» t form Equipment SPREADERS, new and used, $125.00 and up. WILBUR GRAYBILL New Idea ■ Clay - Mch. Shop Lititz Ph. 626-5221 180 Amp. Idncoln Welder, New Price $95.00. Hiestand. Inc., Rl, Marietta. Ph: 426 9301. Fe»d grinder mixers; hammei mill's; big selection of spread ers, loaders, stalk shredder-. end tractor chains. SPECIAL, PRICE on baler twine; 2 and 3 pit. 'blades; snow blowers and bummer mill belts. KEENER EQUIP. CO. Phone 569-9861 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa. For Sale Used milk cool ers; one 300 gal. Wilson bulk tank, stainless steel, good con dition; one 400 gal. Esco bulk milk tank, MCD No. 1 approv ed; one 300 gal. Jamesway bulk tank, S.S., 200 gal. Girton, S.S. good condition. CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzers, Pa. Ph. Intercourse 768-8501 John Deere, New Holland, and New Idea, new and used Spreaders in excellent condi tion. John Deere Day January 27, 1966. A. B C Groff, Inc, New Holland, Pa. Ph: 254-8001. MISCELLANEOUS WEAR-EVER Cooking Utensils Sales & Service 898-7170 Charles M. Landis R. D. 1, Root Bd. Manheim, Pa. PIPE Steel used No. 1 shape —2, 3, 4,6, 8 inch. Call 739-9040, Maryland Pipe, Box 394, Hagerstown, Md. For Sale Mushroom soil for your lawns, gardens, parks, and golf courses. Trailer loads delivered. Gap Newport Mush room Farms, Inc,, Avondale, Pa. Ph. AC 215-268-8808, For Sale Well, seasoned cherry boards. Also 5 large cherry trees. Small button wood trees. If interested, call Elizabethtown, 367-2016. Feed and Seed For Sale Chesapeake Red Clover Seed. Home grown. Cleaned and rippled. $25.00 bu. Call 302-378-2504'. A. C. Davis, ®. D. 1, Middletown, Del. Local Classified Advertising Rotes Use This Handy Chart To Figuie Your Cost Words (1) Issue (3) Issues 20 (Min.) $lOO $2.40 21 1.05 2 52 22 1.10 2.64 23 1.15 2.76 24 120 2.88 25 125 3.00 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer' coming (to .a,,80x Number, % Lancaster* Farra |ing): *2sc additional. ‘ r Ads" running 8 oA secutive times with bo-change billed at 4c .per word each time .with 88c minimum.-v , -- DEADLINE: Wednesday morning of each week’s publi cation. Positively no ada ac cepted after noon Wednesday. LANCASTER FARMING ECO. Box 266 ' JLititz, I'a. , Ph. Lancaster 394-3047 or ■Litite-626-2191. Livestock For Sole For Sale Purebred York shire boars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass champion ship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm, R D. 1, Strasburg, Pa. Phone AC 717 786-2562, WANTED TO RENT Young married man would like to rent a farm with at least 70 acres and 10 stanchions. Call 392-2598 after 6:30 P.M. HELP OFFERED INCOME TAX SERVICE FOR FARMERS BY FARMERS Special attention to applica tions lor exemption from self employment tax and claims for refund of such taxes paid under conscientious protest. For' appointment call: Milea W. Fry & Son, Ephrata, R. 3, 354-6043. Poultry & Supplies Egg washers, new and used. We repair all makes. Hiestand, Inc, Marietta Rl, Ph. 426- 9301. DEKALB STARTED PULLETS Phone DeKalk York Hatchery, York 848-1770 oi DeKalb Dis trict Sales Office, Lancaster 394-5157. ARE YOU CONSIDERING PRODUCING BROILER HATCHING EGGS? If so, we would like to talk with you. Phone 392-2192 ""MARTIN'S HATCHERY 2823 COLUMBIA AVE. LANCASTER, PA. Now is the time to have your dairy barn or chicken house air conditioned by Vent-O-Matic. Control venti> lation without drafts. All in stallation guaranteed. Also other used fans. Also Chore Time poultry equipment. Hiestand, Inc., Marietta Rl, Ph. HA 6-9301. Musser’s 327’s Shell Out Lots of Large White Eggs BABCOCK B-300's Top on Farms Everywhere will he Tops on YOUR FARM too .... BABCOCK HATCHERY, INC. * R. D. S, Lttltz, pa. Phone: 717-626-5872 Household Goods For Sale Sewing Machine equipped to Zig-Zag, overcast, make button holes and appli ques. $23.50 or $5 00 per mon th. 2000 Columbia Ave., 393- 4631, Lancaster. Open 10 A.M. to 9 P.M, Sat. ’til 6 P.M. Tappen gas ranges, Norge ap pliances, Quaker oil heaters and bottled gas service. BENJ. SHENK Lampeter, Pa. Phone 397-2486 Help Wonted Man to drive truck and -work in feed mill. Apply at Eby’s Mill, 35 N. Cedar Street, Lit itz. Assistant herdsman for large commercial dairy herd. Good working conditions. Must he able to handle machinery. Con tact Dr. Laslocky, Hillside Farms, Riverside, N.J. Phone: 609-Ho 1-0046. Dependable married man for poultry and produ'ce farm. Able to drive truck «ind trac tor. House with conveniences. Begin April 1. Brooijawn Farm, Kreider Ave, Please write giving references. Men to work in feed mill and truck drivers. Paid holidays and hospitalization benefits. Apply Earl Sauder, Inc., New Holland, Pa. WANTED Mulch Hay any amount. Top prices paid. Phone Area 215- 268-2262. Poultry & Supplies Famous CHIX-CINERATORS. Efficient disposal of dead chickens, turkeys or other small animals by cremation. 