded and sold in unifoim lots of fancy, choice, good and medium To Be Sold At NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES New Holland, Penna. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23, 1970 Complete 37 Holstein Cows from Chester Co. 20 Head of these Cows are fresh or close springers. Several are due to freshen in Oct. and November. Cows that are milking from 70 to 80 lbs per day. This is a real good herd of cows with size, quality and good udders. Among these are a few heifers, fresh or due any time Balance in all stages of production. TB and blood tested within 30 days. Consigned by Gordon and John I. Fritz Lancaster County. Pa Teims by Alvin L. and Eila Henly, II H Leid, Auct TIJES. SEPT 22—1 PM Feeder Calf Sale (1200 head) located at Change. Virginia TUBS SEPT. 22—7 PM Vir ginia Beef Calf Sale (600 Calves Crossbied. Angus, Heiefoid) at Shenandoah Valley Livestock Sales, Inc, Harusonburg. Va. WED SEPT. 23—Complete Dis persal of Joe Thompson herd to be sold at the New Holland Sales Stables. Consigned by Gordon and John I. Fritz WED. SEPT 23—1 PM Feeder Calf Sale (1400 head) at Char lottesville, Virginia THURS SEPT 24—1 P M Pub lic Dispersal located on Dutch Row Road, one mile east of Elmer, Salem County, New Jer sey Sale by Moms Rubenstem, Hylon C Coates, auctioneer. , THURS SEPT 24—1 P.M Feed er Calf Sale (1200 head) at Cul peper, Virginia. THURS. SEPT. 24—7 P M. Feed er Calf Sale (1500 head) at Mar shall, Virginia. THURS SEPT. 24—7 30 P.M Sale of 1500 head Virginia Feed er Calves located at Fauquier Livestock Exchange, Inc, Mar shall. Vngmia Sale sponsored by Mai shall Feeder Cattle Assn FRI SEPT 25—1 P.M Feeder Calf Sale (1200 head) at Staun ton. Vngmia. FRI EVENING SEPT 25 Horse sale at Martin's Sale Stables. Blue Ball Pa Teims by Paul Z Martin Phone 717-354- 6671 FRI SEPT 25 130 PM Special Sale of Feedei Cattle and Calves at Blue Ridge Live stock Sales Inc, Chailes Town, W Va FRI SEPT 25—2 00 P M Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, 91 ecie farm located 5 mi east of Rt 23 along Peteis Road. 5 mi south of New Holland or 5 mi Northeast of Intelcouise Teims bv Fiank H Heishej SAT SEPT 26—11 AM Public Auction of 70 Holsteins and faim equipment at Chestertown, Md Terns bv Chesmai Faim, Geoige Baldwin, Ownei SEPT 26—12 30 Public Sale of valuable Real Estate and Peisonal Piopeitj located 1 mi. east of Zeltenreick Church on load to Alt Taboi Cnuich 2 acies of land stoi> frame dwelling Real estate to be offered at 2 Teims by John R Beilei. Dispersal of Joe Thompson herd. WED. SEPT. 30—2 P.M. Public Sale of Real Estate located 1 mile southwest of Central Manor off Route 999 on Prospect Road 10 miles southwest of Lancaster, 3 miles southwest of Washington Boro, Lancaster County, Manor Township. Pcnna. Terms by Suie E. Biencman Est. Robert F. and J, Breneman, Excels. Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers. FRI OCT 2—l P M Feeder Calf Sale and Show to be held at the Farmers Livestock Exchange located 1M» miles west of Win Chester, Va on U.S. Route 50. FRI. OCT. 2—l P.M. Feeder Calf Sale and Show (Show 10 A.M.) at the Farmers Livestock Ex change, Inc., Winchester. Vir ginia. Sponsored by Northern Virginia Livestock, Inc, Win Chester, Virginia SAT OCT. 3—1:30 PM Feeder Pig Sale located 21-2 miles south ol Bethel from US 22 and 6 miles north of Myeistown, Penna along U S 501. Terms by Norman M Martin. Myeistown, Penna FRI. OCT 16—10 A.M. Public Auction of New and Used Farm and Industrial Equipment locat ed along Rt 181, Emigsville, Pa Exit 10 or 11 off Interstate 83— 20 miles south of Harrisburg. Pa Terms by York Co. Farm and Industrial Equipment Co, Inc FRI. OCT. 16—7 30 P.M Fall Yearling Cattle Sale to be held at the Farmers Livestock Ex change. Inc located 14a miles west of Winchester. Va on U S Route 50 FRI OCT 16—7 30 PM 2nd Fall Yearling Sale at the Farm ers Livestock Exchange, Inc Winchester. Virginia Sponsored by Noithem Virginia Livestock, Inc WED OCT 21—9 a m Another sale by request Martin’s Sale Barn Blue Ball, Pa Farm trac tors, supplies, machinery, equip ment, implements, hay, and straw We sell on commission Teims by Paul Z Martin, Ph 717-354 6671 FRI OCT 30—7 30 P M Feedei Calf Sale to be held at the Faim eis Livestock Exchange located IJ21 J 2 miles west of Winchester, Va on U S Route 50 FRI OCT 30—7 30 PM 2nd Feedei Calf Sale at the Faimers Livestock Exchange. Inc. Win chester Virginia Sponsored b> Northern Vngima Livestock, Inc A TTCNTION! FALL FEEDER SCHEDULE Lancaster Union Stock Yards Sales Pavilion All Sales Friday at 1:00 P.M. Sept. 25 Oct. 9 and 23 Nov. 6 and 29 Valuable Door Prizes to be given away at each sole Sponsored by: THE LANCASTER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE AND UNION STOCK YARD CO. Help Us Serve You Is your farm organization's meetings making our farm calendar'’ If they’re not and you think they should, let us know. As a public service to farmers and the farm communi ty. we try to get as many meetings as we can on the calendai. But we miss some. Remind us by calling 394-3047 or 626-2191 or by writing to Lancaster Farming. 22 E. Main St., Lititz, Pa. 17543. You can help us serve you better. SPECIAL SALE FEEDER CATTLE & CALVES Friday, September 25th At 1:30 P.M. Blue Ridge Livestock Sales, Inc. Charles Town, W. Va. Billy F. Owens, Mgr. Phone; 3W-725-5021 SPECIAL FALL FEEDER SALES Fridoy Evenings At 7 O'clock September 25 October 9 & 23 October 16 All Charolais Show & Sale November 6 & 20 Approximately 700 Head Each Sale All Weights and Breeds Vintage Sales Stables Inc Box 100, Paradise, Pa. Lancaster County The Heart of Pennsylvania Steer Feeding Country Anyone Wishing to Consign Cattle Telephone Area Code 717 - 442-4181 KENNETH E. HERSHEY, MANAGER SEMI-ANNUAL OPEN CUSS FAT STEER SHOW & SALE OCTOBER 8,1970 New Holland Sales Stables Inc. Three Glosses JUDGED C . attle 0 Feeders Angus c Jr, n Eligible Hereford SOLD * Mixed Breeds In Lots of 6 Judging -10 A.M. Sale - 3 P.M. 20 Trophies Awarded To Sellers & Buyers Entries may be registered with Abe Diffenbach, Mgr.
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