30—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 1, 1966 4-H Baby Buf Club Enrollment Time Here Lancaster County boy* and Kiris, 9 to 10 years of age, who ore interested in feeding a baby beef steer calf for one of the Shows, arc urged by County Agent M. M. Smith to enroll now. The 441 Baby Beef project requires that each club member stait with a steer calf of one of the major beef breeds. Angus, Hereford, or Shorthorn. These calves arc stmted on feed during Novem ber or December. Baby Beef Club work In cludes not only the proper feeding and care of a steer calf, but stresses the value of keeping accurate records, of learning how to properly fit and show a steer, and the ad vantages of belonging to a group of other boys and girls of similar interests. At the present time there are two 4-H Baby Beef Clubs active in the county. The Red Rose Club is county-wide in nr lure and the steers are fed for the Pennsylvania State Farm Show; however most of the steers are displayed at one of the local Community Farm Shows as well as at the Penn sylvania Livestock Exposition. The other club is the New Hol land group that feed steers only for the New Holland Show each fall. Interested youngsters are urged to enroll toon by con tacting a present member of one of these clubs, or a Baby Beef Club Lender, or by con tact life the Extension Service omcc, 202 P.O. Bldg., Lancas ter. Enrollment cards 'arc available upon request. 4-H'ers Hold Fashion Show At- Fulton Grange Booster Night Fulton Grqnge #66 observed Booster Night September 26 with a covered dish supper held in '.the Grange Hall at Oakryn. Eighty-five people at tended the program which was in charge of the Lecturer, Miss Agnes Spence. The program included group singing “Amer- tea”; Welcome by the Master,dress Elaine Oalbrsath. Fifth Gyles H. Brown. The Little year suit Carole Holloway. Britain "Sewettes" and the Miss Phyllis Murray, second Fulton 4-H Clubs preaentml a runner-up In Hamel Queen fashion show. The Little Brit- contest at the Southern tan nin club was narrated by Mrs,.c» s t#r County Community Fair Jesse Wood, club leader, and held September 21, was Intro accompanied by piano music