'6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 1, 1966 • Form & Home (Continued trora i J age 1) • Lampeter Steer Ephrata P,edges and gl£ts (Continued from Page 8) from th 'r„ he, 2 l of D „ onald Eby ’ Meanwhile the architectural Thi* nnnnlnr nnnunl event Gordonville 'RI, nnd was pro- Mcanwnnc, me arcmiectuiai me popuiai annum cvcni Rftl || nfftll . on drawings and specifications was well attended as an cstl- y nt Holstein wcl ’° completed by the archl mated 200 persons looked on behalf of f "® ,s J“".tcclurnl firm of Hank and despite the continuing threat Bleeders. Since was Km|fman and jssued t 0 leading of min. ««» 0 f town >. the K ca !f »'■ contractors in the area.-In case Winners by classes were: copied foi him by Daryl uot- f un( j s no t be available 4-11 ANGUS linger, Litilz R 4. to build the entire center, bids 1, Dale Bushong, Columbia J ‘ m teaman, son of Mr. amt were re q Ues ted on both the en- R 2: 2.’ Elaine Herr, Penn Mrs. Henry Leoman, 1891 re p arm ant j Home Center Giant Road; 3, Ed Hess, Stras- Windy Hill Rd, Lancaster, was an( j separately for the central tourg Rl; 4, Glenn Rohrer, l he recipient of the Guernsey office building and for the Lancaster R 2: 5, Myron Lan- C ?H- She was presented to ] ar g e multi-purpose area for dis, Jr., Strasburg Rl; 6, Gary him by Robert Breneman for meetings, workshops and edu •Dean, Strasburg Rl; 7, Jeffrey the Guernsey Breeders Calf cational sessions. Brubaker, 345 Running Pump Award Committee. The calf These bids were opened Sgp •Road; 8, Debbie Edwards, Lam- was bred by Jesse Balmer, tember 15 and it became evi peter; 9, Glenn Brubaker, 345 Litltz R 4. dent‘.that building costs had Running Pump Road; 10. Jeff- The Ayrshire calf went to advanced almost exactly as ■rey Kreider Columbia R 2; 11, Howett Seiverling, son of Mr. architect, S Dale Kaufman of B.irwU .Hershey, Paradise Rl; and Mrs. Harold Seiverling of Strasburg, had estimated. Low 12, James Noll Centerville Lititz Rl. Presentation was by bids indicated that: Road; 13, James ’ Greider, Co- Milton Brubaker, president of Cost of the entire Farm and Humbia R - 14 Richard Hess, ’the county Ayrshire Breeders Home Center would be about Strasburg Rl; 15. Harold Welk, Association. The Ayrshire calf 5485,000; Strasburg Rl; 16, -Robert Hess, was bred in-the Nelson and Qf the oentral office unit Strasburg Rfl. Ann Young farm, West Grove. it)nly >wollld be about $3OOiOQO. fTA ANGUS - ißids .must Hoe accepted or re 1, Larry Herr, Penn Grant Smiling; it Jected .by ißctdber J 5, 1966. ®° ad ' » people wonder what you’ve Sufficient are .available 4-H HEREFORDS been up to ’l° build the office umt