0 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 8.1970 ASC Committeemen (Continued fioni Page 5i ;,m1 .itul Mount Jov Townships. 2> R.isl Donegal and \V Hemp field. 3) R.iplio 4) Penn, W.ii wick .itul Elizabeth .")> C Cocaiico. W Coc.ilico. Bieck nock and Clav. 6) Can n.mon, K Eai! and Earl. 7) Ephiata, W Eail and Uppci Leacock 8) Salisbtuv and Leacock. 9) E Lampeter. \V Lampeter and Lancaster 10) Manheim and E Hempfield, 11) Mano.i, Conest oga and Pequea. 12) Eden. Bart ;md Sadisbury. 13) Stiasbuig and Paradise, 14) Martic and Pi evi dence, 15) Diumoie and E Diu moie. and 16) Fulton. Little Ei itam and Colei am Elected community com mitteemen will elect county committeemen and alternates 5; also will help the county com- youths. For good production next lactation, FEED PURINA DAIRY CONDITIONER As a dahyman, you know that good milk production doesn’t just happen It’s something you plan for by establishing a heid with the genetic potential for good production, then managing and feeding your cows so they’ll produce up to their bred-in ability. Many successful local dairymen also plan for good pro duction with a proven progiam of dry cow feeding. They need Purina Dany Conditional, a research proven ration to help give dry cows body condition they need for good production aftei they fieshen Punna Dany Conditioner is an extra-palatable 12% percent piotem lation It’s foitified with vitamins A and D plus extia phosphorus to help guaid against milk fevei Purina Dairy Conditioner is low cost, too. because the amounts you feed depend on joui cows’ condition and on the quality of the roughages you feed Foi example, a cow dned off in good condition being fed high quality roughages would lequne less Dan> Conditioner than a cow in only fan condition being fed fair quality roughages Diop in soon and get your fiee copy of the Piuina Diy Cow Piogiam foldei We’ll be glad to show >ou how Puuna Danv Conditioner can help vou piepare voiu dij cows for good pio duction next lactation. John J. Hess, li, Inc. James High & Sons Ph 442 4632 Ph 354 0301 Paradise Gordonville West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. Ph 464-3431 West Willow Ira. B. Landis Ph 394-7012 1912 Cieek Hill Rd Lane mitlee in admtnlslialion of\SCS piogiams heie \mong the piogiams coming undei the committeemen's juiis ciulion aie m.ukeling quotas, aueage allotments, pi ice-suppoil loans and pui chases, and con solation costshaimg Anothei change in election pioceduie is that voters this jeai will vole for thiee or fewei candidates instead of five oi fewer as in puoi jeais, Seldom udge repotted Community com mittees will continue to have a membetshtp of thiee. with two alternates. 4-H Emblem The 4-H emblem HEAD, HEART. HANDS, HEALTH ia synonjmous with lesponsible, capable, achie\ement - minded John B. Kurtz Ph 354-9251 R. D. 3, Ephrata Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ph 367 1195 Rheems • Farm Calendar (Continued from Pace 1) 7 30 p m Farm Women So cietv 22. home of Mrs Wil lis Lefever. Slunburg RDI 7 30 Lancnslei Countv Hoi stem Association Ba r n Meeting. Ailhur Wenger Faim. Manheim RD2 Wednesday, August 12 8 00 am —Garden Spot Young Farmers, leave Garden Spot High School to tour New Holland Machine. Weaver Poultry, Lambert- Hudnut. and Miller Hess Shoe. Thursday, August 13 8 00 a m —Production and Util ization of Golden Delicious Apple Symposium, Keller Hall, Penn State, Univers ity Park 9 15 a m. 4-H District Di ess Revue, Plymouth Meeting Shopping Mall. Saturday, August 15 930 a m.-4 pm Pa Junior Hereford Association Field Day, Dutchman Herefoid Co. Oxfoid RDI 1 00 p m Lancaster County Swine Pioduceis Field Dav, Faim and Home Cen ter GET MORE FROM EACH MAN! g .-I ■as gs I 16^ PUTTING on extia laboi duimg the peak seasons is mighty expensive. Finding man powei at those tunes is difficult Makes a lot moie sense to get moie work fiom the manpowei x ou have ... by putting yom labpi force on a biggei tractor. That's what we call xxoikpowei... the leal measure of a man’s worth ... whether it’s xour peisonal woith or that of a lined man. Alhs-Chalmeis One-Ninety and One-Ninety XT Senes 111 tiactors can give you that extia measure of workpowei. And the savings fi om covei mg more aci es per man hom can add up to bigger profits. So povvei-up with the Big Orange ones fiom Alhs-Chalmers. Going Oiange is Going Great! Nissley Form Service N. G. Myers & Son \ Washington Boro, Pa. Rheems, Pa. Roy H. Buch, Inc. Ephrata. R.D. 2 JAMESWAY Cow Comfort Born Equipment ZTSW & ‘ HERRINGBONE STANCHION TIE STALLS STALLS STALLS STAULS ■ FREE COW, CALF. WATER FANS STALLS BULL PENS CUPS Quality-Built to Last and Last * Plus Free Planning Help J* Automatic Parlor Feeding * All-Season Ventilation * Installation and Service Come in Today for Details. M. E. SNAVEIY 445 South Cedar St., Lititz, Pa. 17543 Ph. 626-8144 Grumelli Form Servico Quarryville. Pa. m _ fe-a. L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. L. H. Brubaker Lititz, Pa.
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