20 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 1.1970 JStr By Mrs. Richard C. Spen Fiesh flints just natinallv lend themselves to good nutu tious summei eating For one thing nothing can beat then cooling effect when -.eived well chilled Thev aie also a gicat help 'n the caloue budget Many dif feient llavoi effects can be had by combining vai ions fi nils with a diessing made esneculK foi luuts oi bv using :hem m flint fla\oied gelatins A. bow! piled high with fiesh iiuit •. and topped with a dip of sh'ib r ' - what could be pieltiei ci moie iefi ebbing You don t icalK need a cookbook to help v itii fuiit iccipes Make vom ow i by using what jou have on 1 nd in join own imagmatn e v, Heie aie some iccipes to a-1 vou stalled LEMON PE VCH DESSERT 3 a cup packaged coin flake ciumbs 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons i egular margarine or buttci. softened 1 (3-ounce) package lemon flavoied gelatin 1 cup boiling w ater Hi cups (15-ounce can) sweetened condensed milk Vi cup lemon juice 1 cup fresh peach slices (well-diained canned peach slices may be substituted for fresh) Combine coin flake ciumbs, sugar and maiganne, mix well Pi ess evenly and fnmly in bot tom of one quait ice cube tray to foim ciust, chill Dissolve gelatin in boiling watei, cool slightly In large imxei bowl, combine sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice Add gelatin, beat on high speed for 3 minutes or until mixtuie is smooth and foamy The mixture will be thin Fold in sliced peaches Pour mixture over com flake crumbs ciust Chill until fum Garnish with additional peach slices Makes 6 to 9 seiv ings MALLOW CRUNCH TARTS tablespoons margarine or butter regular marshmallows or 2 cups miniatuie marshmallows teaspoon vanilla flavoiing cups oven-toasted rice cereal 2Vi 1 cup whipping cream 2 tablespoons sugar 1 (10-ounce) package ftozen or fresh raspbenies, well drained SUPER SHOES Self Service 2750 Columbia Ave. Lancaster Lane. Co.’s Largest Shoe Sfoie All Ist Quality Super Low Prices FOR THE FARM WIFE AND FAMILY Melt margaune in 2-quai saucepan Add marshmallow; and cook over low heat, stn i mg constantly, until marshmallows aie melted and mixture is syrupy. Remove fiom heat Stir in vanilla and cereal, mixing until well coated Poition mix tine into 8 paits and diop into butteied 6 ounce custaid cups or 3 x V'z inch muffin pan cups With butteied spatula foim into shells Let stand until fum Re move fiom cups Whip cieam and sugat until soft peaks foim told in flint Fill tait shcl's garnish with additional find NOTE Best icsults aie ob tamed when using fiesh inaish mallows. RAINBOW JEWEL SUPREME 1 (3 ounce) package i asp belli flavoied gelatin Boiling v.atei 3 4 cup caibonated beveiage such as 7 up oi gingei ale 2 cups mKcd sumnici fi nits, cut in small pieces 2 (3-ounce) packages lemon flavored gelatin l 3 i cups cold water Vi cup heavy cream, softly whipped 4 vanilla wafers, finely rolled Dissolve raspbeny gelatin in IVz cups boiling watei Add V 4 cup eaibonated beverage Chill until veiy thick Quickly fold in fiuit and pour into an ice cube tiay Chill overnight Dis solve lemon flavoied gelatin in 2 cups boiling water, add IVi cups cold watei and *'2 cup cai SAVE AT BOB’S Save Rite market 743 S BROAD ST LITITZ, PENNA Honrs: Mon. thru Sat. 9 to 9 Sunday 9 to 5 I HOLLAND STONE 3 Ready-Mixed CONCRETE | New Holland Concrete Products | New Holland, Pa. 354-2114 bonatcd beverage. Chill until mixture thickens slightly, stir ring occaslonnlly. Meanwhile, unmold raspberry gelatin onto a wrt cookie Using a shat p knife, cut into approximately 33 (I inch) cubes Pour 1 cup lemon gelatin into a I'j quail glass mold oi bowl (if metal mold is used, a small amount of gelatin will lie left own Rcntlv mange half of cubes in casual design add sufficient lemon gelatin to seeme cubes chill until set Then pom m half of icmaining lemon gela tin Chill until set Repeat law cis of cubes and lemon gela tin dull 5 to 6 houis Spicad cicam over top spi inkle with cookie ci umhs Makes about 8 set vmgs TUTTI-FRUTTI SURPRISE 'a cup corn flake crumbs 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons margarine or butter, softened 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened cups (15 ounce can) sweetened condensed milk 1 s cup lemon juice 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring 1 cup fresh bananas, diced 1 \ cup mai aschiuo chen ies, chopped Combine com flake ciumbs sugai and maigaune mix well Pi ess evenh and in mb in bot tom of 1 qnait ice c ibe tiav to fonn ci ust chill Beat cieam cheese until fluffv giadualh add sweetened condensed milk stn to combine Stn in lemon mice and vanilla Add bananas and maiascluno chemes fold ing lightly into mixluie Spiead evenly ovei chilled ciumbs ci ust Refugeiate at least 3 houis (do not fieeze) Cut into bai s oi pie shaped wedges to seive Garnish with banana slices and maraschino chemes 6 to 8 seivmgs GRAPEFRUIT SOUR CREAM MOLD 1 package (3 ounces) lime or lemon-lime flavored gelatin Vi cup boiling water V 2 cup freshly squeezed grapefruit juice 1 cup dairy sour cream 3 medium to large grape fruit, peeled, sectioned v z cup chopped celery Garber Oil Co. Texaco Heating Oil Burner Sales & Service MOUNT JOY. P£. Ph. 653-1821 CONCRETE BLOCK METAL WINDOWS The table is flowering. This place mat and hot plate mat have taken their cue from nature. Bright buttercups and clusters of green leaves are scattered through a fine network of lace You can make this lovely garden of mats grow with a crochet hook and cotton yarn The larger is llVz" x 17 3 4”; the smaller, 6'4’' -\ 9 3 5". Free instructions are av ailable by sending a self-addressed, stamp ed envelope to this newspaper along with vour request lor Leaflet A-364 1 1 cup coarsely chopped nuts "U cup seeded gi apes, cut in halves Salad gieens Thoioughlv dissolve gelatin in boiling watci Blend in giapefiuit juice then soui cieam stnung until smooth Chill until mixtiue mounds slightly when diopped fiom a spoon Reseive 6 to 7 whole giapefiuit sections foi garnish Cut remaining sections into bite-size pieces, diam well Fold drained giapefruit pieces, celery, nuts and grapes into chilled gelatin mixtuie Pom into a 1 quart mold, chill until fnm Unmold on bed of salad greens, garnish with icserved grapefruit sections and addi tional whole giapes, if desired Makes 6 servings FRESH GRAPEFRUIT BERRY FROTH Vi cup freshly squeezed grapefruit juice ' 1 package (10 ounce) frozen strawbei ries or i asp beiries, thawed 1 pint softened vanilla ice cream 1 bottle (12 ounce) lemon lime caibonated beverage, chilled Combine giapefruit juice and sti awbei nes in electric blendei. Add ice cream in 3 sepaiate ad ditions, blending after each ad dition until smooth Gently stir in lemon-lime carbonated bev el age Seive immediately in well-chilled glasses. Makes about IVi quarts FRESH PEAR TREE Core pears from the bottom and slice crosswise into 4 pieces Color cream cheese with cranbeiry juice, adding finely chopped nuts and candied fruit as desired Spread mixture be tween slices and reassemble pears on greens. Garnish with cranberry sauce
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers