22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 22,1969 Mrs. Clarence Carter served as Plans will also be set for the en- plans for a shopping trip to Ply on . ... . .. " I hostesses. Mrs. Helen Campbell tcrtainment of Society 12 in mouth Meeting and King of f? "®lj ln the home of j ec ] the devotions, and Mrs. Wil- April. Prussia in March, and a bake pi ? a ller Mowrcr, Columbia bur Hel ler presided. sale to be held at the Two Guys .. i Durinc the business session cArvrrrv oo store, Lincoln Plaz3 t befoi'o Manheim, will discuss decorat- " u . smess session, SOCIETY 28 ing Easter eggs Mrs. willlam Gnng, chairman, haster. Cancer Dressings committee, re- Mrs. Tina Dwyer spoke on All members are requested to ported that is of mid-February, Astrology at a fun night meet- bring materials for sewing bed 800 dressings were prepared by ing held by Society of Farm pads for the Visiting Nurses members and friends of the so- Women 28 in the home of Mrs. Association when the group Visiting the Visitors Official ciety this year. James Brubaker Mount Joy HI. meets next at an all-day sewing Information Center was the pro- The next meeting will be held Mi s. Luke Brubaker assisted the session in the'home of Mrs. gram for the meeting of the So- March 13 at the home of Mrs. hostess. Cassel Mummau on Feb. 25 ciety of Farm Women 9 (Martic- Elizabeth Eshbach, Herr Ave- Mrs. Daniel Stoltzfus Ways from 9:30 to 2:30 p.m. Members ville) recently. Mrs. William nue, Millersville, when there and Means chairman, announced (Continued on Page 27) Gring, Mrs. Clare Fardner and will be a white elephant sale. —. mmmm y - • Farm Women (Continued from Page 21) Luke Brubaker serving as co hostess. Reports on the state conven tion were given. The Ways and Means committee reports that plans are being made for a shopping trip to Plymouth Meet ing and King of Prussia in March. Also a bake sale is to be held at Two Guys prior to Easter. The speaker for the program was Mrs. Tina Dwyer, who spoke on Astrology. The next meeting will be an all-day sewing session at the home of Mrs. Cassel Mummua. Disposal bed pads for the visit ing Nurses Association will be made. Eash member should bring materials they have avail able for he pads. Members are also asked to bring a sandwich and a beverage and desert will be served. The business meet ing will be held during the lunch hour. SOCIETY 19 Candy making was demon strated from the cooking of sugar and water to the finished chocolate coated creams at a meeting of Society of Farm Women 19 at the home of Mrs. Charles Long, Manheim R 1 Assisting hostesses were Mrs Harry Mumma and Mrs Clay ton Geib. Mrs. Earl Stauffer led the devotions. Convention re ports were given by Mrs John Bare, Mrs. Kenneth Warfel and Mrs. Daniel Rohrer. A rummage sale was planned for March 27 from 5 to 9 pm and March 28 from 8 30 a m to noon, at Malta Temple. The group sewed at Lancaster Gen eral Hospital. Demonstrating the candy mak ing was Mrs. Richard Lefever, Buck and her daughter, Anne. SOCIETY 29 First Aid in the Farm Home was the topic of discussion and demonstration by Mrs Robert Mowrer when the recently or ganized Society of Farm Women 29 met last Monday evening in the home of Mrs Clayton Ranch, Marietta Rl, with Mrs John E Hiestand as co-hostess. Mrs. Paul Witman past coun ty president, installed the new members, which included all but the 10 charter members The group was led in the opening and devotions by Mrs. Gerald Ruhl. During the business session in charge of the president, Mrs Ronald Ober, the group decided to limit membership to 29 wom en. Plans to sew cancer pads were made for March 4 at the home of Mrs Jay Bixler for the afternoon participants and at the home of Mrs. Keith Vogt, both located at Marietta Rl. A bake sale to be held at Two Guys on March 21 was announc ed by Mis. J Stanley Newcom er, Ways and Means chairman The next meeting of Society Erth - Rite Composted Organic KELP-LONFOSEO ASK ABOUT OUR LITTER - LIFE FOR POULTRY ZOOK & RANCK, INC. Phone 717-442-4171 R. D. 1 Gap, Pa. 17527 SOCIETY 9 USE CONESTOGA BRAND FERTILIZERS FROM NOW THROUGH SPRING Formers - Home Owners and Gardeners are invited to visit our new FARM & GARDEN CENTER for: ORTHO Farm Lawn and Garden Chemicals Seed Peat Moss Garden Tools • Free soil testing and crop planning service • Commercial or Bulk Blend Fertilizers • Custom applied Liquid Nitrogen • Custom bulk spreading or Tyler carts available • Weed killers Insecticides Fungicides SHOP WITH ONE STOP at LANCASTER BONE FERTILIZER CO., INC. 301 S Park Ave 322 S. Street Quarryville, Pa Oxford, Pa. 786-2547 932-8323 WAYNE CALFNIP* MILK REPLACER NEW All milk protein. New Calfnip is high in milk prod* ucts. No cereal filler. Better digestibility. NEW High fortification. New Calfnip delivers vitamins A, D, Bi 2, K, thiamine, niacin and C, plus a new blend of essential minerals. Also contains ms* thionine, a vital building block of protein. PLUS Many other Improvements that you will see In the calves you raise on new Wayne Calfnip. GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown MILLERSVILLE SUPPLY CO. Millersville OUTCHMAN FEBO C. E S AUDER & SONS MILLS, INC. R. D. 1, East Bail R. D. 1, Stevens MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia FOWL’S FEED SERVICE H & SONS R D 1 Quarryville & Witmer R. D. 2. Peach Bottom w ltmer SEE US TODAY.I H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa. HERSHEY BROS. Reinholds ROHRER’S MILL R. D. 1, Ronks PARADISE SUPPLY WHITE OAK MILL R.'D. 4, Manheim HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph: 964-3444 Paradise
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