Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 01, 1966, Image 10

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    30—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 1, 1966
4-H Baby Buf Club
Enrollment Time Here
Lancaster County boy* and
Kiris, 9 to 10 years of age,
who ore interested in feeding
a baby beef steer calf for one
of the Shows, arc urged by
County Agent M. M. Smith to
enroll now. The 441 Baby
Beef project requires that each
club member stait with a
steer calf of one of the major
beef breeds. Angus, Hereford,
or Shorthorn. These calves arc
stmted on feed during Novem
ber or December.
Baby Beef Club work In
cludes not only the proper
feeding and care of a steer
calf, but stresses the value of
keeping accurate records, of
learning how to properly fit
and show a steer, and the ad
vantages of belonging to a
group of other boys and girls
of similar interests.
At the present time there
are two 4-H Baby Beef Clubs
active in the county. The Red
Rose Club is county-wide in
nr lure and the steers are fed
for the Pennsylvania State
Farm Show; however most of
the steers are displayed at one
of the local Community Farm
Shows as well as at the Penn
sylvania Livestock Exposition.
The other club is the New Hol
land group that feed steers
only for the New Holland
Show each fall.
Interested youngsters are
urged to enroll toon by con
tacting a present member of
one of these clubs, or a Baby
Beef Club Lender, or by con
tact life the Extension Service
omcc, 202 P.O. Bldg., Lancas
ter. Enrollment cards 'arc
available upon request.
4-H'ers Hold Fashion
Show At- Fulton Grange
Booster Night
Fulton Grqnge #66 observed
Booster Night September 26
with a covered dish supper
held in '.the Grange Hall at
Oakryn. Eighty-five people at
tended the program which was
in charge of the Lecturer, Miss
Agnes Spence. The program
included group singing “Amer-
tea”; Welcome by the Master,dress Elaine Oalbrsath. Fifth
Gyles H. Brown. The Little year suit Carole Holloway.
Britain "Sewettes" and the Miss Phyllis Murray, second
Fulton 4-H Clubs preaentml a runner-up In Hamel Queen
fashion show. The Little Brit- contest at the Southern tan
nin club was narrated by Mrs,.c» s t#r County Community Fair
Jesse Wood, club leader, and held September 21, was Intro
accompanied by piano music <iuccd and sons solos accom
by Linda HostoUer. The girls by M rs. Paul Ccvls,
modeled the dresses they , M „ Clayton Wiley, second
made this summer. Second runner-up in Mrs. Lancaster
year dresses: Sally Hostetler, County Flrechlef contest held
Pam Groff. Velma Temple. at Ep hrat a September 23 was
Patty Groff and Linda Hostet- introduced,
ter. Fifth year suit Beth _ . ni .„... , .
Preston. First year kerchief d Clsi!!L !ho
Edna Sue Wood. The Fulton
4-H Club was narrated by Mrs. Wood was eleotcd " member
Clayton Wiley, club leader. JJ* 25!:
Second year dresses: Judy
Trimble, Peggy Galbreath and «if*
Peeev Walker Third year P e,r i n B farm group in the
Lind, Browning. Fourth »« SSTa m-ytSf-S
sponsor a girl in the Miss So
lanco pageant to be held No
vember 26.
Fulton Grange will be host
to the Lancaster County Po
mona Grange Saturday, Octo
ber 15, 8 p.m. and the con
ferring of the Fifth Degree.
The next meeting will be
held October 10 when the new
officers will be installed.
Nine County Horsemen
Qualify For State
4-H Show In November
Nine Lancaster County 4-H
Horse Club members qualified
in thirteen events last Satur
day for entry in the State
Light Horse and Pony Show,
which will be held at the Farm
Show Building November 11
and 12
One hundred and fifty en
trants from six counties com
peted September 24 in the
District 10, 4-H Light Horse
and Pony Show held in Ches
ter County Individuals plac
ing first or second in the 23-
class competition became elig
ible for the State Show.
Four county horsemen qual
ified in more than one event:
Jerry Nessinger, Hemholdis;
Ann Hinerdeer, Lancaster;
Donald Stock, iMillersville; and
Cindy Lou Hamdl, Quarry
ville R 2
Other counitians qualifying
for state competition were:
Carol Sites, Manheim R 2;
Kirk Bussell, Manheim Rl;
Joanne Roether, Manheim R 3;
Keith Sheffer, Columbia Bl;
and Debbie Cummings, Quar
ryville R 3.
Annual 4-H Cookie
Sale Starts Today
A 4-H Cookie Sale will bo
conducted by members of the
Lancaster County 4-H Clubs
starting on October Ist and
running thiough the 22nd The
purpose of this sale, sponsor
ed by the 4-H County Council,
is to raise funds for the 4-H
inter-state exchange trip pro
Four varieties of cookies
will be sold cocoanut maca
roons, peanut butter patties,
marshmallow bars and choco
late graham crackers
General chairmen for this
event are Larry Antes, Mt.
Joy, R 2, and Judy Buck
waiter, Lititz R 3.
The Area chairmen are:
Ephrata Charles Risser, Ste»
vens, R 1
Manheim: Martha Fisher,
Manheim, Rl.
Elizabethtown. Vicki Shank,
Elizabethtown, Rl.
Quarryville Dennis Alien,
Quarryville, R 2.
New Holland. Larry High,
346 E Main St., Bareville.
Cookies may be secured o»
Saturday morning, October Ist,
between 8 00 and 11:00 a.m. ai
the Gilbert R Antes farm, Mt,
Joy, R 2, which is the central
distribution point, or by con
tacting any of the above area