■ Progress At Fingertips Thru Electrical Magic ' JFlifp a switch and a nocket will be liMa nolue and no j soars Wo space ~ . a machine fumcis. Kir the outoMown 1 starts milking a cow ... a li.ops you twin (toe can- over computer begins nciaidimig date to (be circluonic driver alt a rate that would cr'jbte it amid the vehicle st.iaddyir.i' a ■ to polish eff “Gone Wl'h The cglbte buried in the middle of • Witad” in 20 second's 1 (he ti taffic Jamie wi'Jl take you • Tit is the unlimited power to y our destination etoction • amidi versatility of elect: lij'ty teaClly. ’ Itihat mate possible the won- TJitohic industry iTOdecis ern - den’s Of our age and puts them pK-isize th-,t ‘their predictions - alt your fingertips. are met mc.ie figments of f'ee ' But as exciting os today’s ***&'*'& Rather, maehintariy and gadgetl.y may tilc ' y f b “ a£ ; d on le-pons'.'bie be, the best is yet to come. li: f U sb / “ °'f’ Imagine selecting a sio-ak by da f" speeJJ-ists and t’eoh caKQng the maukeit wj'h a pic- n Jlllcrh - . 'ibur© phone which lets you T ' b ' EL3 IT, P O . :i aLJO foiccat 'view me erttiio meat display s.mirJ ? ir ejectmcd! progress that from your kitchen. To o der - benefit business, edneu - the steiak you select, yon sum- , “ oin and medicine. -piy iinseirv a punched di'-Aing Research Efforts cjtirtd ilinbo cin 'cilsotii oH'*jc itiki* Tq ? p 'Mrs pfrnr*. •dMinlef In fatit, you cm order tiSuX speeds y»u!i- enitine groceuy needs Lhuin $2 5 bi’i'ton aminuJ’ily for with similar cards To pay resOTiirh Manufacturers of your meat and grocery bill you elect. Cua! moeJiinaiy, equip aJmlplly dial 'the brink, pu=h m einit and applfancss employ buttons to midatoaite the amount one-fom th of all engine'EMs and •tad the store’s code number scieh'Cbls engaged in ig - c.r'ch - ettasd itlhe remainder of the mrrd development work in all ttaainsaiation is done automait- Amenvcan industry fidaflly. Extensive n.eseauah is al’so - Buttons will eo-iKtuol a myna- w s th reducing the co 4 ad of things to tomorrow's o£ P‘»d.™g eteotw. This jwotdid. As another example,^ 1 reduction has benefited consider reading the latest consumeii In 1 2 paut 25 'best Setter by simply dating yea is, while the cost of living tfWe ffibUary with the picture h f ,l ( he av^ u ' g f, f yce Sonic. The book will be pro- to resMentJal us jefcted on a screen to your luv- cult by mo ' Je 14wn italg room and you turn' the ‘ eeip ' masos by pushing buttons As -a 'rebuilt of its low cost . • - and *.ite-‘ abundancei, electi-rciay Housework wit toe equally pi nduces over 90 percent of all! edgy, done'by a robot maidl A .'mingy used' to power piodUc seffif-movinlg appliance with a ticta machin'eiy in the United ‘ valrffleity of telescoping- 'aims;"States.' / ifidgelds, brushes, suction tubes, , Centi at Eastern Peinnsyl ojpbioal dnd audio rdeeitveins .■ V j a ) rj!jai leleetcjcity is leading the built into its lalnialtomy will do new heights of paoig whole job. Opuyour signal, ;regg~ apj, - prosperity. Kilowatt robot will glide from the jj OUlr a i’i e g, laji, year for Penn statlaige closet and b'eigiln dust- gryiliviamaln Power & Light Com fcfe vacuuming, scrubbing and sw „^ lei 1965 by about affil of the other chores, all jp 5 percent — actually well worikieid out on a pueipao- o ijj iOV , e rthe level of rncrea'se for gnaimmed schedule the entire electric utility m dustty in the U. S New Motor Methods It looks rJtxw as 'though youir PP&L’s high growth ualte cam car of the fuituvre will gelt i'lis be alkirabutsd to two faotoi b iploiweir fuom am etectui'c *sboir- 1. The co n tinued high la vcl alge battery or fuel dell Theaie of indusl'i ml produolaoin rn the Good, Square Bales Even With 268 Baler! te-Wp-itS Big capaotyrkajKig ehiP w 3?9sy^ an ff s r Haylmer'® 268 baler is the value leader on the | market today. It’s the only balinh rrts class with a plunger that’s completely roller mounted. Ex clusive feed system makes firm, square bales even at high speed . . . because tines can sweep hay way into far side of baling chamber. Let us demonstrate this Haylmer 268 for you. Stop in or phone . . . now. [7TI New Holland L. H. BRUBAKER 350 STRASBURG PIKE, LANCASTER - - R. D. 3, LITITZ, PA, Hwne: Lane. 397-5179 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626?J76' At High Speeds Hayliner® Company’s service area aug- men'le'd by the many new iin dustmies opening pi.wits—lime was a net gain of 143 plaints c rown * 1-VStK. Dealer in 1966—and by (the exp;m- Consents To P&S Order sfens of existing Huns 2. The low level of the Company's H. Eugene Gish, livestock Gish ari’iitted USDA’s juusdi rates and the resuming excel- dealer, Elizabeth town, has con- tion, neither admitted nor d 1 emit customer aocepl'anue of sented to a U. S Depaitment nmd the chaivcs, waived electing heaHwg awd eicCti iic of Agnculture order to pay hearing, and consented to tl cool,mg for homes. apa Imew'is, promptly tor livestock. issuance ot the cease and d bun''ae-TS'C'„. nmstiOutions and an- USDA Judicial Officer Thom- sist order duii'l.ijil pltimtis. as J. Flavin, in a cease and de- p&s Division officials i The Company in the last sist order issued March 24, di- plained that Ihe Older li five years has had tan mate ne- rooted Gish to pay when due a permanent court injunctn ducli 'ciii's, bringing saviimgs to for livestock —is designed to msuie co PP&L customers of over $l5 The action resulted from a tinued compliance with t! million a year. complaint issued in Februaiy P&S Act. THINKING CAGES? y FLAT DECK j V. J SINGLE TIER FULL STAIR STEP 3-TIER MODIFIED WHAT’S NEWS? Give LANCASTER FARMING or drop us a card, if you have farming news to report, to schedule. Our columns are for you to use. Please i - sign all items. Rancaster Phone: 626-2191 or 394-3047 ... YOUR LARGEST SELECTION is with Sty Putcbman. /Flat Deck, Tiered, Pullet # Twice as many birds per and Grow Cages * foot of feeding and water ing trough, compared to conventional systems /Automatic Feeding, Watering, Central Egg Collecting and Manure Removal DO YOU HAVE ... TIME CONSUMING NON-AUTOMATED CAGES? Big Dutchman can easily convert them to labor saving efficient units with automatic feeding. BIG DUTCHMAN INC. Pa. Branch New Holland (717) 354-5168 Please stop by and give roe further informa tion and complete details on Flat Deck, Pullet Grow or Other Cage Systems. NAME ADDRESS I I I I CITY PHONE sale coming up, a coming event - "J-. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1,1967 — /Easier to light and ventilate /An exact system to fit your needs . r panning P. 0. Box 266 Lititz, Po., 17543 * »c hv the Packets and Stocky at Division of USDA’s Consul and Market l m: Service In ansvvonn" the compl.n STATE ZIP d call, in
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