Library Bchoo] of Agriculture Patterson Bldg:, v University Park, Pa. 7 j(St— -jgjNoCft f.l f| {IV 111 1111 II \OL. 15 NO. 34 Notice: Holstein Breeders! Some letters to membeis of the Lancaster County Holstein Breeder, Association about the annual field day Tuesday have not arm ed in the mail Membc,' who haven’t receiv ed the letters but who want to attend should notify the Asso ciation immediately, so plans can be made and food piovided, leports Jar Landis, Association piesident Based on informal checks, Landis said, about one-third of the letter sent out apparently have not arrived to members Landis said the lost letters ap pear to have no particular pat tern, but are scattered thiough out the membership area. He uiged members who haven’t received the letteis to contact one of the following members himself at Milleis ville, 872-8818, David W Swei gart, Elizabethtown, 367-2286, James Kieider, Quanyville, Donald v Ebv. Goidonville, 768- Chester County Brothers Win 4-H Tractor Driving Chester Countv biotheis havf ■ von both d-usions of the Ches-1 tei Countj 4 H Ti actoi Di iving” Contest. Robert hedge won the senioi division and his biothei Biuce captured the jumoi division They arc the sons of Mi and Mis Robci: Hodge West Ches tei RD4 The cornet was held July 10 at the faun of Joseph Styei at Eagle. Other v 'teis in the senioi dmsion i -,e Tom Kaisei second, and D aul Bailey, thud In the jumtv division, second place hone s went to Wayne Styer, and Jordan Hunt placed thud. Filed Milk Sales Off, But Low-Fat Items Gain Sales of £ „ed 01 imitation milk weie off shaiply this veai, the USDA repr ted lecently, but sales of icr. .at and skim milk pi oducts a.,- booming Over-all r.a:es of filled milk in federalorde' markets weie esti mated at 3 2 million pounds din ing April, do- n fiom 5 8 million pounds a yfr„ eailiei In Central Auzona, wheie filled mils * fc les accounted foi 11 5 per eer' of Class I maiket sales m Aiy ist, 1968, sales ac counted for only 2 5 pei cent of the total tt,s Apnl In the NiagaraFrcmei (Buffalo, N Y ) market, sales ot imitation milk were reported at 70,000 pounds in April, accounting for only 2/10