16—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 22, 1966 ' the Berks County area from a Vicki J. Shank, Elizabethtown ■ ■ ’ 11 ■ —■■ ■ ■■■ ' 'guest team consisting of junior Rl; Candy. Seiverilng, LiMitz rvn* 0* Ji f v .1 i t ■ i leaden Janlne Phillips and Rl; Shirley BudcWalter, Liltitz I hirty-OIX 4-H I Olltns Honored N ? n?y Brown. RS; Marta Smith, JLitiitz Rl; A a V, aM * M I „ .Thirty-six Lancaster Counti- Lorah and 'Margaret County Junior Ce&Cler odncjuet ans were presented with cer- Lortth, Stevens R};. Mary Jane . .. , . . _ .. . . .. tlflcaites from Penn State Uni- Nolt, Stevens Rl; Sandy Roh- The 4-H’er chosen “oirtstand- Two other outstanding jun- versHy and tapel pin 3 by Wln . rer, Manhelm Rl; ing Junior leader” at the Un- i or leaders, Daniel Rohrer of tthrop Merriwn, associate coun- Carol Rohrer, 'Manhelm Rl; c f^ er «>u«ty Junior Leader- Manhelm Rl, who was also ty agent, and Mrs. Joanne K. Carol Hess, Mount Joy R 2; »Mp Recognition banquet master of ceremonies for the Bowman, assistant home econ- Brenda Hess. Mount Joy R 2; Thursday night at the Dutch evening, and Terri Ann Shank, omist, Betty Barley, Millersville Rl; m«er Rl* ’ Eli^ be *; hto ™ R1 > * ave r^ wts Those honored were: Linda Porter, Washington Boro Ml« msser T at f n J eadershjp *** alwl a