—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 2,1968 10 CALL 394-3047 or 626-2191 TO PLACE YOUR Trucks 1965 GMC, T-tag, stake body CHET LONG Akion Sole Register WED MAR 6 at 10 A.M. - Buck Valley Dispersal, located 12 mi. S of Lancaster along Rt 272 at “The Buck”, Lancaster Co., Pa. Terms by Park Moore. FRI MAR 8. 1 P M.-Reg. York shire sale, Brooks End and Par- Kay Farms, Beavertown. Pa. FRI MAR 8, 7:30 P.M - Public Auction of Reg. & High Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle of Fred Mills of Fallston, Md. in the dairy arena at Aberdeen Sales Co , in Churchville, Harford Co , Md FRI MAR 8 - South of Coch ramille, Reg Holstein Disper sal & Equipment for Howard Moore SAT MAR 9. 9.30 AM - Ab solute Auction of used Equip ment & Farm Machinery at Sil verdale, Bucks Co , on Rt 113 Sale by I G. Rosenberger, Inc MON MAR 11, HAM - Farm Machinary Auction, Harry Rud nick & Sons, Mgis , Galena, Md MON. MAR 11 at 10 AM - An nual Public Sale M M Weaver & Sons, Leola, Pa Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading - Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarry ville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 ABSOLUTE AUCTION USED EQUIPMENT AND FARM MACHINERY SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1968 9:30 AM. I. G. Rosenberger, Inc., Silverdale, Bucks Co., on Route 113, bettveen Route 313 and 309. Use Lansdale or Quakertown Exits on Turnpike 25 Ti actors Farm and Industrial, including late model John Deere, Ford, Faimall, Massey-Ferguson; 13 balers John Deere, New Holland, International Harvester and Ford; 3 John Deere corn shelleis; 10 disc harrows, all makes, hydraulic and drag type; 9 manure spreaders, John Deere, New Holland, New Idea; 10 mowers, New Idea, John Deere, New Holland, IHC; 30 plows, 3 point hitch and pull type; 10 planters, John Deere, Oliver, Case, Allis-Chalmers; 8 pickeis, New Idea, IHC, John Deere; 12 side deliveiy rakes, New Idea, Massey-Ferguson, John Deere, Allis-Chalmers; 8 grain drills, Ontario, John Deere, IHC; 3 feitilizer spreaders; 15 field choppers, John Deere, New Holland, Fox, Case, Papec with 1 and 2 row corn attachments, grass heads and pick-up heads; 4 elevators, hay and corn; 8 hay conditioners, New Holland, McDade, Cunningham; 5 rotary cutters, pull and 3 point hitch type; 10 plow packers, cultipackers, mulchers; 2 dry eis; 25 cultivatois, all makes; New Holland bale thrower; 2 flail choppers; 10 blowers; 6 combines; John Deere, Case, Allis-Chal mers, Massey-Harris, pulls and self-propelled; 2 loaders; 3 - 2 row combine corn heads; 2 bulk milk tanks; generators; irrigation system; grass machine; field cultivators; hay loaders; wagon gears feed mixer; potato digger; sub-soiler; weight box; tractor saw; stone picker; unloader drive for silage wagon and many other items too numeious to list. 1,000 gal. Jamesway bulk tank with 5 h.p. compressor, Financing available on major items. Credit applications to he made prioi to sale. Small items, 9:30. Machinery promptly at 10.00 A.M. This will be the largest machinery sale in the east this spnng. Be on hand early as there are bound to be bargains. I. G. ROSENBERGER, INC. Auctioneers; Clay C. Hess, Phone 215 / 489-7127 Henrv K. Freed, Phone 215 / 822-0723 TUE. MAR. 12 at 12 noon-Pub lic Sale of real estate, dairy cat tle and farm machinery, at Rl, Felton, Pa. between Red Lion and Felton, in Windsor Twp. Terms by H. R. Stitley. Ph. 859-1020 WED. MAR. 13 at 8:30 A.M. - Blue Ball, Pa. Large all-day an nual spring sale. Farm Equip mant. We sell on commission Paul Z. Martin. WED. MAR 13 - Robert Stoltz fus Reg Holstein Dispersal, nortl of Cochranville, Pa. THURS. MAR. 14 - 11:30 A.M. and