Liimn*«ttT Farming. Saturday, Mny 16. 1970 2 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review r vrn.K 2500 romp.nod to !. st works tloso. Slatighlci Miois iinouit. weights uiuloi 1250 lbs 50. msi.mois 75 highet, .wights ow 1200 ll>» slc.idv to 50 Imdiu Cow-, stiong to 50 highei. Hull- stiong to 50 high oi. full advaim on Ulililv and Supplv mo.tides ,m estimated (in piuonl Slaughiei Stool s 20 tin ani Co as .iml • lulls wiin tin- b.iLnu mainly COLtitl Sid s SLU .lIPER StEERS-Huh Choico .ii d !’ .ire 1000 1250 lbs 1125 52 0,1 1250 1425 lbs 20 75 11 15 (. ,io < o 951 1250 lbs 20 10 2100 1250 1 400 lb- 29 00.'ll 00 ii-li (looil .iml low C hoiu 29 25 ’0 50 i.ojil 27 75 10 00 S .iiul.nd ind low g jo 1 2o 5J 28 00 SLUgHIHR HEIFERS Choice 8110 950 . 28 50 29 60 biro ho id 30 00 30 85. Good 24 50 27 50 COWS Cuttei end Utilil\ 23 85 25 50 few Utility 25 75 26 00 Gunnel and low-Cuttei 22 00 24 00 BULLS Choice 28 50 30 50, few 30 60 31 60 Good 28 75 29 00 Utility and Commeicial 27 50-30 25 twenty-five head 30 35 32 00 w ith foia head 32 35 33 25 CALVES 325 Vealeis most ly steady VEALERS Choice 54 00 57 00. few head 57 50-59 50 Good 48 50- 59 50 Standaid 45 50 50 00, Util ity 38 00 45 00, Cud 90120 lbs 32 00-38 00. 65-85 lbs 26 00 32 00 HOGS 1100 Bauovvs and Gilts 25-50 lowei CLOSING SALES, BARROWS \ND GILTS One lot US 1 220 lbs 26 75 US 1-2 200-230 lbs 25 75 26 25 US 2-3 200-230 lbs 25 00 25 50 one lot US 2-3 240 lbs 24 75 SHEEP 120 Small supply Slaughtei Lambs mostly steady SPRING LAMBS Choice 60 90 lbs 32 00 34 00, one lot 90 lbs 36 50 WOOLED L UIBS Good 60- DO lbs 25 00 28 00 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. BULLS. STEERS, BUTCHER COWS. HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 i Paiadise, Pa 10 mi East of Lancastei on Rt 30 Kenneth E Hcrshev, Sales Manager Box 100 AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10 30 A M FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2 30 P M - FAT STEERS. BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10 00 A M. DAIRY SALE - WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12.30 PM NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland. Penna. Abram W Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2101 MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 1056 Comp.ued to Monday. Slaughtci Slocis steady to 50 lowci. most do dine on weights ovci 1200 lbs. Cows stiong to 50 higher. Bulls stiong to 50 lughci. full ad vance on Utility and Conimci cud SL \UGIITER STEERS Hit’ll Choice and I’iime 1000 1200 lbs 31 25 31 75 1200 1425 lbs 30 75 31 35 Choice 050 1250 lbs 30 10 31 60. 1250 1450 lbs 29 60 31 00 Inch Good and low Choice 950 1350 lbs 29 25 30 25 Good 27 75 29 25 SL \UGIITER HEIFERS Choice 800 950 lbs 28 50 29 60 tin co head 33 00 80 85 Good 24 50 27 50 COWS Cuttei and Utility 23 85 25 50, few Utility 25 75- 26 00, Cannet and low Cuttei 22 00 24 00 BULLS Choice 28 75 30 50. few 30 60 31 60 Good 26 75 29 - 00 Utility and Commeicial 27 - 75-30 25, twentj two head 30 35 32 00 with foui head 32 35 33 - 25 CALVES 103 Vealeis most ly steady VEALERS Choice 54 00- 57 50, few 58 00 59 50 Good 48 - 50 53 50 Standaid 45 50 50 00 Utility 38 00-45 00 HOGS 228 - Gilts 25 50 lowei BARROWS AND GILTS One lot US 1 220 lbs 26 75 US 1 2 200 230 lbs 25 75-26 25 US 2 3 200 230 lbs 25 00 25 50 One lot US 2-3 240 lbs 24 75 SHEEP 27 Couple lots Choice 90 lb Spnng Lamb* stiong at 34 00 36 50 PARADISE, PENNA Only Auction 970 May 13. 