Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1970, Image 1

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Bchoo] of Agriculture
Patterson Bldg:, v
University Park, Pa. 7
j(St— -jgjNoCft
f.l f| {IV 111 1111 II
\OL. 15 NO. 34
Notice: Holstein Breeders!
Some letters to membeis of
the Lancaster County Holstein
Breeder, Association about the
annual field day Tuesday have
not arm ed in the mail
Membc,' who haven’t receiv
ed the letters but who want to
attend should notify the Asso
ciation immediately, so plans
can be made and food piovided,
leports Jar Landis, Association
Based on informal checks,
Landis said, about one-third of
the letter sent out apparently
have not arrived to members
Landis said the lost letters ap
pear to have no particular pat
tern, but are scattered thiough
out the membership area.
He uiged members who
haven’t received the letteis to
contact one of the following
members himself at Milleis
ville, 872-8818, David W Swei
gart, Elizabethtown, 367-2286,
James Kieider, Quanyville,
Donald v Ebv. Goidonville, 768-
Chester County Brothers
Win 4-H Tractor Driving
Chester Countv biotheis havf ■
von both d-usions of the Ches-1
tei Countj 4 H Ti actoi Di iving”
Robert hedge won the senioi
division and his biothei Biuce
captured the jumoi division
They arc the sons of Mi and
Mis Robci: Hodge West Ches
tei RD4
The cornet was held July 10
at the faun of Joseph Styei at
Other v 'teis in the senioi
dmsion i -,e Tom Kaisei
second, and D aul Bailey, thud
In the jumtv division, second
place hone s went to Wayne
Styer, and Jordan Hunt placed
Filed Milk Sales Off,
But Low-Fat Items Gain
Sales of £ „ed 01 imitation milk
weie off shaiply this veai, the
USDA repr ted lecently, but
sales of icr. .at and skim milk
pi oducts a.,- booming
Over-all r.a:es of filled milk in
federalorde' markets weie esti
mated at 3 2 million pounds din
ing April, do- n fiom 5 8 million
pounds a yfr„ eailiei
In Central Auzona, wheie
filled mils * fc les accounted foi
11 5 per eer' of Class I maiket
sales m Aiy ist, 1968, sales ac
counted for only 2 5 pei cent of
the total tt,s Apnl In the
NiagaraFrcmei (Buffalo, N Y )
market, sales ot imitation milk
were reported at 70,000 pounds
in April, accounting for only
2/10 <rf one per cent of the fluid
3086, or Claience Stauffer, Eph
lata, 733 3521
« Landis uiged those peisons
who haven’t leceived a letter to
contact one of these five mem
beis immediately today (Satur
day) While it might be possible
to accept some additional icser
vations thiough Monday, a flood
of last minute lequests is dis
couraged because of the diffi
culty in supplying food, Landis
The field day will begin at
10 30 a m Tuesday at the farm
of Curtis E Akers, Quairyville
RDI. At noon theie will be a
chicken barbecue for $1 25 with
milk and ice cream furnished
It’s in order to help plan this
baibecue that members should
contact the planning committee,
Landis emphasized
Peisons attending have been
advised to leach the Akeis'
faim by traveling south on
Route 222 and tinning light at
Solanco School After taking
the fust load left, the farm is
the fust on the right
As county winner, Robeit
Hodge will lepiesent the county
in the State contest at Penn
Stale, August 10 12 dining State
4-H Days
The contest was a lest of the
membeis dnvmg skill and
then ability to opeiate faun
machineiv safely, and was a
pait of the countv 4-H Tractoi
Club piogiam Leadeis of the
county 4-11 Tiactoi Club aie
Joseph Styei, Eagle, Nevin and
Kenneth Myei Chestei Spi mgs
and Chestei Wengei, Chestei
Fuither infoimation can be
obtained about the 4-H tiactoi
club piogiam by contacting one
of the 4-H club leadeis or the
Extension Service Office.
milk sales, and down from
249,000 pounds a yeai eailiei In
neaiby Rochestei, NY, sales of
the product ceased late last yeai
On the othei hand, sales of
skim milk and low-fat milk items
accounted foi 20 per cent of
fluid milk sales in fedeial oidei
maikets duung January-Maich
1970 That’s up fiom 19 2 pei
cent of the total duung all of
1969 Sales of these items have
moved up steadily since 1960
v/hen they accounted for only
7 4 pei cent of the total
The big gainei in this category
Low-fat or two pei cent milk
which accounted foi 13 3 of the
fluid milk sales duung January-
Maich That’s up from 12 0 per
cent during all of 1969 and moie
than double the 1966 percentage.
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Juh 18. 1970
Yokum Says Area Wheat Crop
‘Dead’ and at ‘Critical’ Stage
John Yokum, supenntendent
ol Penn State’s Southeastern
Field Reseaich faim neai Landis
ville, lifts some “essentially
dead” and paitially bent wheat
at the faim Thiusday
At the time,Yokum was con
cerned about possible pioblems
in getting local wheat hai vested
it lamy weathei continues
But Thmsday was a good diy
mg day with wind and Fuday
started out sunny and hot, lead
ing Arnold Lueck, associate
county agent, to note that it the
favorable weather continues.
most ot the wheat in the aiea
piobably will be hai vested ovei
the weekend
In commenting on the wheat
situation Thursday, howevei,
Yokum leimed it “cntical ” He
said that anothei week of rainy
weathei could result in gei ruina
tion light in the seed head The
stalk is aheady npe and a haid
driving rain could level the
wheat, lesulting in substantial
losses, he added
As of Thinsday, very little
wheat had been hai vested in the
aiea and the wheat in the fields
had a high moisture-content. “I
52.00 Per Year
would guess 16 to 18 per cent,
majbe highei Its piettj soggy
jet.” Yokum said
Foi the giowei, this means the
wheat can’t be haivested unless
dijmg is piovided for If stored
with a moistuie content much
higher than 14 pel cent, the
gram would mold and ferment
‘ and this would destioy it as an
animal feed, ’ Yokum said
If the giowei sells it to feed
nulls with a high moisture con
tent he’s docked on the price.
For manv aiea farmers, there
fore. good weekend weather is
a foremost concern