THURS. MAR. 21 at 11:00 a.m Two Day Auction for Dr. C. M. Spangler, Concordville, Pa located in Delaware Co., % mi. E of the intersection of Rt. 1 and 202. THURS MAR 14 at 11 A.M at W. E. Fry farm, Hellam, Pa Public Sale of Valuable Farm Machinery Terms by Harry Stauffer and Gene Fry, owners. THURS MAR 14-near Hessdale - John Stoner Equip Sale FRI MAR 15 - All Day Sale - Holstein Cattle & Equip south of Russelville, Pa for Cloyd Hen-, derson SAT MAR 16 - Public Sale of Real Estate and Personal Prop erty located 1 mi W of Mar ron’s Esso Station (Rt 272) on road to Liberty Square, Dru more Twp , Lane Co at 10 30 a m Terms by Eleanor C Beck and Theodore L Beck SAT MAR 16‘ - Public Sale of Farm Equip & Household Goods located on Long Lane, Lancas ter R 6, 1 mi S of Millersville, IH mi W of New Danville, Pa Terms by Walter D Warfel. SAT MAR 16-R F Heilman & Son registered Holstein Cattle & Yorkshire Hogs Sale, 4 mi N W of Lebanon near Cleon t Hogs at 12 noon. Cattle at 1 pm LUNCH ON PREMISES Sale Register Sale Register SAT. MAR. 16 - Farm Equip ment for Torrey Hershey, south of Lampeter. SAT. MAR. 23, 11 A.M. - Public auction of Farm Machinery, lo cated on Centerville Rd. between Marietta Pk. and Lincoln Hwy. West, Lancaster, Pa. Terms by James Noll Estate, Esther Noll & The Fulton Natl. Bank of Lane . Executors WED. MAR. 27, 1968, 8:30 A M.- Blue Bail, Pa. Farm Equipment. We sell on commission. Paul Z. Martin. MON. APR. 15 at 6 P.M.-Mar tin’s Sale Stables. Blue Ball, Pa.' Saddle & Standard-Bred Horses. Paul Z. Martin. MON. APR. 22 at 6 P.M.-Mar tin’s Sale Stables, Blue Ball, Pa. Quarter Horse Sale, Paul Z. Martin. MON. APR. 29 at 4 P.M -Mar tin’s Sale Stables, Blue Ball, Pa. All-Pony Sale Paul Z. Martin. MAY 4, 1968 - Ankony-Hyland Production Sale, Highmore, S. Dak Adams-Canning Mgrs. Real Estate NEAR BAINBRIDGE Situated on 3 acres of ground, is a 2% stoiy fiame house having 7 looms and bath, barn, shed, smoke house and wash house. A nice country location at $11,900. Call for more information, Nathan F. Bruckhort REALTOR 200 Dogwood Drive Akron, Penna. 17501 Ph: Lancaster (717) 394-1022 or Akron (717) 859-1144 WHY? YOU ASK? WHY SHOULD YOU LIST YOUR COUNTRY PLACE, FARM, LAND OR LOTS WITH WENTZEL? Because Wentzels have many waiting city buyers who many times pay higher prices than your local buyeis; because everybody knows Wentzel advertises regularly; Wentzels help arrange financing; Wentzel has a whole barn-full of ex farmer boys (now skilled negotiators) to help sell your present place more quickly and efficiently and to help you buy or build your next home. Phone 394-3763 today. REALTOR, STANLEY M. WENTZEL 401 W. Orange Street, Lancaster REG. YORKSHIRE SALE SELLING 200 HEAD FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1968 1:00 P.M. 40 bred gilts, 20 open gilts, 30 service age boars and our usual offering of 110 open gilts which sell as * commercials, without registry papers. Real opportuni ty for both the purebred and the commercial hog pro ducer, featuring two great 1987 All-American sires: Brooks End “Tuff” All-American fall boar and Brooks End “Snowflake” All-American February boar. Our eighteenth annual sale. Each sale offers new blood from proven strains. Certified meat records. Test sta tion records. Feed test records as low as 2.48. National Champion show winners. Send for free descriptive sale catalog. BROOKS END and PAR-KAY FARMS Reno H. Thomas, Sale Manager Beavertown, Pennsylvania 17813 Phone.7l7 658-6719 - , t Real Estate VALUABLE FARMS 64 ACRES - Located North of Manheim, this farm ,has a 2Vi story, 7 room and bath dwelling in excellent condition. There are 6 acres of meadow, a pond,-barn and chicken house. Priced at 539,900. 