—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29.1969 22 fv4. *141.1*8 ss‘o 50,0 AS.O 40,0 35.0 * ’ss *ss *st m • Have You Heard (Continued from Page 17) United States Public Health Ser vice. So serious is the problem that Congiess established a National Commission on Product Safety to study products on the market, policies of manufacture! s, and needs for legislation Congress can’t enforce safe use of household appliances How you use a product deter mines to a great extent just how safe the product is Protection can be built into appliances but you, the user, must use it safely You must consciously leam and practice safe work patterns until they become habitual And fol low the manufacturers’ instruc tions for effective and safe use of any appliance Safety begins when you select and install appliances Choose appliances that bear industries’ seal of appioval. Install them according to manufacturers’ spec ifications Then use them in safe ways While mor adeojiate protec tion may need to be built into some appliances and legislation to enfoice pioduction of safer appliances may be indicated, a laige shaie of the responsibility lies with you and how you use yom appliances One way to give your home a personal and interesting touch is to expiess yourself and your family m youi furnishings Choose pictuies that interest and inspue your family Some pictuies will appeal because they tell a story or remind someone of an experience Others may please family members because they have a beautiful color pattern But whatever the appeal, a pic tuie should bring enjoyment Generally when we think of pictuies we’ie refeiring to gra phics or paintings But we some times forget that graphics in elude drawings, etchings, en gravings, lithographs, and wood cuts Paintings include oil, watei Try A Classified Ad If Pays! mwmvAfiA tobacco moment* mu seasoh aveaace met, wsv** */w»- as color, and casein. Photographs tures will give a room more aren’t included because some unity if they seem to belong to people think that family photo- gether that is, if they’re sim graphs and other sentimental ilar in color and feeling and if pictures will be better displayed they seem to belong to the room in the more personal rooms of and its furnishings, their house. But you can display Try not to use too many pic some photographs attractively tures In most rooms, one picture within one large frame. Or, you should dominate. If you have can put family photographs in an several pictures that you enjoy, album where you can easily show display them now and then One them. rule of thumb is this if a Besides personal likes, there picture no longer gives satisfac are other things to think about tion to your family, remove it, when you select pictures Pic- at least temporarily. For a pic- LANCASTER SILOS... VIBRATED & CORRUGATED STAVE SILOS GET YOUR EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT NOW LANCASTER SILO COMPANY Designed and Built For Strength Leroy Zook, Salesman B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse 717-768-8231 or 215-593-5793 Also See Us For Starline Silo Unloaders Manufactured in Leola by 2436 Creek Hill Road, Lancaster, Pa. 17601 Contact jfrlfce goes a sudden and enormous in ture should say something pleas- crease in brightness. About 25 ant and inspire you and your novae appear every year in our family. galaxy. Broken Bit 4 U Club By Cindy Enck The Broken Bit 4-H Club met Friday evening, November 21 at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Chester Immel Jr., R D. 3, Lititz, Pa. A repoit on the 4-H National Horse Show was given by Natilee Immel. -3$ Mrs. Charles Risser, club lead er, read an article on “Washing Your Horse.” A nominating committee was chosen as follows: Natilee Im mel, Jane Gregory, and Cynthia Enck. Also, a Christmas commit tee was selected: Becky Saddler, Karin Risser, and Lisa Ditzler. Next meeting is to be held at the home of Mr. & Mrs Robert Gregory, R D. 1, Lititz, Pa , Dec ember 19. -.as ~v> Bright Stars A nova is a star which under-
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