Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 01, 1966, Image 8

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    '6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 1, 1966 • Form & Home
(Continued trora i J age 1)
• Lampeter Steer Ephrata P,edges and gl£ts
(Continued from Page 8) from th 'r„ he, 2 l of D „ onald Eby ’ Meanwhile the architectural
Thi* nnnnlnr nnnunl event Gordonville 'RI, nnd was pro- Mcanwnnc, me arcmiectuiai
me popuiai annum cvcni Rftl || nfftll . on drawings and specifications
was well attended as an cstl- y nt Holstein wcl ’° completed by the archl
mated 200 persons looked on behalf of f "® ,s J“".tcclurnl firm of Hank and
despite the continuing threat Bleeders. Since was Km|fman and jssued t 0 leading
of min. ««» 0 f town >. the K ca !f »'■ contractors in the area.-In case
Winners by classes were: copied foi him by Daryl uot- f un( j s no t be available
4-11 ANGUS linger, Litilz R 4. to build the entire center, bids
1, Dale Bushong, Columbia J ‘ m teaman, son of Mr. amt were re q Ues ted on both the en-
R 2: 2.’ Elaine Herr, Penn Mrs. Henry Leoman, 1891 re p arm ant j Home Center
Giant Road; 3, Ed Hess, Stras- Windy Hill Rd, Lancaster, was an( j separately for the central
tourg Rl; 4, Glenn Rohrer, l he recipient of the Guernsey office building and for the
Lancaster R 2: 5, Myron Lan- C ?H- She was presented to ] ar g e multi-purpose area for
dis, Jr., Strasburg Rl; 6, Gary him by Robert Breneman for meetings, workshops and edu
•Dean, Strasburg Rl; 7, Jeffrey the Guernsey Breeders Calf cational sessions.
Brubaker, 345 Running Pump Award Committee. The calf These bids were opened Sgp
•Road; 8, Debbie Edwards, Lam- was bred by Jesse Balmer, tember 15 and it became evi
peter; 9, Glenn Brubaker, 345 Litltz R 4. dent‘.that building costs had
Running Pump Road; 10. Jeff- The Ayrshire calf went to advanced almost exactly as
■rey Kreider Columbia R 2; 11, Howett Seiverling, son of Mr. architect, S Dale Kaufman of
B.irwU .Hershey, Paradise Rl; and Mrs. Harold Seiverling of Strasburg, had estimated. Low
12, James Noll Centerville Lititz Rl. Presentation was by bids indicated that:
Road; 13, James ’ Greider, Co- Milton Brubaker, president of Cost of the entire Farm and
Humbia R - 14 Richard Hess, ’the county Ayrshire Breeders Home Center would be about
Strasburg Rl; 15. Harold Welk, Association. The Ayrshire calf 5485,000;
Strasburg Rl; 16, -Robert Hess, was bred in-the Nelson and Qf the oentral office unit
Strasburg Rfl. Ann Young farm, West Grove. it)nly >wollld be about $3OOiOQO.
fTA ANGUS - ißids .must Hoe accepted or re
1, Larry Herr, Penn Grant Smiling; it Jected .by ißctdber J 5, 1966.
®° ad ' » people wonder what you’ve Sufficient are .available
4-H HEREFORDS been up to ’l° build the office umt <only,
1, Bill Houser, -Lampeter; 2, ' but Board "Members were not
Tom Houser, -Lampeter; 3, Ray
Burkholder, 206 Rohrerstown
Road; A, Reba Nissley, Mill
port Road; 5, Robert Greider,
Columbia R 2; 6, Harry Noss
-ley, Millport Road, 7, Barbara
Walton, Lampeter; 8, Cheryl
Brubaker, 206 Rohrerstown
Road, 0, Cindy Hes, Strasburg
Rl; 10, Bertha Boose, Old
'Philadelphia Pike; 11, Lorraine
Forry, Columbia R 2, 12, Carol
Hess, Stiasburg Rl, 13, Dennis
Brubaker, 345 Running Pump
Road; 14, Carolene Brubaker,
345 Running Pump Road, 15,
Nancy Herr, Penn Grant Road,
16, Stephen Hershey, Paradise
1, John Welk, Strasburg Rl,
2, Larry Herr, Penn Grant
Road, 3, Mary Lou Landis,
Strasburg Rl; 4, Donna Hess,
Strasburg El; 5, Debbie 'Hess,
strasburg Rl; 6, Gary Brubak
er, 345 Running Pump Road.