30 day guarantee or money re funded. Hiestand, Inc. Ph, 426- 9301. ***** SHAVER is V Layers Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-3455 MOUNT JOY R. 1. PA. GARBER G-200 Leghorn Layers a champion for INCOME combined with EGG QUALITY Day Old Chicks and Started Pullets FLORIN FARMS, INC. R. D. 1, Mount Joy 653-9891 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 15, 1966 Moil Box Market For Sale Ist quality hay; Ist, 2nd and 3rd cutting. Phone 272-4177. Lebanon or apply 251 Sth. 22nd St., Lebanon, Pa. For Sale Carrots, organical ly grown. Excellent quality. Special price on large quanti ties. Vernon B. Nissley, R 2 Manheim. Ph. 665-3873 For Sale Frigidaire auto matic washer, like new, $l5O J. Landis Bowers, R D. 1, Columbia. Phone 285-5649. Male Help Wanted Man to do general work. Call 442-4000 between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M For Sale Saaven buck, 2 yrs. old, hornless, tested, $25 Call Manheim 665-3328 For Sale 1946 Chevrolet truck, 12’ aluminum Van with steel floor Phone 626-6874. Real Estate For BEAUTY and LOCATION Buy Build in “SKYLINE VIEW PARK,” Harrisburg, Pa. NOAH S. MYERS 652- 1756 Samuel F. B. Morse, in ventor of the telegraph, was a painter and sculptor be fore he became interested in, electrical experiments. "I Am the Owner of Commerkal Land Tracts" East of Hbg. along U S Route 22 Will sell any of these tracts at prices way below what you have been quoted elsewhere for land in Outstanding Locations such as these. NOAH S. MYERS 652-1756 ALSO—Several Office, Apt., Business Places Suitable for Doctor, Insurance, etc., etc. Ready Built to move into now. PUREBRED GUERNSEY SALE Thursday, January 30, 1966 13:30 Noon At the Ass’n. Sales Pav., 6 mi. E. of Lancaster, Pa. 50 Head 1 801 l Balance Cows and Bred Heifers Nearly all recently fresh or heavy springers. Vaec. Bang’s and T.B. Cert. Dehorned Personal selections for this midwinter sale have pro duced outstanding results with consignments from top herds not only from Pa., but also from Delaware, New York, and Ohio. A 14 month old bull by Yellow Creek S. Fortune, dam VG-4x 14780-604-8-DHIR-305. Paternal sister E-5x 15380-816- Sr 4-305, maternal sister* 17550-788-4-2, 6th high in the Nation for milk. Without question, one of the finest selections of heavy producers some with records up to 14,000#M. Young cattle that will produce and last. A fine opportunity to buy re placements to maintain your winter production at the high est level. It has been a long time since we have been so en thusiastic about the quality of the offerings. Regardless of the weather be there you will be comfortable in the heat ed Sales Pavilion. SALE 3IANAGED BY: PENNA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASS’N. P. O. BOX 458 CAMP HILL, PA. 17011 I AM INTERESTED IN BUYING LAND with or without buildings. Must have good spring or flow of water through, can be level or on Bill tops. May not be high priced land as the need thereof does not require high priced land, bat should be along im proved roads and should be within 50 miles from Harrisburg, Pa. Limestone, Gravel, Iron Stone or Sandy Loam Land, 30 to 200 'acres, some wooded or Rocky areas can be with WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER FOR SALE? * NOAH S. MYERS 4 N. Fairville Ave., “Skyline View Park” Harrisburg, Pa. Pbone 652-1756 Land Dept. NOTE: Interested in Buying a Dozen of These Tracts in Various Areas or Counties • Stock Yords (Continued from Page 2) 32 00, Cull 93-115 lbs. $23.- 30-27 00, 70-90 lbs. $2150- 25.00. HOGS Bairows and gilts stead> to 23c Lower Most decline on US 1-2. Harrow® and gilts 1U Head US 1, 203-230 lbs $3O 50-30 60, US 1-2 200-245 lbs $3O 00- .30 .30 US 1-3 190-240 lbs. 29 50-30 00. Couple lots me dium US 1-2 190-210 lbs. $2B '5O-29 00. SHEEP Slaughter lamibe $1 00 Higher Slaughter Lambs - Prime 85-100 lbs. $3l 00-31 50, One Small lot 112 lbs $29 00. World’s laigest flower is in North Borneo It grows to the size oi a wasbtub. FREE. Su’ 'cribers to Lane* aster Farming will receive one advertisement each mon the in our Mail Box Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules: Limit your advertisement to five lines which means not over 25 words: All advertise ments must be in our hands by Wednesday noon or same will be held over for next week’s paper; No business advertise ments accepted. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers