Farm Women SOCIETY 14 Paim >7 omen’s 'Society No 14 met Wednesday Dec 13bh at libs home of the president, Mrs Lloyd Evnck, Paradise R 1 For ty-four members and guects were in attendance A donation of $lOO was given .to the Faim and Horae F o undrtio,n and $2O to the caie program. Mrs. Fred Ho-mbuiger and Mrs J C Hoar spoke on “Shar ed Holiday” This project is sponsored by the YWCA and the Lancaster County Council of Churches The talk showed the 1966 prog) am in actio,n and was illustrated-with slides. Children from Lancaster Coupty spend 2 weeks ywth a host family some where in Lancaster County Delegates to the State Con vention January 15 and 16 in Harrisburg are Mrs Christ Lan- Use these feeds - RED ROSE PIG PRE-STARTER PELLETS contain sugar concentrates for early accep tance of pellets by pigs, and high levels of antibiotics for the prevention of scours. RED ROSE PIG STARTER PELLETS are designed to supplement the sow’s milk. RED ROSE PIG & SOW MEAL meets the exacting nutritional requirements during late gestation. RED ROSE PORKMAKER is a complete, balanced feed for finishing hogs for market. And, RED ROSE 40% HQG SUPPLEMENT is the supplement to mix with your grains for that important “nutritional balance”. Decide to get more profit from every one of your hogs! Decide today to use Red Rose Swine Feeds! Walter Binkley & Son Brown & Rea, Inc. Elverspn Sppply, Co. Elversou Henry E. Garber R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Fa. L. T. Geib Estate Mauheim I. B. Oraybili& Son Reftpn E. M. Heisey Mt. Joy etas, Mrs Leon Thomas, and Mrs. venbion in Haradsburg- Mrs Ed- Lancaster Farming, Saturday. December 16.1967—9 John Groff ward Wissler, Mis. Ralph Mar- T 'he next meeting will be held tin, Mrs. John N. Hess and Mrs .. Coatesvil , lle Vei t e rans Hospi on January 10 at the home of Lester Kreider; alternates are ™ e weS aToSnSd Mrs J Clarence Groff, Stias- Mrs. Ben Greider, Mrs Lewas td the Stfconventro m£ burg R 1 Mis Edward Jeichau Mangle, Mrs Melwn Hess uarvto^be fiom Christ Home, Paradise, Mrs Kenneth Brubaker gave mlevareMrs Ha4in4 Mis S k ‘ p "i* " Tr « e<l,es 01 Broken Home. Drum Stick by Helen Beaids- chrl , J3tma , s pai , ty was h , eld Sa .tur- SOCIETY 18 2 e o y wJfbe I 1 h X eld I atSSf day evemng at Kirkwood Hall Society of Farm Women 18 Mrs Christ Greider Mt Jov R 2 11 was ’ a faimly event Wl ' th cov ' met last Saturday at the home MIS- ctirisc uea ’ at J y ered dash supper opening the of Mrs Ben L Greider 280 Eluz- SOCIETY 20 session Mis Chester Trout was abeth St, Landisville Mrs John Society of Farm Women 20 chan man of the party with Mrs Henry Hess, president, handed met at the home of Mins Oath- Elam Hess assisting the gavel over to the incoming l©en Wmdle, Oxford Assisting Mrs Ressel presented a pro president, Mrs Edward Wissler. hostess was her daughter, Mrs gram of Christmas readings Each member gave a donation Emily Galilimoer. Mrs Hayes The president gave a “recipe” towards gif s to be purchased Hastings, new president, was in f° r a Merry Christmas Members for Embi ee . lie State Hospital charge revealed their “big sisters ’ by patients A c onation of $5 was Devotions were in charge of tlhe exchange of Christmas gifts, made to .the TB Society, $l5 was Mrs. Wmdle A donation of $l5 The next meeting will he held given to the Farm and Home wa s given to the Home & Farm Jen 4 with Mrs Park Reinhart Center kitchen Project of Lancaster County as hostess at her home, Kirk- Members of the Society will Prizes were awarded to 11 mem- wood RD. It will be an all-day fold seals on Jan 29 at Heart bers who had perfect attend- meeting and cancer pads will be Haven The following delegates ance for the year made. A covered dish luncheon were named to the January con- It was voted to give cookies to will be enjoyed Buy them from these dealers. Lititz Atglen Strasburg grow hogs fast! Heistand Bros. Elizabethtown A. L. Herr & Bro. Quarryville David B. Hurst Boyvmapsville Martin's Fee.d Mill* Inc,. R. D. 3, Ephrata, Pa. Mountville Feed Service Mountville Mussev. lnc. Columbia Musser's Mill The Back Chas. E. Sander & Sons Terre Hill. LESTER ERB 312 S. Mount Joy St. Elizabethtown, Pa. 367-7112 JASON H. MELLINGER R. D. 1 L. M. Snavely I Stra shurg, Pa. 687-6546 An;mon E. Shelly Lititz Lititz E. P. Spojts, I pic. Honey Brook H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Witmer SOCIETY 16 Society of Far m Women 16 held then Christmas party at the Zeke’s Restaurant in Slras hurg Mrs Floyd Reinhart, pi es idenit, was in charge of the meet ing Christmas carols and Christ mas readings were presented for the program. A gift ex change was held The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Benjamin Mc- Guigan, Georgetown, on Wed nesday, Jan 10 SOCIETY 2 'Society of Farm Women 2 ob served their monthly meeting last Saturday with a Christmas party at the Mastersonville Fire Hall. Foity-one children and adults attended with six of the e h 1 1- dren observing December buth days. Devotions were in charge of Mrs. Harry Miller Mrs Earl Pettucoffer, presi dent, c o n d ucted the meeting. She announced that eight volun teers were needed to fold seals for the United Cerebral Palsy Drive on Dec. 14 at 'the Advent Lutheran Church, Lancaster. Donations of money were sent to the County Treasuiy foj- County Farm and Home kitch en and to the Society’s Koiean Child for her Christmas gift Delegates appointed to attend the state convention Jan 15 and 16 are Mis Marlin Hosier and Mrs Alvin Graybill Alternates aie Mrs Eva Keener and Mrs. Elsie Witmer Santa presented gifts and fruit to those attending Secret Sisters exchanged gifts The Society will enteitam their husbands WJth a banquet in January. A customer had complained about the pastry “I was making pastiy befoie you were bom,” replied the indignant cook “Maybe,” replied the custom er, “but why sell it now’” SEE YOUR NEAREST HOFFMAN SEED MAN FRANK H. BUCHER 2160 Main St., Rothsville, Pa. Lititz 626-6504 JONATHAN S. SHIRK. 336, E. Main St., Bareville, Pa. Leola 656-5302 EDGAR C. UMBLE Fequea Ave. Ciap, Pa. 442-4525 STT’iri SPECIALIZING ammm m alfalfa. iSX* j CLOVER, ft BEEO» PASTURE, ■IT • OATS,, FORAGE
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