1 Bai i ows and Vintage Auction May 12, 1970 C \TTLE 1048 Com pa led to last Ttiesdav. Slaughter Steers 50 75 limber Cows 50 1 00 higher. Bulls 50 I 00 high cr. with most advance on UH lily and Commeicial ovei 1400 lbs Supply included 16 peieent Cows and 8 peieent Bulls SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Fume 1000 1.300 lbs .31 75 32 50. fom held .32 60 3.3 00 Choite 950 1400 lb -30 25 32 00. Inch Good and low Choice 29 00 30 60 Good 28 00 29 00 Slandaid and low Good 26 75 28 00 SLU'GMTFR HEirCRS Few Choice 800 860 !bs 23 35 .30 .35 COWS Utihtv and hub diessmg CiPtei 23 75 23 50 s°\eial 25 GO 26 35 Cuttei 22 75 24 75 Cnnnei and low Cull: 21 25 22 75 ' BULLS Choice 29 00 30 85 Good 27 50 28 85 UtihU and Commei cial 27 75 30 80 fifteen head 30 75 32 85 CALVES 366 Vealeis (Continued on Page 3) yr • FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday. May 14,1970) May June July August September Octobei Novembei Decunbei Febiuary ’7l ftiaich Api il Way a-asked b-bid n-nominal Tiend Cattle are lower. Hogs are lower, Potatoes aie steady and Eggs are steady ATTENTION.... SPRING STOCKER & FEEDER SALE LANCASTER UNION STOCKYARDS AUCTION PAVILION ALL GRADES AND WEIGHTS MANY DOOR PRIZES CMTLE 1279 Compnied to Thnisdav. Slntuthler Slocis steady to 50 highei. lease ad vaiicc on weights over 1250 lbs, Cows stiong to 50 higher. Bulls strong to 50 higher with full advance on Utility and Commei cial SL M'GHTER STEERS— High Choice and I’iime 1025 1325 lbs 30 60 32 50. Choice 950 1250 lbs 22 75 31 75. 1250 1400 lbs 29 25 31 25. high Good and low Choice 28 50.30 25 Good 27 25 29 25. S’ind.tid and low Good 26 75 2d 00 SL VUGHTFR HF’FEP.S F.vv Chove 700 0.70 Hu- 26 85 2.9 10 COWS—Uidhtv md high dies 1 i"g Cuttei 23 75 25 50. kvv 25 60 26 00. Cuttei 22 75 24 50. Cannu ai'd low CuGei 21 75 23 00 BILLS Choice 28 50 30 50 ftvv 30 85 32 00. Good 26 75 2SOO Utility and Commeicial 27 50 30 00. sev era. 30 50 31 85, with thiee head 32 25 32 85 FEEDER STEERS Lot Choice 510 lbs 32 10. couple lots "'.Art™' Chicago Chicago Po«s 30.20 26.80 26 65 24.85 30.40 22 30 29.93 22 aO ,79.80 29.75 29.73 MAY 22 at 1:00 P.M. New Holland Auction Mav 11. 1970 New York Maine Chicago Potatoes Fr*sh Egg' 32.20 32.25 33.00 35.00 33.80 . 2.44 33.05 2.74 2.95 3.47 miu'd Good and Clioice 630-729 lbs 30 10-30 85 C MA’ES 310 Vcalers steady to 100 lower, although 90-120 lbs Calves letm ned to farm sold fully steady. VEALERS Choice 53.00< 5500. Good 48 00 53.00: Standard 45 00 48 50 Utility 37.0045.00. C \LVES RETURNED TO F \R\l—Bulk of the 90-120 lbs. 38 00 45 00 se\ ei al 45 0049 00. SHEEP 4 No market test. COWS May 13, 1970 Receipts of 119 cows. 4 bulls and 20 hcileis sold steady. Fi esh Holsteins 425 950. Guern sey 175 290 Olb.-i bieeds 250- 300 Bulls 195 370, Heifers 140- SCO HORSES Ma> 11, 1970 Receipts of 449 horses sold steadv Woik Horses (single) 125 275, (pans) 450 600, Riding (Continued on Page 3) ijr PROTECT YOUR FARM WITH A PINCOR PTO TRACTOR DRIVEN ALTERNATOK • 50,000 watts surge capacity • 16,000 watts continuous duty • Slow «need—l Boo KPM operation ' • Cool running triple chain diive transmission O Heavy duty motoi starting • Close voltage regulation • Meets NEMA codes • Heavy duty constitution 9 Induction hardened input shaft • Rain proof construction 9 Completely wired^control box 1 • Three phase available ] Hoverstick Bros. 2111 Stone Mill R<L Lancaster, Pa. 17603 Ph. (717) SO2-5722 - '
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