(Continued from Page 13) DHIA MONTHLY REPORT the part of feed people and vet erinarians. Improved and ex panded service has been possi ble since moving into the new Soil and Forage Testing Labor atory at Penn State University in October 1967. Volume this year already has exceeded last year’s totals. The number of standard tests run in December was 1.7 times that for the same month a year ago. There has also been a sharp increase in the number of spe cial analyses performed. A spe cial test for minerals, nitrates or urea is being requested on about 15% of the samples sub mitted. These are available at a moderate extra charge beyond Modernize your operations with the John Deere Credit Plan You'll farm more efficiently-increase your income by financing Modernize without touching your cash reserves! The equity in paid-for equipment of any mako and in John Deere Equipment you’re financing, can be all or part cf your down payment. Stop in soon and we’ll give you all the v cl ails. Shotzberger's A. B. C. Groff, Inc. Elm 665-2141 New Holland 354-4191 Wenger Implement Co. Buck 284-4467 (Continued from Page 13) Milk Owner • Name Walnut Run Farm Breed Jean Kreider & Kauffman Celia GrH N. Gerhart & L. W. Nolt 32 GrH 3 RH Daniel J. Martin Bonnie Samuel H. Groff Nettie that for standard tests (mois ture, protein, fiber, as well as calculated digestible protein, to tal digestible nutrients, and es timated net energy values). Feeding programs for all classes of livestock are develop- Ago Days RH 305 305 305 305 RH 8-3 305 16,428 4.0 663 RG 3-10 305 11,257 5.9 663 ed when requested on special forms available for this purpose. No charge is made for feed pro gramming when forage tests are involved. A modest charge is made for programming on the basis of expected analysis. Over twice as many feeding programs have developed to date this year. Forage testing and feed pro gramming can be extremely helpful at all times during the year, including the summer feeding period Dairymen' who are not satisfied with produc tion, health or reproduction in their herds, certainly should give this program a good try Information on this service is available from the Agricultural Extension Office, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster. wsuuSil PREVENTtFREEZINiG ‘ BRIEF COtp SNAPS ® Aise f LONG**^ I BOMBERGER HOME CENTER, INC. 45 North Broad St. in Lititz Phone; 626-2123 M. S. Y West Cl Landis Bros. Lancaster Test Fat 16,489 666 18,627 664 18,703 14,175 663 646 5c Sons ’JO 2990 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. January 25.1969—21 Owner • Name Breed H. Hostetler & W. Ebv I my RH Nelson E. Martin Grace Ivan R Yost Marty John K Stoltzfus Ann Mervm Sander Ada Lester M. Weaver 598 Willis M. Groff Holly John Omar Stoltzfus Mae RH Frank S. Weidman Minnie Ellis R. Denlinger Muff Harry Zimmerman Jr Del RH J. Floyd Kreider Queen Ja Jean Dairy Farm Ellen RH Samuel F. King Janet John M Clymer Vickie J. Rohrer Witmer Rosalyn Martin H, Good Candy Ann Lloyd Wolf Ivy Jonas E Zook Connie HIGH DAILY AVERAGE OF BUTTERFAT On Breed Test Owner J. Z Nolt R&GrH Cuitis E Akers R&GrH J. Mowery Frey Jr RH Amos B Lapp R&GrH Raymond M Hoover Mix John Omar Stoltzfus R&GrH 24 Mahlon Shoemaker & Son R&GrH Seth J Lapp R&GrH 29 Elmer S Stoltzfus R&GrH 28 J. Aithur Rohrer & Sons R&GrH Nelson E Martin RH Kreider & Kauffman R&GrH Albert E Fry RH Samuel F Sauder R&GrH Lloyd Wolf R&GrH Age Days 5-2 305 RH 44 277 RH 5 5 305 RH 3-3 305 RH 6-4 295 RH 5-0 305 GrJ 4-0 305 3-11 305 GrH 299 RG 305 299 RH 305 305 GrH 6-4 299 GrH 305 RG 305 RH GrH 305 305 RH 305 RH 305 Days No. Cow Days Milk Cows In Milk Lbs. 36 6 85 4 37 7 914 62 2 85 5 38 5 83 4 53 8 917 35 9 84 8 44 9 91.8 44 0 95 5 38 3 88 3 48 9 93 7 34 0 917 43 8 915 32 6 87 4 25 0 90 9 417 852 Milk Test Fat 17.109 662 15.916 662 18,563 660 16.984 660 16.138 660 17,955 659 11.611 659 16,273 651 15,677 650 12,401 649 17,103 647 19,343 646 17,395 646 15,727 646 16,021 644 13,394 642 20,365 21,290 641 640 17,845 641 17,336 641 % Fat Fat Lbs. 2 14 53 7 2 02 49 9 2 01 49 4 186 48 5 49 8 1.85 481 185 47 0 184 46 7 -3-0 1.84 443 183 47 3 182 44 9 1.82 45 7 179 44 8 178 442 177 42 4 176
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