Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 06, 1968, Image 10
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday,-April 6,1968 10 Enthusiastic Response Is Given To Beef Spring-Liner Campaign Beet is one of the big guns in the annual spring offensive against bulging waist-lines and spreading hip-lines. To help motivate the nation’s trim-thinkers toward beef, the Beef Industry Council of the Na tional Live Stock and Meat Board has launched an intensive seasonal promotion: ‘’Spring Slim Liners . . . With BEEF.” The nation’s meat retailers ap parently have seen the psycho logical appeal of such a spring time campaign, says Donald E. Walker, secretary of the Beef Industry Council. Indications are that orders from retailers for in store display materials will equal the record-breaking dis- Penna. Jersey Convention Held In County The Pennsylvania Jersey Club annual convention was held on March 29-30 at the Willow Val ley Motel, Lancaster. Commit tee meetings were held on Fri day evening. The topic of para mount importance discussed was the question of where to host the 1970 American Jersey Cat tle Club Convention and Nation al Sale in Pennsylvania. Lan caster, Gettysburg and Hershey were suggested. Hershey was quickly rejected on the basis of its attitude toward the District 4-H Dairy Shows. One hundred attended the gen eral meeting that commenced on Saturday at 10*30 am. Prior to this there was a tour of South ern Lancaster County Jersey farms * Speakers at the banquet meeting were Dr. Guy Crews of the National All-Jersey or gamzation and Mr. Charles Frey of Turkey Hill Dairies. Their topic was “Blueprint for Sur vival”. Outstanding youth awards were presented as follows; Bn an Harris of Bradford Co. re ceived the 4-H award and Thom as Colpetzer, Huntington Co, the FFA award Service awards for outstanding work over many years were presented to the fol lowing members Carlton Cur tiss, Howard McCauley, Clyde Vosburg, Hugh Rhine, Roy Rob inson and Mrs. Jacob Brunges Production aw ards were pre sented by President John C Hoye to the following High 1967 DHIR Herd—Sam and Tom Williams, Middletown, Pa , 73 cows —10.740 M 513 F; High cow DHIR in milk to Robert Eich, Columbia Cross Roads, 10 years, 16.940 M -687 F High cow DHIR in fat to Rich ard Moose, New Wilmington, 3 years, 14.730 M -840 F. High herd in DHIA to Carl Walker. 36 cows, 11.140 M -583 F DHIA High cow Fat to Charles Porter, 16.694 M -901 F. High classified herd to George T. Pock, Wnghtsville, 33 Cows - 89 3. The 1969 State Convention will be held at State College. farms owned and operated by Wm Aaron, Robert Ulrich, Wm. Arrowsmith and Edison Osborne. Life seems to be a lot like plaving a horn you must put a lot in at one end, to get some thing out of the other end t'v»sf T tribution of last year’s Beef for Father's Day campaign. In fact, a second printing has been required to satisfy the demand for in-store advertising materi als. Cooked beef dishes featured on the full-color in-store display materials, in connection with the "Slim-Liners” promotion are corned beef, beef burgers, sirloin steak, round steak, roll ed rump roast and rib eye roast. The materials include display posters and case strips. In ad dition. the Beef Industry Coun cil provides retailers with “Slim- Liners” advertising aids. The Spring Slim-Liners .pro motion will continue through May with the summer season promotion, "BEEF Season It With Summer,” being kicked off in June and running through August. Naturally plans for the annu al Beef for Father’s Day promo tion, in collaboration with the American National Cow-Belles, are already very much in the works. Need . . - HAY-STRAW-EAR CORN Buy Now and Save! More and more farmers are buying from us for better value and all around satisfaction. Delivered any quantity Phone Area Code 717 687-7631 Esbenshade Turkey Farm “America’s Oldest” PARADISE, PA. Looking For More Profit Per Acre? Piowdown with Ortho Starter Special 13-34-10 Starter Application High Analysis Fertilizers Give You Lower Costs Per Pound of Plant Food, Helping the World Grow Better P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smoketown, Po. 397-3539 I PELLETED | We con show you how to increase your yields with an Ortho Unipel Fertility Program. We recommend Ortho 16-16-16 or 20-10-10 India's Groin Output Needs And Potentials Evaluated By USDA A report detailing the possibili ties for increasing foodgrain output in India approximately 15 percent by 1970-71 was pub lished recently by the U.S. De partment of Agriculture. The report by USDA’s Eco nomic Research Service, in co operation with the U.S. Agency for International Development, reviews India’s agricultural pol icies, programs, and production. The report also describes recent technological assistance to In dia’s agricultural development and estimates inputs needed to increase food-grain output bv 5 percent a year between 1967-68 and 1970-71. The crop year 1967-68 (har vests in the last half of 1967 and first half of 1968) was chosen as the take-off base for project ing a desirable and attainable rate of growth because the se vere drought of 1965-67 tended to mask recent improvements in Indian agriculture. During this period of drought the combined reduction in output was greater than for any 2 consecutive years since 1900. Program emphasis by India’s central and state governments and U.S, AID policies have re flected recent advances in farm technology adaptable to India in helping to increase output. Re search on India’s major food grains—rice, wheat, grain sor ghum, pearl millet, and com promises increases In yields similar to those attained for hy brid corn in the United States, the report says. These developments, coupled with the estimated greater use of agricultural inputs, indicate India will be able to meet the target of a 5 percent annual in crease in foodgrain output. Half the increase will be need- 0 Uniform. Consistent High Quality Feed- Batch to Batch Nutrition to Protect a Long Laying Cycle Beacon Feeds are supported by continuous research to assure you all significant developments in nutrition are tested and proven, then incorporated in your feeds. Beacon's nutritionists are highly skilled in poultry feed formulation. These specialists see to it that you get all the benefits of proven research. Beacon's quality control program begins with the selection of ingredient suppliers able to supply con sistent high quality carload after carload. It continues with careful'tests and analyses of inbound ingredients and right through the manufacturing‘pro cess to the outbound feed. All processes research, formulation, manufactur ing, quality control, delivery are Intended to make your Beacon Feeds the most efficient and most pro ductive of any available. Recently completed records by 2 Lancaster County Poultrymen 272 eggs per bird 3.87 feed conversion 433 days* (90% Grade A eggs last pickup) Cage Operation - Floor Operation 264 eggs per bird 3.77 feed conversion 352 days* "Records started at 20 wks. of age - Why not call us today for particulars on Beacon Feeds for your flock . . . delivered on your farm. GEHMAN FEED MILL, INC. Denver I. B. GRAYBILL & SON Strasburg EARL SAUDER, INC. New Holland ed to keep food production abreast of population growth over the next few years. The icst of the annual growth rate could take care of demand re sulting from anticipated im provement In incomes and con tribute to India’s goal of self sufficiency in food. Also, it could replenish reserves and help build buffer stocks to stabilize markets and prices, according to the report. A rain is not classed as a cloud-burst unless six or more inches of water fall at the rate of ten or more inches per hour. WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU BUY BEACON?? High Total Egg Production Efficient Conversion of Feed to Eggs BOMBERGER'S STORE Elm H. JACOB HOOBER Vv- S / >. •+ > s'V-. I V' BEACON FEEDS x** ><■■’ RIMHMW I, Low Feed Cost Per Dozen Eggs O. KENNETH McCracken Manheim Intercourse