2 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September iT,. 1968 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review Auction Only September 3, 1968 September 5, 1968 and 9 heifers sold steady. Hoi- September 6,1968 Sentemher 4 lOfiß CATTLE 878 Compared to CATTLE 1261 Compared stein 385-535; Other breeds 275- CATTLE 3600 Compared pattipimi U , . last Tuesday, slaughter steers with last Thursday, slaughter 35 °: Balls 185-240; Heifers 265- with last weeks close, slaughter Tl ,* LE 103 l — Compared to steady to 25c lower, with some steers steady to 25c lower, least 360 - steers 25c instances 50c. lower; * uesflay * er steers wealc sales average Choice to Prime decline on Choice; cows steady HORSES cows mostly steady; bulls fully , I ” os " y soc lower; cows most- 50c; cows uneven, Utility to 50c higher; bulls steady to 50c September 2,1968 steady; feeder steers slow, few ly J}' e A a £J%t. £ steady to 50c lower, Canner and higher. Supply included 17 per- Receipts of 279 horses sold sales steady to 50c lower. Supply osmobk Cutter steady to strong; bulls cent cows and 18 percent feed- stronger. Riding horses 95-560; included an estimated 40 percent i about steady. Supply included 15 er steers. Driving horses 135-305; Mules slaughter steers, 15 percent cows J}‘° h n Go ° d t 0 °l ce 0 3 Percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS 120-195; Pony Mares 45-55; Geld and bulls with the balance main- SLAUGHTER STEERS' Choice 975-1300 lbs. 27.10-28 85, ings 35-45; Killers 6-7. li feeder steers. rnwS ° High-Choice and Prime 1000- few high-Choice and Prime 28.- HOGS SLAUGHTER STEERS a r o H 1 300 lbs. 28 50-29.60; Choice 900- 85-29,35, five head 29.75-30.00; . September 2,1968 Mixed Choice and Prime 1100- £n ln9n s£ ia nn- 1300 Ibs - 27.35-28 85; high-Good high-Good to low-Choice 26.35- Receipts of 696 hogs sold 1275 lbs. yield grade 2 to 4, 29.- S r ..STibS’ to low-Choice 26.60-27.50; Good 27.35; Good 24.75-27.00; Standard steady. Retail 21 85-23; Whole -5030.00, load Choice yield grade Ga "” er ana u ter lb - uu ' 2500-27.25; Standard to low- to low-Good 23.00-24.75. sale No. 2-4, 21-21.75; Heavy. 2 with a few no. 3’s $3O 25; R TT ' TT<S qa 7* wi- Good 2 3.0 0 -25.°6. COWS Utility and high- weights 21-21.75; Sows 14.50-16.- Choice 950-1325 lbs. 26.85-28.50, e r ,rm j rows _ Utiiitv and hish- dressm § Cutter 18.50-20.35, few 75- Roars 13-14. lovfChoke Commercial 22 75-25oo! few 25- dressing Cutter 18.50-20.10, few canner^and C lowCutter ° 1650 CALVES ri 50-26.75; Cutter and Low-Utility head 20.75-21.50; Cutter 1800- ” r and low-Cutter 16.50- September 2,1968 2b 25-27.50, Good 24 85-26.75, 2 i 00-22 75 .20 00; Canner and low-Cutter 1 ‘ n . „„ nn Receipts of 101 calves sold $1 "gS-JTggSffSS *clS£ ?f -v—.-fc — _ dressing Cutter 1850-20 00, few 00 lo^® r '. . BU^ S . A. G ° od 50 ' 24 ,? 5 ’ 00; Utility and Commercial 23 - standard 32 37 50- Common 2s’ head 20.10-20 50; Cutter 17.00- . VEALSRS Choice 42.50- few Choice 00; Utility 00 . 252 g. Cutter and low . utihty Standard 33-37 50, Common 25- 19 00; Canner and low-Cutter 16 -tt ™'* eW (3ood 39 - and Commercial 23.25-25.00, few 2l 00 .22 50. 32 s °' 00-17.50. 