10 -l.oncnstcr Farming. Saturday. July 11.1P70 Sole Register MO.V EVE JULY 13 Special |{oi «o Sale at Mailin'* Sale Stabled Blue Ball. Pa Lancaster Co Tack at 5 PM. Pontes at C P M and Hoi ses at TPM Tet ms by Paul Z Marlin. FRI. EVE. JULY 17—7:30 P.M Winchester Summer Yearling Sale at Farmers Livestock Ex change. Inc.. Winchester, Vir ginia 22601 Sale by Northern Virginia Livestock. Inc., Win chester. Va. FRI. NIGHT JULY 17—7 P.M. Black & White Holstein Farm's Bth Anniversary Sale on US 230 across from Comet Drive-in Theatre, Lancaster. Pa. Sale by Charles C Myers, Owner, WED. JULY 22—10 A.M. Public Auction of New St Used Farm HELP WANTED SWEET CORN PROCESSING CORN PICKER OPERATORS Picker operators must be experienced at operating farm equipment and mechanically inclined. TRUCK DRIVERS Experienced at operating straight truck with 2 speed axle. Applicants must be 18 years old or older. Work approximately Aug. 1 to Sept. 15. Call 898-2206 j Between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M, JOHN F. COPE CO., INC. ’ R. D. =tl, Manheim. Pa. MILLER'S Sales and Service Wavier of finance available now on new and used tractors, new and used John Deere 45, 55, 95, and 105 combines. < REDUCED PRICES NEW EQUIPMENT WAS NOW JD 3 swath fluffer $ 325 $ 275. JD 10 side mtd mower .... 650 495. JD 50 side mtd. mower .... 720 550. JD 24T Baler 2350 1795, J.D 507 Gyromower 7 1 /2 ft. pull type 717. 695. Lely Gemini Tedder 783. 695. JD F 325-3-16" hydraulic reset 1125. 995. JD 1020 RUD 5019. 3995. JD 2520 G 6863. 5495 JD 25DPS 8792. 6995. USED EQUIPMENT JD 45 HILO Combine 2995. 2795. JD 4020 DPS 5495. 4995. JD 720 D 2295. 1995. JD 620 2095. 1895. MILLER’S SALES S SERVICE, INC. Highway 851 Stewartstown, Pa. York County’s Progressive Dealer John Deere Dahlman Potato Brillion : S. Biady Harvesters & Leiv t Sole Register and Induvriil Equipment at Emlrsville. Pa Phone 717 764- 0412. THURS JULY 23—12.30 Noon PB. Guernsey Milking Held and Ried Heifer Dispcis.il (Forest Preston 11. Oxford. Pj. Owner) At the A<Vn Sales Pavilion. 6 mi E of Lancaster. WED. AUG. 19—9 A.M. Martin’s Sale Bam. Blue Ball, Pa. Full line of farm equipment. This will be the last sale for 1970. We sell on commission. Terras by Paul Z Martin. Ph 717-354-6671. MON. AUG. 24—Shalco CoDpsaal Vacation Sale, Miratare, Nebras ka. FRI. NOV. 6—Colossal BuV Event, Sugar Loaf Farms, Staun ton. Virginia. Hilp Wonted Experienced dairyman or herds man for modern daily farm. House with utilities. vacation plus good wages Apply or Write Valley View Dairy Farm Northampton RD2. Box 196. Pa. 18067 Phone 2IS 262-3976 Wanted—Semi retired man for sales work In Poultry field. Ex pcrience preferred. Write Box 266 A, c/o Lancaster Farming, LitiU. Pa. (4 OV v-+ ♦ ts < ' ’Jr'A* '"V W? i Used Equipment For Sale W 6 Farmall tractor w/wide front end; Ford 800 Diesel tractor; NH Wagon w/self feeder body; NH trailer mower PTO drive; JD hay elevator 40 ft. long w/ motor; JD KBA wheel disc; 3 pt. hitch 7 ft. scraper w/wings; NH manure spreader, single beater; Stainless steel double wash tubs for milk house; 2 Bottom MF plow 3 pt. hitch; Phone 284-4142 before 12 noon. For Sale 7 year old saddle horse, a good-looking well man nered gentle pleasure hoise. Contact Andrew Kmsinger, Gor donville. Pa For Sale—Three Purebred Duioc seed Boars from Registered stock, 4 mon old S5O 00. 