VOL. 14 NO. 19 A BOY AND HIS EASTER BUNNY Delbert Landis, 9- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Landis, Willow Street Rl. hugs Snow-Fluff, his white 4-H project. Snow-Fluff lives with Delbert and his three brothers, Dennis, 14; Douglas 12 and Dean on their family farm located a mile South of Baumgardner Station. L. F. Photo Co. 4-H’ers To Attend State 4-H Capital Days Bovs and girls from the Com monwealth’s 67 counties, mclud mg two from Lancaster County, will see then State Government in action at State 4 H Capital Dajs, Apul 14-15 in Hamsbuig The county delegates selected to participate in the statewide event, both with outstanding lecoids of 4H achievement, aie Diane Heishey, 547 E Mam St, New Holland and John Kuit/, 1160 N Market St, Elizabeth town Fruit Growers And Honey Producers To Hold Annual Meeting The Fuut Glowers and the Honey Pioduceis have scheduled then combined Annual Meeting to be held Monday, Apnl 14th at 630 pm in the Faim and Home Centei The piogiam will be an illus >li ated p> esentation on wild flow eis of Pennsylvania by Geoige Sleesman Entomologist of the Euieau of Plant Industiy at the Pennsylvania Depai tment of Agiicultui e The dinnei will be stuffed bieast of capon at $3 25 per pei son Advanced leseivations should be made by Thiusday, Apul 10 Farm Calendar Tuesday, April 8 7 30 pm—Gaiden Spot Young Faimei meet, Yo-\g Room Wednesday, Apiil 9 1 pm—Gaiden Spot Yoftng Faimer Tractoi Duving Con test, High School 7 30 pm —P PI & FFA Conseiva (Continued on Page 11) While in Hamsbuig they will meet with top governmental officials, obseive the House of Representatives and Senate virile rn session, and tom the State Capital and William Penn Memoual Museum Local legislative officials will be guests of the county 4-H membeis at a special breakfast on Apnl 15th At this session delegates and lawmakeis will have an oppoitumty to discuss local governmental issues and define the pm poses of the 4-H educational piogiam Membeis of the House and Senate have also invited the county delegation to “sit-in” while in session Apnl 14th to (Continued on Page HI Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 5, 1969 Conservation Round-up And Speaking Set The Lancastei County 4-H Soil and Water Conseivation Club Round up will be held next Wed nesday, Apnl 9, at 730 p m in the Faim and Home Centei Jay I’win said exhibits aie to be bi ought in and set up by 7 30 and ludging will stait piomptly at that time Awaids and a pio- g''am aie planned At the same time, the 4 H and FFA Conseivation Public Speak ing Contest will be held in con junction with a special meeting of the County Soil and Water Conservation District All inter ested persons are invited to at tend 150 LANCASTER COUNTY HOLSTEIN BREEDERS gather in front of the Reu-Hel Farms barn The group participated in Holstein Breeders Visit Berks County Neighbors A mostly cloudy day with oc casional showei s accompanied the 150 Lancaster County Hoi stein Bieedeis Wednesday on then tour to Beiks County Bui the weathei didn’t appeal to dampen the neighboily fellow ship oi good natuied pianks loi Warwick FFA Holds Parent & Son Banquet The Waiwick Futuie Faun eis of Amenca held then Pai ent and Son banquet Tuesday evening at the Biunneiville Fne Hall with awaids and de giees piesented Honoiaiy Chapter Faimei de giee winneis weie as follows Jesse G Balmei, Lititz R 4, pie sident’s father, Maik F Bolling ,Contm led on Page 71 the annual tour to Berks County Wednes day. L F Photo $2 00 Per Year the foui bus loads of travelers Leaving the Lancaster Shopp ing Centei shoilly aftei Sam, the tom aimed loi its fust stop at the Cocoosing Faim of Mr. and Mis Claience H Maitir, Sinking Spring R 6 Mai tin ex plained that his prefix was m tei preted as “The Valley of the Owls ’ This home i aised herd of 40 milk cows and 25 heifers has a lolling held aveiage of 15 000 lbs of milk and 600 lbs of butteifat The Mai tin’s do the woik themselves on then 80 acies using only custom woik foi the majoi hai vesting activi ties A little latei, at the Quaker Maid Kitchen manufactunng plant, the ladies on the tour, (Continued on Page 8) DEADLY ERNEST The annual 4-H play will be held Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26 and a practice was held Thursday afternoon at the Farm and Home Center. In the Lancaster Farming Photo above Aunt Ethel (Kay Weaver) tells Ilemy (Larry Herr) to get out while Pumpkin f Betty Bailey, ctntei) and Jill (Jaylene Irwin, light) plead foi him to stay. Aunt Stella (Audiev Ynnginger, kft) definitely agices Heniy should go. The thiee act comedy is under the d.iection of Glen 1.-us, Conestoga Valley Teacher. Others in the cast include: Mar gie. (Peggv Eshleman); Gladys (Donna Hess) Ciaiissa (Sheiyl W eavei), Ei ncstine (Nancy Yungingei); Ernie (John Fish ci); Mr. P>rempus (Ron Kreid ei); Slecpv (Ray Biubaker) C. E Grimm (Jesse Balmer); Dr. Earnest (John Kuitz).
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