APPLES IN STORAGE Apples held in cold storages In Pennsylvania on March 31 to taled 7.5 million pounds. 6 per cent more than a year earlier, but 15 percent below the five year average. Holdings tor the month were indicated at 87 per cent for fresh market and 13 percent for processing, ing to the State Crop Reporting Service, Disappearance from the previous month was estimated at 64 percent. Headquarters for (Ml CUPS Largest stock mg distributor in Northeast for Hart Water ing System. We sell and in stall systems for cage and floor houses. Write-or call today for free catalogue. Let our experienc ed-staff help you solve your watering problems. No- job too small or too large. Distributors of quality poul try and hog equipment. We sell, install and service Beacon Cages (layer, chick and pullet), Brower Hog Equipment, Brock Feed and Grain Bins, Bramco Oakes Poultry Equipment, Herrma tic Feed Carts and Manure Handling Equipment, and Coolair and Aeiovent Fans. e. m. herr Isgaasssa EQUIPMENT, ar. BSSSB SL 'Js (717) 469-3331 Willow Stieet R. D. 1, Pa. “Pioneeis of Layer Cages” BUTLER STOR-N-FEED* SYSTEMS FOB FORAGE AND GRAIN If all you get is "the blues” from shop - ping for a low moisture silage system, take a look at the big, white Butler Stor-N-Feed ® Here’s up to 1128 tons of "oxygen free" storage for corn silage, or 620 tons for low moisture silage—plus Butler's ex clusive, maintenance-free breathing system. No breather bags to replace, no relief valves to let air in. Efficient top unloader is easily serv iced. Delivers more silage, faster, than bottom unloaders ... and with only five horsepower. Bright, white finish reflects heat— minimizes gas expansion. Price for the Butler Stor-N-Feed® sys tem? You’ll be amazed. Thousands of dollars less than some systems. There’s an equally efficient and economical sys tem for high moisture gram, too. And Butler offers low-cost deferred payment terms and lease plans. BUTLER agri-builder DESIGNERS and BUILDERS of SYSTEMS R. D. 2, Ephrata We are your Butler Agri-Builder for low cost farm buildings, Stor-N-Feed livestock and dairy systems. One source responsibility. CP A.U NEWS LITITZ-MANHEIM by Diane Buckwaltcr The Lititz-Manheim 4-H club held their meeting on April 18, at the Farm & Home Center. In teresting slides were shown on Wild Life. Representatives to County Council are Diane Buckwalter, Nelson Rohrer and Dick Buck waiter. The 4-H Cookie sale will blast-off on May 4. The Man heim chairman is Sandi Rohrer and the Lititz Chairman is Dick Buckwalter The next meeting will be a box social scheduled for May 9. at 7 30 pm. at the Fairland Ele mentary School. GUERNSEY CLUB The 4-H Guernsey Club met at the Farm & Home Center and conducted an auction for money raising purposes. Cakes, cookies ’dolls, etc., were sold. Jesse Balmer was elected the representative to Club Congress and Cindy Breneraan as alter nate. The next meeting will be held at the home of John Breneman on May 8, at 7:30 p m A judg ing practice and a box social will be featured. The Penn Manor 4-H Club held its second meeting of the year. The roll was called and mem bers answered by telling what projects they have selected Guest speaker Jay Irwin shown some slides on Holding 4-H Meetings This Friday and Sat urday April 26 and 27 the 4-H club will hold a play at Man heim Twp High School The 4-H club is also selling cookies PENN MANOR Phone: 717-354-5374 ROUGH RIDERS On Saturday, April 20, 1968 the Rough Riders 4-H Club held a trail ride at Valley Forge Park consisting of 15 riders, in cluding members, their parents and friends The horseback ride, on trails thiough the park was from 10 a m until 1 00. The weather was perfect and the dogwoods were in bloom After the ride, the group had lunch, then visited on foot, the park attractions The affair was under the direction of Mrs John H. Henkel The Rough Riders will hold their Annual Horse Show on Saturday, June Ist, at the Quarryville Borough Giounds and there will be classes foi all. The club hopes all area horse and pony uders will attend. Refreshments will be available on the giounds. Something To Sell? Try a Classified Ad Tri-County Relief Sale MANY COLORED ROSES Flonbunda roses can be used bund ‘ l roses ndVe Deen mtroduc for colorful landscaping They ed< and dre avai l a ble m a ">de give masses of blooms just ran S e of colors ' sa >’ tension about the right height for nar- ornamental horticulturists at The low beds along walks or fences Pennsyh ania State University ONE TRIAL & YOU'LL BE CONVINCED More Profit For You “YIELD-DESIGNED” “YIELD-DESIGNED” DON'T WAIT! Insure Extra Profit Now. Call Us At Once! CHEMGRO FERTILIZER CO., Int. East Petersburg, Pa Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 27,1968 K» MAKES PL corn starter Piuses New Form Of Phosphorus Water Soluable Magnesium Available Zinc Low Salt Index Added Water Soluable Sulphur ft FOR TOBACCO Piuses Water Soluable Magnesium Low Chlorine Formula Manganese Boion Service The Way You Want It! Truck Spreading, Tractor Spreaders, Portable Nurse Unit, Bulk or Bags In recent years, many new fieri- Phone: 569-3296 7
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