1 female German Shepherd puppy $lO, 6 wks old, no papeis Robert L. Manning, Cochranville, Pa. Ph 215-869-2978 after 3pm Wanted—Blower lid to a 14 inch silo fillei, Papec make Also 130 ft of good 1 in hay rope Apply to John M Mai tin, Denver RDI, Pa 17517 Foi Sale 61 Falcon 2 door, automatic heater ladio. seat belts, extias, must see to appie ciate, make ofifei Ideal foi that extra enand cai Elwood Bick nell, Box 201, Oxfoid RD3. Pa 19363 For Sale—One Swiss Heifei due to fieshen Han> M Reiss, 101 Glen Biook Rd Leola Phone 656-9550 For Sale—3 L 2 hp Pettei diesel, Kohlei Electuc plant 220 X Letz plate mill Inqune to Joseph H Weaver. Demei RDI, Pa 17517. For Sale 1960 Dodge Vz ton pickup tiuck $350 00 Phone 215- 286-5362 For Sale Bluebeines, pick up at Stevens Place oideis befoie July 18. Also Warm Homing coal stove, good condition Call 267-6053 Foi Sale—Used MF 85 T Diesel Tiactoi w/2-row MF corn picker. Will sell foi highest bid Phone 284-4141 before 12 Noon SELL * BUTCHER I DIRECT ARMOUR CO. READING, PA. We will be glad to look at your hogs & bid you. CALL AL SHAFFER AT (215) 376-2941. (215) 779-3847 - Miteollonoout PRINCE OF WALES MEMEN TO Have china mugs from England in commemoration of the Prince’s Investiture 88. each. Also Moon Landing Mugs from England $6. ca. W. L. Zimmer man 6i Sons, Ph; 768-3131. Inter, course. Pa. WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $l2 per ton. Can be delivered In bulk loads of 10-12 tons. Less expen sive than straw or taafaark. Con tact Bob Gelat at -Leola- Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. For Sale MUSHROOM SOIL for your lawn and garden.. GAP NEWPORT MUSHROOM FARMS, INC Ph. Avondale 215-2668808 ' Lancaster 394-2611 For Sale Dried Wood Shav ings. Store now for winter, use while available. Phone 215-267- 6726. Real Estate Dairy and beef farms, ■ some stocked and equipped, retirement homes, 5-acre camper site—22 sites for campers, modern heated bath house, water, electric,, natu ral gas heat. 20 tables and fire places, in full operation, good location, plus camper sales busi ness, with good 2-story 9 room house, on Rt. 14 which' gets the traffic going north to the lakes. This business is .increasing each year. HAROLD F. FRENCH^BRQKER Troy. Pa. ' 717-297-2603 WAYNE X WARD RES. Gillett, Pa. 717-596-4095 POULTRY farm, 13 acres, modem home, 23,000 sq. ft, bldg, space. Located up state Pa. Luzerne Co. For further information call 717-859-2751 evenings. Livestock For Sale—Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts Carcass championship bloodlines Willow Glen Farm, R D. 1, Stras burg. Pa. Ph. AC 717-786-2562. Wanted to Buy—Red and White Holstein Heifer Calves Karl Herr, Kirkwood RDI, Phone 529- 2367. Form Equipment Used Tractors and Equipment JD 630 Dl7O AC 700 International 430 T JD 420 W JD w/cultivators DH AC w/2 wa> plow JD 38 Hamster JD »6 Hamster NH 818 Hamster #lO and 50 JD side mtd. Mowers. 20% Down, No Finance Charge til March 1, 1971. Used JD 30. FTO Combine w/bin WENGER IMP. INC. The Buck, Pa, AC Mbdel G Manure Loader com plete w/pump AC Dl4 Tractor Wheel Horse 5 hp riding Tractor & Mower. Electric Start Jacobsen Riding Tractor, Chief 1200 12 hp w/new mower AC Model SOT grass mower MM 335 Tractor w/slde Mtd. Mower AC Blower w/B-125 Power Unit AC 780 Harvester ROY H. BUCK. INC. Ephrata, Pa Ph; 859-2441 If you have hay cutting prob lems, we have what it takes to do the Job. We rent and lease with option to buy Case and Hesston windrow ers or New Idea cutditioners. KINZER. EQULP. CO. Kinzers. Pa. Ph: 442-4186 Lane. Customers Ph: 768-8916 D.B: Hay Rake :Case Rake Model 231 J.D. Hay Conditioner 555 Case Wmdrower - WALTER BINKLEY SeSGS R.D.#4, Lititz, Pa Ph: 626-2344 pickes Silos and Badger Feeding Epuipment. „ GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph. 786-3630 Used Gehl Harvester vv/2 row Corn head FARMERSVILLE EQUIP. Inc. Ephrata RD2 354-9221 Dairy Equipment 285 gal. Girton self contained, ready to plug in. Good condi tion. 200 gal Girton bulk tank 300 gal Esco, good condition Pir Intercourse 768-8228 CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzers, Pa. Try A Classified Ad it Pays! Ph: 2844141
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