26—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 30.1970 WASHINCTON REPORT Coagnssman Edwin D. Eshlenun IMi DlitfkMPMWiylvml* Pu-sident Nixon's decision to fend \meiicnn combat tioops into Cambodia caused meat con coin acioss Ameiica Fiom the campuses to Capitol Hill, intense, sometimes bitter, debate follow el the Piosidcnt's Apnl 30 an nouncement The unexpectedness of the move and the public's lin ed taints about its significance no doubt conlnbuted to the in ti usity of the debate* My peisonal feeling was that the issue needed to be put into piopei peispective It was ncces s.ny to snip away the emotional ism and examine the facts about the Piesident’s Cambodian de cision That’s why I listened at lentively to students who coun seled me concerning then very forceful and deeply felt view point That’s the leason why I examined the thinking behind the action which the Nixon Ad ministiation felt was necessary m Southeast Asia. The conclusion I reached was that we are not dealing with an escalation of the war the thing feaied most by many Americans, myself included. The fact that the action has very specific lim its tied to it tempers the threat of escalation However, that fact also makes it necessary for the military to operate strictly with in the defined lestraints because to do otheiwise will raise grave doubts about credibility of the TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! TRADITIONALLY "NEW .7 . FIELD TO FIEEDLOT INSTANT SHORT CUT New Cylinder-Screen Chopper New cylinder-screen cutting mechanism assures short, uniform chopping on the new Gehl “600” forage har vester Powerful blower whips crops to the back of the box or into the silo No feeder apron. Unit is shorter,’ front to back Tough three-inch diameter shaft whirls cylinder at 1000 RPM Six 21-inch long knives 120 sq in throat area, 374 sq in. screen area. Standard tungsten-carbide faced knives and cutterbar ... built-in knife sharpener. Three attachments available: hay pick up, one-row, and a two-row that handles both wide and nairow rows. HAY PICK-UP • 6-foot, 4 bar pick up • Slip clutch protection • Floating auger, retractable fingers Make us prove it with a Demonstration! FARMERSVILLE EQUIPMENT CO. R. D. 2, Ephrata, Pa. CHAS. J. McCOMSEY & SONS Hickory Hill, Pa. present policy in Southeast \si.i The limited military thrust in to Cambodia appeals to be an evacuation lactic The pioces» of withdiaw.il of \merican troops fiom Vietnam can be continued, and peilup« speeded, as a leaiilt ol this move We wcie avvaie of the nsks in volved in allowing the Commu nists to continue then buildup of men and supplies in “pi iv Hedg ed sanctum ies" in Cambodia. The completion of the Vietnamiza piogram, which has been success ful in bringing American soldi cis home, was jeopaidized by that buildup. The evident strat egy of the Communists was to await additional tioop with draw als and then launch an all-out strike against our remaining forces and the South Vietnamese population centers. No thinking American wants an enlargement of the Vietnam war However, Cambodia has been veiy much a part of the war for years. Therefore, it must be very much a considera tion in any plans to get our men home. President Nixon so consid eied and decided to act. It was a hard choice, but for policy de cisions I believe we must have some faith in the man who has a singular responsibility for the lives of our men in combat the Piesident. } «■ ZOOK'S FARM STORE Honey Brook. Pa. N. G. HERSHEY & SON Manheim What's New? Reduce Shipment Loss Bindley Products Company. Division of Armoui Pharmaceu tical Company. Omaha. Nebras ka. has announced three new antisera products for reduction of livestock losses such as de creased gams, sickness and even death due to the stresses of shipment Emergency Power Fidelity Electric Company, Inc, Lancaster, has a new biush type power generator foi auxiliary or emergency power uses at up to 25 per cent lower price than competing pioducts, according to James McGowan, executive vice president. New Potato Bagger Kipers Packaging Equipment. Inc, Fairport, New York, has introduced a newly-designed, automatically controlled, 50 pound bagger for potatoes and onions. The firm reports it’s absolutely impossible to cycle through an underweight bag. Fluid Spreader The Sahlstrom Manufactur ing Company, Bennington, Ver mont 05201 has introduced a new pump spreader with a 2200 gallon fluid manure spreader that unloads at up to 1200 gal lons a minute. FACTS ABOUT FARMING Agriculture is a $5O billion customer in the American econo my New Holland, the faim equipment division of Sperry [Rand, reports that farmers an nually buy tractors, machinery and equipment containing 6 5 million tons of steel, more petro leum than any othei single in dustry, and more electricity than all the people and industries in Chicago, Detroit, Boston, Balti more and Washington, D C com bined 10% extra daily gain-on 8% less feed ...with Ful-O-Pep Super Cattle-izer Beef Supplement We’ve got the figures! Over 175 lots of steers How does it work? The "Cattle-izer" principle and heifers have been fed Ful-O-Pep Cattle-izer changes the proportion and concentration of at the Ful-O-Pep Research Farm. The usual several organic acids produced in the rumen improvement was 7% to 12% in daily gain resulting in about 10% more useful energy on 6% to 10% less feed per cwt. gain ... with from the feed. usual net return of $3 to $7 more per head! Let us show you more records ... more details Comparison lots were fed exactly the same on how Ful-O-Pep Super CBS can help you get except for the "Cattle-izer." It’s a great new faster, more efficient gains ... higher net development in ruminant nutrition. returns! Come in. Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. L%’i All Members of.Fpmily Need Bosic Food Groups The American Medical Asso ciation in its "timely tips on health and safely" for May sug gests a Recipe for Family Feed ing “Family Meal Planning isn’t easy, especially when Dad pam pers an ulcer. Junior wants to ’beef up.’ and Sis must shed a few pounds "Despite then di/Tcicnces, each family member needs foods which provide essential calcium, non, vitamins and mineials, pio tein, fats and caibohydrates. To help supply the nutrients you need, select foods fiom these four basic food gioups" A paiagraph is devoted to meat, vegetable and fruits, bread and cereals and the milk group "Milk, a major source of calcium, also includes high-quality pro tein, vitamin A, riboflavin, and other nutrients Adults should have at least two 8-ounce cups daily. Children should drink 3 4 Leola MAKE US YOUR FARM HEADQUARTERS , caps; • teenagers, • 4 or more. Cheese and ice cream may re- place part of the milk.” A paragraph on "extras” notes: 'in addition to foods from the four basic groups, your diet will include varying amounts of su gar. butter, refined grain pro ducts, and some oils all es sential for food energy (calories) and flavor" Call Us Now To reach the Lancaster County farm community at the least possible cost, ad vertise in Lancaster Farm ing Call us at 394-3047 or 626 2191 from 8 a m. to 5 p m. Monday through Friday. The 626-2191 (ask for Lancaster Farming) number enables Manheim, Ephrata and Akron patrons to avoid a toll call. Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Stevens
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