Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 22, 1966, Image 16

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    16—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 22, 1966 ' the Berks County area from a Vicki J. Shank, Elizabethtown
■ ■ ’ 11 ■ —■■ ■ ■■■ ' 'guest team consisting of junior Rl; Candy. Seiverilng, LiMitz
rvn* 0* Ji f v .1 i t ■ i leaden Janlne Phillips and Rl; Shirley BudcWalter, Liltitz
I hirty-OIX 4-H I Olltns Honored N ? n?y Brown. RS; Marta Smith, JLitiitz Rl;
A a V, aM * M I „ .Thirty-six Lancaster Counti- Lorah and 'Margaret
County Junior Ce&Cler odncjuet ans were presented with cer- Lortth, Stevens R};. Mary Jane
. .. , . . _ .. . . .. tlflcaites from Penn State Uni- Nolt, Stevens Rl; Sandy Roh-
The 4-H’er chosen “oirtstand- Two other outstanding jun- versHy and tapel pin 3 by Wln . rer, Manhelm Rl;
ing Junior leader” at the Un- i or leaders, Daniel Rohrer of tthrop Merriwn, associate coun- Carol Rohrer, 'Manhelm Rl;
c f^ er «>u«ty Junior Leader- Manhelm Rl, who was also ty agent, and Mrs. Joanne K. Carol Hess, Mount Joy R 2;
»Mp Recognition banquet master of ceremonies for the Bowman, assistant home econ- Brenda Hess. Mount Joy R 2;
Thursday night at the Dutch evening, and Terri Ann Shank, omist, Betty Barley, Millersville Rl;
m«er Rl* ’ Eli^ be *; hto ™ R1 > * ave r^ wts Those honored were: Linda Porter, Washington Boro
Ml« msser T at f n J eadershjp *** alwl a<J - James R. Esbenfchade. Quar- Rl; Pat Bare. WitnS; Donna
Afred University in western lv t, * S ' ryville R2r Judy Buckwalter, Oenlinger, Gordonvilie . .Rl;,
New York, was unable to be Countians heard a report on Ldtitz R 3; Reba Shelly, Ldtitz Evelyn Huyett, GqcdonviHe Rl;
present for her citation. Her junior leadership activities in R 2: Annette Long, lititz R 3; Gale Sheaffer, Kinzer Avenue
report, however, was read by ~ ■— 1
Judy Buckwalter of Lftitz R 3.
In part, Miss Risser praised
the teen leadership project as
a boon to the general 4-H
program since it helps supple-
ment the critical shortage of
adult leaders
Hon. Mention To
.Weaver In Nat.
Poultry Judging
An honorable mention cer
tificate in National Future
Farmers of Ameiica poultry
judging compel'ition at Kansas
City, Missouri went to Lin
ford L Weaver last week
Weaver, the son of Mr and
Mrs Luke Weaver of Ephvata
Rl, qualified for national com
petition by placing first in the
state poultiy judging contest
at Penn State Univeisity in
June He is a member of the
Cloister FFA Chapter and a
Senior Vocational Aguciil lure
student at Ephrata High School
The three-man Pennsylvania
team won a bronze emblem
award in the 33-state event
The Penna team included
gold medal wanner Stephen
Mattern, Herndon; bronze med
alist Ronald Grouser, Stone
boio. and Weaver
I 1
1 i
”'■ ■ I
Linford Weaver
The poultry contest includ
ed rtihe following events. (1)
Place itwo classes of produc
tion hens, 12) Select breeding
birds; (3) Grade 24 eggs If or
mteraor quality (4) Giade 24
eggs for exterior quality; (5)
Grade 10 livemarket fowl; and
(6) Grade 10 dressed fowl
The poultry team and 51
other members of the Penna
delegaitiron traveled to Kansas
City from Harrisburg by train
on Sunday evening. Oat. &th
and returned Oct 16th Charles
E Ackley, Ephrata Vo-Ag in
structor, accompanied the poul
try team as coach
The it ea m participated am
many activities in addition to
the judging contest They wa
nted 'the Chicago Board of
Trade, National PFA Convem
tion, Swift- packing plant,
Amencam Hereford Associai
ition, TWA Overhaul hase Na
tional Ag Hall of Fame in
Kansas, Truman Library, and
the Ameucan Royal Horse
Show and parade
The Baron Stiegel Lions
Club of Lifetz R 2 sponsored
Weaver’s trip to Kansas City,
(Continued on Page 4)
HOGS become pork fast...
Red Rose “Litter to Market” feeds are
the feeds you need to start your pigs
and feed them all the way to market time.
Many hog raisers have found that if they
raise their hogs on Red Riose Swine Feeds,
they reach market weights sooner and
become better pork fast!
Here is the relason.
' ’ ~"1
The Red Rose Swine Feeding Program,
has been scientifically developed to re
duce the cost of producing pork by convert
ing more of the feed into good solid meat.
Red Rose Farrowing Ration Pellets
(containing Furazolidone) is the feed suited
for sows two weeks prior to and one week
following farrowing to aid in the preven
tion of scours. During late gestation, lacta
tion and early growth of pigs Red Rose Pig
Profit is what you want from your hog raising operation . . . and you will get it if you
start the Red Rose Swine Feeding Program now. When you place Red Rose Swine Feeds in
the feed troughs you’ll find that your pigs really ‘‘make hogs of themselves . . . fast!”
Red Rose
Welter Binkley & Son
ESverson Supply Co.
I. B, GroybiHi & Son
Ret ton Strasburg
E. Musser Heisey & Son
when they are raised on
Brown & Rea
L. T. Geib Estate
Mt. Joy
You’ll find coupons in every bag of Red Rose Horse Feed- •
Super Horse Feed • Classic Horse Feed •' Equinader Feed
Supplement # Lancaster Horse- Pellets # good toward "
free Johnson Rope Halter.
Heistond Bros.
A. L. Herr & Bro.
David B. Hurst
Mountville Feed Service
Musser Farms, Inc.
Musser's Mill
The Back
& Sow Pellets meet exacting nutritional
needs. For early acceptance of feed by
young pigs feed Red Rose Pig Pre-Starter
Pellets, then follow with Red Rose Fig
Starter Pellets. Red Rose Pig Grower Pel
lets follows the starter pellets in the feed
ing program for pigs from 50 to 100 lbs.
To improve ,the condition of sows (and tq«_
increase nutritionlai carry-over to pigs rand
provide added nutrition, use Red Rose T-C
Peed. For worming, use Red Rose Worming
Pellets. Red Rose Porkmaker a complete
feed - should be used for finishing hogs
from. 100 lbs. to market weight. If you max
some of your own feeds Rted Rose Hog
Supplement will fit into your schedule. It’s
a balance of quality protein and essential
nutrients and vitamins to economically pro
duce rations you need.
-yj- J <■
Chas. E. Sauder & Sons
Ammon E. Shelly
L. M. Snavely
E. P. Spotts, Inc.
Honey Brook
H. M. Stauffer & Sons,
New Holland; Nancy Hoofy*
State Street, - New HoUiandJ
Shiriey Myer, Main Street
Now (Holland;
Carol Eby, Gordonvill* rj.
Brand* Burkholder, OuaZ
Avenue, New Holland; Detwia
J. Alton, Qu*nyvilto R 2;
iel.Rohrer Manbetan&l:
Ann Shank, Elisabethtown aj,
Ellen Good, New Holland!
Martha Fisher, Manheim; lSj£
da Martzall, Denver; Lodj
Bnck, Stevens BI; Eric Stoj*.
er, Lancaster;- Nancy Raster
Ltolti Rl; and Mactha ma
Ber, New Holland:
Terre Hill