Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 25, 1969, Image 15
• For The Form Wife {Continued from Page 14) tender; remove from heat. Add croutons and % cup of the oranges, mixing lightly. While tossing gently, add mandarin orange syrup. Ruh inside of duckling with salt and stuff lightly. Do not truss or prick skin. Close open ing with skewers or toothpicks and lace with cord. Place breast up on rack in shallow roasting pan. Roast in slow oven (325 de grees) allowing about 30 min utes per pound. Meaty part of leg should feel soft when pinch ed between fingers Garnish with remaining orange sections 4 seivings. ROASTED STUFFED FISH 2 % 2 /,i tablespoons chopped onion teaspoon basil leaves cup coarsely chopped wal nuts tablespoons butter or margarine cup cooked rice cup thickly sliced celery tablespoons chopped parsley teaspoons finely grated lemon peel cup 100% bran cereal teaspoon salt teaspoon ground black pepper 1 % 2 % % % (6-pound) sea bass or other Makes 8 servings, SPECIAL VALUES FINGER TIP TOWELS C C With Velvet Finish On One Side ® ea Nine Colors From Which to Choose Plain Toe Navy Style MEN’S SHOES With Crepe Sole. D or EEE Width General Electric ALARM CLOCK THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL YARD GOODS Yard PLAIN AND PRINTS and Up STORE HOURS: 7:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Except Wet*. *- Sat. 7:30 to 5 P.M. Closed Sunday Clothing, Shoes, Houseware, Hardware and General Merchandise GOOD'S STORE R. D. 1, East Earl, Penna. Ph. 445-6156 1 Mile North of Route 23 Along Route 625 GRANGE NEWS Fulton Grange #66 met in regular session recently at their hall in Oakryn. Cub Scout Pack #l3O presented “Show Boat”, a very entertaining variety show with about thirty children from five Dens taking part. The fol lowing den mothers and other mothers directed and assisted: Mrs Nancy Fisher, Mrs Jean Barnes, Mrs. Sarah Jackson, Mrs. Celia Bittinger, Mrs Dotty Mizell, Mis Chailotte McCar dell, Mrs Judy Bergdoll and Mrs. Ann Preston There were about 150 in attendance. Clifford W. Holloway, Jr, Master, was in charge of the business meeting The Charter whole fish, fresh or frozen and thawed Cook onion, basil, and walnuts in 3 tablespoons butter for 5 minutes. Add 2 more table spoons butter; when melted re move from heat. Stir in next seven ingredients Mix lightly v/ith a fork. Dry inside of fish thoroughly. Place stuffing on one half of fish; fold the other half over. Rub outside of fish with remaining butter. Wrap in foil. Roast in 350 degree oven about 1 hour or until fish is flaky when tested with a fork. $7 5 ° i $0.65 1 Mm was draped in memory of Mrs. Dclmar L Spencer. The Youth committee will have another dance for the com munity young people February 15 They are sponsoring a tour of the Peach Bottom Atomic Plant January 29, leaving the Grange hall at 7 pm Anyone desiring to go should make reservations through Mrs. Stan ley Stauffer Jr They arc also sponsoring a tour of the Chrys ler Plant in Newark, Del. Feb 18, leaving the Grange hall at 7 pm Children under four years will not be permitted to go. It will be a walking tour of the plant which will last IVz hours. The Junior Grange held their regular meeting with good at tendance They are requesting yarn, scraps of material and new wash cloths for crafts. Their next meeting will be Feb 10 The program at the next meeting of Fulton Grange, Jan 27, will feature a panel discus sion on Farm Management in charge of William Fredd and a group of young farmers who are enrolled in evening classes at Solanco High School Washing Temperatures Water with temperatures un der 140 degrees Fahrenheit is not hot enough to destroy bac teria on soiled clothing or house hold textiles, points out Helen E. Bell, Penn State extension home management specialist. Research shows there are as many as 5 million bacteria per square inch on the underarm part of a T-shirt and 53 million bacteria and 900 thousand fungi per square inch on a washcloth. For clothes that can take it, wash water should be at least 140 degrees to destroy as many bacteria as possible 4 double-duty DOLLARS Make your savings do double-duty these days! While they act as a reserve fund for future needs, make your savings earn for you, too. Our insured savings ac counts offer a better-than-average return, with safety. Ask about them. ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $15,000 io ?IRST FEDERAL jj QJavings andJsyan 45 ASSOCIATION OF LANCASTER 25 North Duke St. (itmSm t ii* 393-0601 Mon, thru Thurs. Fri. Sat. 9 to 4:30 9 to 6 9 to noon Lancaster Farming, Saturday. January 25,1969 Ladies, Have You Heard?... By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist Boys’ Rooms Need Sturdy Furnishings Boys need sturdy furniture that withstands hard use, in a room they can use and enjoy. Consult your son about his decorating ideas Ask his help so the room will reflect his ideas and interests Select a comfortable bed with a good, firm mattress. For two in a room, you can use bunk or trundle beds. Walls with washable paper or paint, and floors covered with vinyl or linoleum make a room easy to take care of. If you use a rug, make sure it’s washable. Strong, durable furniture is a must Look for furniture with a mar-resistant finish For a boy who needs space to store his possessions, a sturdy bookcase is a good idea Leave as much floor space as possible for play and easy cleaning. A child in school needs a good desk and chair and ade quate lighting. Freeze Individual Meat Servings Freezing individual servings of meat makes it possible to prepaie meals for a family that varies in size from da} 7 to day and eliminates unwanted left overs Place two thicknesses of wax ed or freezer paper to easily separate hamburgers, ground meat patties, chops, or steaks when they’re frozen Or put each patty or chop in to a plastic or waxed paper sandwich bag, close tightly and freeze When the meat is :«" j •, •••; v THOMAS frozen, put smaller bags into one large bag Close, label, and store in your freezer If you thaw meat before cook ing you can thaw it in the bags and save washing a dish You can also fieeze patties or chops by placing them on a baking sheet, then placing in your freezer When frozen, put the meat in a large bag or other container and pieces won’t stick together Individual servings are easy to prepare There are no left overs and meals will be interest ing and appealing Canadian Bacon For a Treat Canadian bacon is made from the tender muscle that would be part of a poik chop if it were cut differently Canadian bacon is cured and you can buy it either presliced (Continued on Page 20) DON’T BUSH MONET Save money this winter by letting us install m Texaco Jet Flame Booster on your oil burner. Texaco research and tests in homes prove this new flame-control de velopment can increase burner efficiency by as much as 42%. You get more heat—use less oil. Give us a call for a free an alysis of your oil-heating equipment. No obligation. [FuelChief] WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Burner Sales & Service 105 Fair view St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 15