—LnncnMcr Farming. Saturday. August 1.1970 6 Zimmerman Cow Tops 4-H Dairy Show Rohm /.imnu; m.n Di-moi IU)1 c.iptiiud «i.md ih.miplan honoi » .it llu 4 II llol'tdn Show W’i’diu ml.i> Robert Zimmerman, 18. Demer RDI. poses with his 4-H grand champion Holstein Fio-Indo Jane Majestj. a two- year-old ST'S NEW - ST S SAFI ST'S PROVEN Researched and developed by Michigan State University. The mosr economical liquid additive yet deve loped to make corn silage a complete ration for cattle Foi Fall use, 01 tiers must be taken immediately. Foi details inqune Quarrs \ ille. Pa Dealers LANCASTER BONE FERTILIZER CO. Quarr\ \ il!e, Pa 717-786-7348 ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. Lancaster, Pa AMOS EBY & CO. Paradise, Pa The twoycai old cow also was Penn Spimgs Bo*l lo Pf cl - a mod,m.e °cf M ownct?*S .1 ndta .\e.n old Reserve champion was fust in hoi class, and sen.oi das. fou.-jea.-old " C v 401Bc.,ver Valiev Pike. Linda Sue Wilmcr. Willow Sheet champion Kauffman, Ehrabelhlown RDI pc ;. foimcl RD2 . Wlth white Cloud Elite The icseuc champion was Giand champion fitloi of all Re |UtJ a jun.oi yearling owned Showpiece a junior calf. bleeds was Cynthia Balmei of bv ‘ Rlcbaltl Hess. Strasburg RDI, Guernsey Cham* L'tit? RD4 wil l a anf Manheimdcll Lilac, a thiccyeai- Winning the Guernsey bleed r‘"n C rrutii!l-i old> °' vned b> ,o(TIC ' A . R ' sSCl, championship was Mark Z Wit* Cjnlhia Gioß with a Holslun Lcoldi ;md Bnnam Wood Sham- mei of Wll i ow Slu . ct RDl< Wlt i, Taking top honois in the 110 - lock Topsy an aged cow shown pcnn Dcl Counts Anna Bell Lee, stein ninioi division was Hess by Rhoda StaufTei, Ephiata RDI a thiec year-old cow The reservo Vale Maich Wien a semoi seal- ’ Tnocrlav too champion was Peter C Witmer, line, owned by Donna Hess, h 4 iho T.JhnfdwisioS also of Willow Sheet RDI, show- Ktl,:.™.' ThC “ W “ JS trfoCollw'.Sl ot™ « Del Conn,,. „ . bethtown, showing Masonic a i5 u ‘*' eai .° d . . , Reseive jumoi champion was H ianna. a two>eai-old Taking the top spot in Jersey Meadow-View K Peifo.mei hits- David E Wllson . of Ellza . competition was Thomas W. tj, a senio. he.fei calf, owned bethtovvn , won the b.eed reserve Aaron Quarryville RDI. who by Bienda Kieidei. Mount Joy honQls wjth Masonic Homes showed Lynmoores Fashion Gail, RD2 Flashy Bliss, a semoi yearling a two-yeai-o.d cow The resei ve Othei Holstein class fusts went champion was Aaions sister to Solanco-Acies Bonus Peppei, The Bi own Swiss breed champ- Barbaia, who showed Blossoms junior calf owned by Donna M lonship was won by Robert Wit- Tiademaik Christie, an inter* Akeis, Quauyville RDI, Fulton- mei, Willow Stieet RD2, showing mediate calf. Distributor LAN-CHESCO CO. 717-786-3527 after 6 P.M I Cjnthia Balmer, 17, Lititz RD4, took grand champion 4-H fitting honors for all breeds with a Guernsey. Cynthia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse G. Balmer. Lititz RD4.-Lynn Royer, 15, the son of Mr. C. B. HOOBER & SON MESSICK FARM EQUIP. INTERCOURSE 768-8231 ELIZABETHTOWN 367-1319 -Hu INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER K|a|l Sales and Service H|B EPHRATA 717-392-4963 KAUFFMAN BROS. COPE & WEAVER CO. MOUNTVILLE 285-5951 NEW PROVIDENCE 786-7351 717-687-6091 Finance charges waived until well into 1971 on purchases of new or used tractors, balers, combines, corn heads, corn harvesters, corn pickers and windrowers purchased through International Harvester Credit Corporation. For More Information Stop in or Call and Mrs. Herbert Royer, 2025 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, was reserve champion fitter with a Holstein. Each had previously won their breed championships. 733-2283
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