Showmanship: 1, Bertha
Boose, master showman, 2,
(Dale Bushong, 3, Larry Herr,
4, Tom Houser, 5, Bill Houser
Fitting: 1, Dale Bushong; 2,
(Bertha Boose, 3. Larry Heir
4, John Welk, 5, Barbara Wal
[# Lampeter Dairy
(Continued fiom Page 7)
lei, Strasburg R 1 (senior and
grand champion)
Junior yearling (FFA) —1,
Ed Breneman
Two-year-old and over (FFA)
•—1, Ed Breneman
Junior yearling (4-H) —1,
Andy Breneman, Strasburg R 1
Senior yearling (4-H) —1,
JDonald Breneman
Junior calf —1, Terry Sen
semg, Quarryville R 2
Intermediate calf —1, Le
-roy Sensemg, Quarryville R 2
■(•junior and reserve cham
Junior yearling —1, Terry
Three and four-year-old cow
—1, Marvin Miller (best ud
Aged cow —1, Joe Rmeer
(senior and grand champion),
■Borene Miller, Strasburg Rl,
8, Marvin Miller.
Two-years-old and over (4-H)
—1, Sue Rmeer, Qnarryville
S 3
• Calf Awards - -
(Continued from Page i)
screening Monday night by the
calf donors and the agriculture
Winner of the Holstein calf
Was Earl Stauffer, son of Mr
juxd .Mrs. Clarence Stauffer of
4 V
% Every ton of Ortho Unipel
fertilizer you buy and store away
for Spring is good for plenty of
Christmas gifts—valuable ones that
appeal to everyone in the family. So
the more Unipels you take delivery
on now, the more gifts you’ll have
for keeping or giving at Christmas.
Buy your fe
COMPIfA *EUt Af 0 Pf
willing to undertake the debt
involved to build the entire
unit with funds now on hand,
Herr said. However, realizing
the great value of the multi
purpose unit to farmers, youth
groups, women's organizations
and the community, it was re
solved to make an urgent effort
to raise additional' funds now,
so that the entire Farm and
Home Center can be built all
at once.
With this in mind, our anon
ymous benefactor was contact
ed again; and, because of his
genuine interest, responded
most fully by agreeing to pro
vide an additional challenge
pledge of ' $25,000 to be
matched by pledges and contri
butions from interested per
This added $50,000, plus ad
ditional funds that could be
secured by continued efforts
while construction proceeded,
would bring the mortgage bal
ance down to an acceptable
amount. The Board voted at
its September 20 meeting to:
Accept tthis challenge .pledge
with thanks and gratitude;
•match it as tquiekly as possible;
.proceed with building the <en
ijiTe jFSarm and jHome Center—
What’s more, come Spring you’ll
HPMHHH have your fertilizer right on hand
Morthom •—where you need it, when you
need it. No waiting, no worry
no ifs, ands or buts.
You’ll come out ahead—and so will
3 our crops—if you get both your
fertilizer and your Christmas
shopping all in at one time.
! fertiliser,
t i
If***' A
zer now!
provided the $25,000 chailcn*|
pledge Is matched without de. 4
Suitable mortgage financing
can be arranged for the
ance required, Herr stated
Letters requesting ’
pledges to match the challenge
pledge are going out thu
to all contributors. Also
short, intensive “DouMe-Diiiy
Dollais” campaign is
staged by Farm and Home
Foundation Board member
under leadership of the Cam.
paign Co-Chairmen, Levi Bm
baker, farmer residing near
Rohrerstown; and Lany
Skromme, New Hollanc hlj.
chine Co. vice president The
Farm and Home Foundation
Board of Directors will meet
again on October 6 to review
progress and decide if bids
should toe let to build tne en.
■tire Farm and Home Center,
.Herr concluded,
• iLoncoster Auction
(■Continued ironi Page 2)
lbs, -2aL3O.
'SHEEP 18 "Not erangh on
sdle for .a market test
;AUTio stt'tfiu:
PHONE 397-3539