50-43 00; Standard 36 50-40.00; 25.60-26.85. _ FEEDER STEERS Good BULLS Choice 24 50-25 50, (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 3) 750-950 lbs. 23.75-25.25; Stand- • ft ..1 few 25 75; Good 23 00-25 00; Util- ard 550-850 lbs. 21.35-23 60 LlllCftgO Cattle it> and Commercial 22 75-25 00, few 25 50-26.75; Cutter and low- Utihty 21.00-23 00. FEEDER STEERS Choice 500-525 lbs 29 00-3125; Good 450-500 lbs 28 00-30 00, load mix- ed Standard and Good 500 lbs. - 26 00; mixed Good and Choice 880-1075 lbs 25 25-25.50. " '— T~ CALVES 450—Vealers steady &eptemDcr to $lOO higher VEALERS Choice 42 50- 44 50, few head 45 00 47 00, Good November 38 00-43.00; Standard 36 00-40 00; Utility 32 00-37 00, Cull 95-120 lbs 27.50-32 00, 70-90 lbs 23 00- 28 00 HOGS 1250 Barrows and gilts strong to 25c higher. Sows scaice BARROWS & GILTS US 2. 190-225 lbs. 22 25-22 75; US 2- 3 195-245 lbs 21 25-22 00, US 2- 4 200-260 lbs. 20 50-2125. (Continued on Page 3) No other Pennsylvania seed producer can equal Hoffman’s long experience in producing large quantities of seed grains. Hoffman seed is grown in selected fields under person al supervision. It’s cared for and harvested carefully to maintain high quality. Bet ter cleaning, careful labora tory testing Good handling and storage round out the quality picture. Make Hoffman leadership in seed grain production your springboard to bigger yields. See your local Hoffman ■ Seed Man or call 898-2261 c Hoffman FARM SEEPS MARKET NEWS REPORT October December February 25.55 March April May June Trend- Cattle are steady; Hogs are higher and Potatoes are higher. AUCTIONS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE IN MARKETING LIVESTOCK NEW HOLLAND MAKES THE DIFFERENCE IN AUCTIONS Monday —10:00 A.M. Horse Sale 10:30 A.M. Fat Hogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows and Veal Wednesday —12;30 P.M, Dairy Sale Thursday 12:30 P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows and Veal New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. 717-354-2194 Abe W. Diffenbach, Sales Manager VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. Box 100 Paradise, Pa, 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt, 30 FUTURES TRADING Closing bids as of Thursday, September 5,1968 Midwestern Live Cattle Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York 27.40 26.75 26.20 25.90 25.52 25.50 a-asked b-bid n-nominal PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 P.M. FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 10 A.M. For Marketing Information Pfvone Area Code 717-442-4181 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Vihtage Auction 20.05 19.50 18.80-b 18.75-b CALVES. 481—Vealers steady to $lOO higher. VEALERS Choice 43 00- Compared with last Friday, 45 50; Good 39 00-43.00; Standard slaughter steers steady to 25 36 00-40.00; Utility 32 00-37.00; lower, slaughter heifers 25-50 Cull 95-120 lbs. 27.00-32 00, 70- higher, cows steady to 25 low -90 lbs. 23 00-28 00. er, bulls unchanged. September 4,1968 Receipts of 118 cows, 4 bulls 2.84 VINTAGE FALL FEEDER SALES Fridays at 7:00 P. M. September 13-27 October 11-25 November 8-22 Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. i —lO miles east of Lancaster on Route 30— To consign, cattle call (717) 442-4181 P.O. Box 100, Paradise, Pa. Kenneth Hershey, Mgr. 3.32 3.48 4.10 HEAD 1500 HEAD (STATE GRADED) YEARLING STEERS HEIFERS Friday, Sept 13 ONE P.M. SPONSORED BY; Marshall Feeder Cattle Assn. Norman Coyner, Pres. FAUQUIER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE '' INCORPORATED MARSHALL, VIRGINIA G. Simpson, Mgr. New Holland Auction COWS Weekly 'Review Local' receipts 15,000 com- pared with 16,900 last week and (Continued on Page 3)
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