J-Ixinra'-'iT F<«rm.rc M 9. J'CO Pork Industr\ T Shows Hog N*• * •* Z<" • * - j c j* 2C --- xzc y.-- •*ua r - ’ Zr'j t Kr»: \ * z - '* s v-.,zz p-o~nf z i :>-;.a. -.'for ‘o ad-:t olit:e ara •o ~ * *■ co - O' ~:s* s r o n. c*;t* o n * *o ro~e I r i '.xb s'IZOOl 1 ufa CO. I *'-?- Vnfo—.nr = m«in;. ph - ; i oiC-5- cT'J edjcd tors <:•*• io* oi thfr -'♦rat t>p€r nog s ce ‘•onrn'n* o: »ne jV cor’ent O’ toGa> ~ Ld”e cid of po r k tr..-. ph ene'ci.." po.k from cr* fc* (/u. JOHN L MARTIN New Holland R-l Meatiness per.r.a area- where tr.r s ’.o" ~0-t nju -i.n .it tnc U.mk _".j ’o s'j.t. •'i n o n t . B. Host To.wi \r. I P'S E i.J- - Jo , '5 old in ;ood *y.‘ Oj.- v' - > - • !>o^ ?< op :o 3- e. .-•j. i i •.0" j-d -j rtl Oiir.d 4H or -iTi.d.' •■OJth _'d - :o.ci;n 1. - \ p O'P f.’-e 3F\E ae'.ezz’t. ".'Ou,.* " ; tOJI"' -r r • 0~ 15 J'.'trrr T* t app'iC- e' •}. _ r IF\r. .O" co-i. r.i" ■ •r.e’ - 'dr3 - o .0" A- tr <• -oi S'-- - c" o. i o - -" IFIE r'pr tc-V.: IF’l E - L e •" n i r. cr.e** • -ojat .lir- !r "a source j>eoD.e « seen as the a-!;:-: ioj—. - _r-D. " Dj--.: "r i'-c? F i \ c" C »' 0" •• ♦' :o* y * HBHTi HBHh BBHVi INSECT PESTS OF LIVESTOCK ■lt r~u. n-'i?: Uzi/yi ~ CT'" jpS'fe ipp** Animol Treatment rp- S&sZ't' ~"s Spray: Ciodnn® Concentrate '■f/'i Dusts: Agway Louse Powder or 3To Ciodrin® Dust Plck the right pesticide for the job. READ THE LABEL, ob serve the precautions, and follow the recommendations closely as to dosage, physical coverage of the infested area, number of applications, and placement of the pesticides. Follow up. One application may not be enough for good control. I For example, insect eggs present during a spray may hatch later * and give you a whole new population to contend with Watch for what happens after your treatment, and continue the control as the label indicates. Agway Guardian Pest-Control Program SEE New Holland 219 S RailioadAve 354-2146 . Fj .tu.s N.i'iorid! Bank of •.vil.e leu.icd an awaid j Si/.t. rio\ir Memboi foi • 5< \ :rf fo-Voirh programs of V Vatwn.u 4 H Club Founda- lr‘"oi iced b - . liw.n j . coj-t. :-tr. 4 H joirhs 'e-'c r_ Wayne \ o»t Nra Ho lard RD2 Bar:\ Lonst L. - *z RD2 Roocil Z.m 'lEi na\e a unique chance :o rj—, aoout the 1 \es and cul in -s o: o ~.e: lands and to cot ib iornr of ‘he - o.\n culture n *•’- IF\Es letu n home ,s Tc caal’enging responsi *o coTTun cate expenenc -2 od-'c \a - ions to o.hers to 1 r c c’ mau foi in'ema . jrdr s;-c n;tn-ough4H local action piog.ams cr pror~3Ti .CK.3. r N - r o: ?rO- - 0.~ It's a fact that houseflies are carriers of many livestock diseases, and roundworms and tapeworms, too That horn fly infestations can reduce milk production by as much as 20% That cattle giubs account for 160 million dollars a year in livestock losses. AGWAY GUARDIAN PEST CONTROL PROGRAM Dairy Barns Residual Sprays: Agway Cygon® 2E, Agway Korlan® 24E or Rabon®' Space Sprays: Agway Dual® Stock Spray or Agway Livestock® Spray Baits: Agway Sugar Bait Fly Killer, Snip® Fly Bands or Vapona® Sugar Fly Bait Fumigation: Agway Vapona© Pest Strip Animal Treatment Sprays; Agway Dual Stock or Agway Livestock Spiay Dusts: 3% Ciodnn® Dust Back-Rubber Preparation: Ciodiin® Concentrate cr Agway Korlan® 24E Miikroom Agw’ay Vapona© Pest Strip or Snip® Fly Band Agway Lancaster Manheim Pike and Dilleiville Road AJ How much are Hiey costing you? Recommended Controls (first listed is first choice) TODAY 394-0541 Young People iiii-i man, l)i mi, HU) lim Ble nt i en, Com 1 Hi)), Jesse H.ilini i Lilil/ KD4. Diane Buck waltn. I.ilit? H l >'.i \nn Nissley, Mount Joy HD). Cindy .Smith, Kphr.il.i Hl)2 Kindace Bony, Mount Joy XD2 Intioduod by Maik Campbell, Lancaster County Vo-Ag Teach ers Association President FFA mtmbus attmding by school «ut Manhum, VVilmcr GrofT; Elizabethtown, Glen Oberholt zer Waiuick, Gerald Marlin; Ephrata. ,N« l«on Weaver; New Holland, Nelson Weaver. Pequca Valley, Dwight Hoovti Lampet er Strasbuig, Clair Witvver, Penn Manor Bill Landis Solanco, Roger Campbell Introduced by Mrs Mary Enk =on of the Farm and Home Cen tei, FHA mcmbcis attending by school were Donegal, Kathy Foiiy, Garden Spot. Bienda Pet eishiem Lampeter - Stiasbuig, Judy Dagen Manhum Central, Pat Hoski Wanvick Ester Nolt; Penn Mano,, Carolyn Miller. Y Your Agway man will help you work out a complete pest-control program. Ag way specialists have se lected the most effective formulations from among the thousands available. Each product has been thoroughly tested, and passed as effective for its intended use by the Ag way Research Depart ment. Quarryville Store 27 E 4th St. 786-2126