Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 09, 1970, Image 8

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    J-Ixinra'-'iT F<«rm.rc M<i> 9. J'CO
Pork Industr\ T
Shows Hog
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Vnfo—.nr = m«in;. ph - ; i
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t>p€r nog s ce ‘•onrn'n* o:
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Ld”e cid of
po r k
ene'ci.." po.k from
cr* fc* <src o.\ oict
Not only is me f: lm ufcc
‘ivel„. fulfilling Us intended
mrpose disproving mis*on
eptions about pork but it
■’as created much enthusiasm
-mong local pork producer
-roups to carry this message
.nto their urban areas and con
front their local health author!
ties and educators with the
New Facts About Pork Lane
continued This film is reach
mg those who influence con
miners’ eating patterns
Although the film has been
A own in 38 states significance
the highest number of showings
were in population density
Now’s the time
to plow down for com.
Build up soil fertility with SLF
complete liquid fertilizer. We
can make Aieadian SLF in .my
N-P-K ra'io you need for Ind
ented growing power Plowing
it down .pre.uls plant foods
throughout tlic. inot/one Speeds
decompoMlion of uop residues
mlo sod Pudding lininiis
Areadi m liquid is the fastest
and e isn't fritili/tr you ean
use for fdow-dov n Sates la
bor Pumps i id hoses do the
work Sue! liquid spreads
ev<uK, simool llls Doesn’t seg
r<g il( ,( di m v I-up We can
applv it loi sou oi i ujl you the
appheatoi I Itln i was, you’ll
profit hv plossmg dossil Arca
dian liquid 110.1 It helps jour
land do luoie ior >(/u.
New Holland R-l
per.r.a area- where tr.r
s ’.o" ~0-t n<e r . 5 to be to.d
Le.-e ob-erw-d The fi.n wa?
i-O -how ”, O r i WtOa" a EduCu
• o'ai T\ Network
L .«•
Of T.e 275 tot-1 showmes 223
were in h!?h <-chool' cohere;
e'd um\ei-ities 20 before
adult education ?roup- 11 be
fore pork and 16
other showinzs were for hospi
taK veterans administration
centers schools for the blind a
-tate correctional institute end
south studs tenter
New Facts \bout Poik was
produced as a coopeiative in
dustr.- piojcct ol the Meat
Board National Poik Producers
Council and Amencan Meal In
-titute All costs for distnbut
mg the film have been barmen
b; the Pork Industry Commit
Cl O'
Earlier this year the Pork In
dustry Committee purchased
100 copies of the 17 minute full
color movie to be distributed on
a free-loan basis through Mod
em Talking Picture Service
In the fust six-week penod
of free-loan distribution, from
mid February through March
the pork film had 275 total
showings In addition, 115 prints
of the film have been purchased
by various pork producei
groups who also loan them out
to area schools and medical
7%y S~ S/JJ'Z ' '
P '' //'
'-? •‘'ySfit - * -
t 'oc me now
Mi' 4 Or.o
inch din.
Phone 717-354-5848
• Judy Longcnccker Bankers Honor
f r or: tj j iror. 1»
I j••nd n. 411 I'F \ 'iid
.rr jTis ao" - a yt. \ iiinrr *■ m i lionon-d
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Animol Treatment
rp- S&sZ't' ~"s Spray: Ciodnn® Concentrate
'■f/'i Dusts: Agway Louse Powder or 3To Ciodrin® Dust
Plck the right pesticide for the job. READ THE LABEL, ob
serve the precautions, and follow the recommendations closely
as to dosage, physical coverage of the infested area, number of
applications, and placement of the pesticides.
Follow up. One application may not be enough for good control.
I For example, insect eggs present during a spray may hatch later
* and give you a whole new population to contend with Watch for
what happens after your treatment, and continue the control as
the label indicates.
Agway Guardian
Pest-Control Program
New Holland
219 S RailioadAve
. Fj .tu.s N.i'iorid! Bank of
•.vil.e leu.icd an awaid
j Si/.t. rio\ir Memboi foi
5< \ :rf fo-Voirh programs of
V Vatwn.u 4 H Club Founda-
lr‘"oi iced b - . liw.n
j . coj-t. :-tr. 4 H joirhs
'e-'c r_ Wayne \ o»t
Nra Ho lard RD2 Bar:\ Lonst
L. - *z RD2 Roocil Z.m
'lEi na\e a unique chance :o
rj—, aoout the 1 \es and cul in
-s o: o ~.e: lands and to cot ib
iornr of ‘he - o.\n culture
n *•’- IF\Es letu n home
,s Tc caal’enging responsi
*o coTTun cate expenenc
-2 od-'c \a - ions to o.hers to
1 r c c’ mau foi in'ema
. jrdr s;-c n;tn-ough4H
local action piog.ams
cr pror~3Ti
r N - r
o: ?rO-
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It's a fact that houseflies are carriers of many livestock diseases,
and roundworms and tapeworms, too That horn fly infestations
can reduce milk production by as much as 20% That cattle
giubs account for 160 million dollars a year in livestock losses.
Dairy Barns
Residual Sprays: Agway Cygon® 2E, Agway Korlan® 24E or
Space Sprays: Agway Dual® Stock Spray or Agway Livestock®
Baits: Agway Sugar Bait Fly Killer, Snip® Fly Bands or
Vapona® Sugar Fly Bait
Fumigation: Agway Vapona© Pest Strip
Animal Treatment
Sprays; Agway Dual Stock or Agway Livestock Spiay
Dusts: 3% Ciodnn® Dust
Back-Rubber Preparation: Ciodiin® Concentrate cr Agway
Korlan® 24E
Agw’ay Vapona© Pest Strip or Snip® Fly Band
Manheim Pike and
Dilleiville Road
How much are Hiey costing you?
Recommended Controls
(first listed is first choice)
Young People
iiii-i man, l)i mi, HU) lim Ble
nt i en, Com 1 Hi)), Jesse
H.ilini i Lilil/ KD4. Diane Buck
waltn. I.ilit? H l >'.i \nn Nissley,
Mount Joy HD). Cindy .Smith, Hl)2 Kindace Bony,
Mount Joy XD2
Intioduod by Maik Campbell,
Lancaster County Vo-Ag Teach
ers Association President FFA
mtmbus attmding by school
«ut Manhum, VVilmcr GrofT;
Elizabethtown, Glen Oberholt
zer Waiuick, Gerald Marlin;
Ephrata. ,N« l«on Weaver; New
Holland, Nelson Weaver. Pequca
Valley, Dwight Hoovti Lampet
er Strasbuig, Clair Witvver, Penn
Manor Bill Landis Solanco,
Roger Campbell
Introduced by Mrs Mary Enk
=on of the Farm and Home Cen
tei, FHA mcmbcis attending by
school were Donegal, Kathy
Foiiy, Garden Spot. Bienda Pet
eishiem Lampeter - Stiasbuig,
Judy Dagen Manhum Central,
Pat Hoski Wanvick Ester Nolt;
Penn Mano,, Carolyn Miller.
Your Agway man will help
you work out a complete
pest-control program. Ag
way specialists have se
lected the most effective
formulations from among
the thousands available.
Each product has been
thoroughly tested, and
passed as effective for its
intended use by the Ag
way Research Depart
Quarryville Store
27 E 4th St.