128 ACRES - A dairy* and to bacco farm, having a 15 room double house with 2 baths, large modern dairy barn with 35 stalls, 4 calf pens t gutter clean er, large modern milk house, 50’xl6’ silo with unloader, 5 ton bulk feed bin built in barn and 3 meadows, totaling 18 acres, all with streams. Large tobacco shed with dampening cellar, stripping room & hanging room fo»* 18 acres of tobacco. This farm is in high state of cultiva tion with grade A milk market. Asking $70,000. 99 ACRES - A steer and tobacco farm with a 16 room double house and 2 baths, large stone and frame barn, 8 acres of mea dow with stream, 16’x60’ con crete silo with unloader, corn barn and tobacco shed for 9 acres Macadam lane and road frontage on two sides This farm is a real producer. Priced at $64,000 130 ACRES - 11 room modern residence and dairy barn equip ped for 36 head of cows Milk house, 2 silos, corn crib, 2 stor age buildings, 15 acres of mea dowland with strong stream This one a real buy at $47,500. 97 ACRES - Good fertile soil farm located north of Manheim Remodeled dairy barn with 36 comfort stalls, 4 calving pens, modern milkhouse, 8 acre tobac co shed Residence has 8 rooms and bath 15 acres of meadow with good stream Over 1,000 ft. road fiontage Well worth the asking price of $58,000. MAN HEIM REALTY Lancaster Manheim 397-8174 665-2401 Household Goods UNCLAIMED LAY-AWAY New 1967 Zig-Zag Sewing Ma chine must be sold. Built-in con trols, does everything. No attachments needed. 5 year Parts & Service Guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $38.50 or terms of $5.00 per month. No money down. Call Capitol Sew ing Credit Mgr., till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 SINGER ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine, late style, slightly used. Monograms, sews on buttons, blind hems, makes buttonholes. No attatehmeats needed. 5 year Parts and Ser vice guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $51.60 or pay payments of $5.75 per month. Call Capitol Sewing Credit Mgr., till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 Auction FARM MACHINERY At AUCTION MON., MAR. 11 At 11:00 a.m. 2 JOHN DEERE 4010 DIE SEL TRACTORS, plus full line of JD equipment. Plus other TRACTORS, TRUCKS, and FARM MACHINERY CONSIGNMENTS. . . . HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, MGRS. At Galena, Md. Joe Rudnick, Auctioneer Help Wanted Men for training in feed mill work Shift work available 50 hour week. Paid vacations and holidays Uniforms furnished. Call MILLER & BUSHONG, INC Rohrerstown, Pa Phone 392-2145 Ask for Ken Brubaker Pets AKC Registered WafiiOfcaner pups, 4 months old, shots and wormed, $75 each. Also stud service Phone 626-4122. For Rent Unfurnished Apartment, coun try, first floor, three rooms & bath, newly remodeled, single person or married couple. Ph. 687-6652 Food For Table For Sale- POTATOES, No. 1 Katahdins $1 50/hundred pounds. A ron Wenger, % mi north of Bareville (Farmersville Rd.) " Mail Box Market For Sale - Chicken roosts; 5 ft. Idea manure spreader; B Allis Chalmers, over-hauled, excel lent rubber, % ton International hoppers; electric brooders; New Pick-up truck. Ph 872-7293. For Sale - One mule, sound, works on both sides, steady, have on trial if you desire, Phares G Shirk,, Denver Rl, Pa. 17517 midway between Five pomtville and Bowmansville. Help Wanted - Single man for dairy and poultry farm, full or part-time Call 626-5555 For Sale - Allis Chalmers FSS Flail Harvester, excellent con dition Call 872-7654 For Sale -12 A New Idea spread er Vernon Charles, 2249 Lea brook Rd, Lancaster, Penna.
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