—Lancaster Farming 12 Friday Sept. 21, 1956 Benson to Speak At Milling, Feed Industry Parley ''’Sttrftary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson will speak before the final session of the 78th an nual convention of the Pennsyl vania Millers’ and Feed Dealers:’ Association on Tuesday Sept. 25 at the Abraham Lincoln Hotel in Reading. Assistants to the VISIT OUR EXHIBIT AT ■ THE *LAMPETERJFAIR 1 « SEPTEMBER 26 - 27 ■ 28 COPE & IWEAVER CO. [ ■ WILLOW ST. Phone: Write: Ephrata J^| o P. 0. Box 157 LACQUERS - PAINTS J3)j „ 37*M TO Hf VARNISHES‘THINKERS U a -545 J upnrata, ra. PAINT to the Consumer at Wholesale Prices BRING IN THIS AD FOR 1 GALLON OF TURPENTINE FREE T 7 i um tmunu mu sunt \% ★ ★ Secretary predict that Mr. Ben son’s speech will be a major ag ricultural policy address pointed to the eastern farmers. Benson will be introduced by Senator James H.' Duff. Members of the vast Penn sylvania milling and feed in dustry will gather into Read ing beginning Monday Sept. 24, to celebrate the 78th year Of the forming of their organ ization the oldest in the country and to hear an dr ray of speakers outline ways for them to “better serve to morrow’s farmer”. Three rooms of the vast suite occu pied by the convention groups will be devoted to displays of suppliers of the milling and PH. LANC. 3-2824 feed industry. Mayor Donald V. Hock of Al-j lentown will keynote the con vention when he addresses the luncheon session on Monday, Sept. 24. Professor H. H Kauffman, Dr. Samuel B. Gus, 'Professor J. S. Taylor, and Dr. C. E. French, all of the Pennsylvania State University, will cover poultly, b-eeft and dairy cattle, their dis eases and feeding. Dr. .R M. Bethke of the Ralston Putina Company will speak on the in creasingly popular use of drugs and chemical additives in feeds Pennsylvania Secretary of Ag riculture, William. L. Hennnlng, as well as Joseph S. Clark, for mer mayor of Philadelphia, now Democratic candidate for United States Senate, will share the speakers rostrum during the dm-' ner meeting of the first day ses sions. -Speakers for the second day themes—“ Tomorrow’s Bag 'of Feed, Selling Tomorrow’s Farm er, and Tomorrow’s Farm Sup ply Center” will include Paul J. Zimmerman, Industrial Feed Merchandising Director of Baf fin Manufacturing Company, Gene Sales Counsel and Director of Advertising Sunshine Biscuits; Dr E P Smgsen of the University of Connecticut Poultry Department; Dr. R. W. Swift of the Pennsylvania State Univeisity; and Dr. H. S. Wilgus of the Peter Hand Foundation. While the men are hearing about “tomorrow’s farmer”, wives will have an opportunity to sample a program of their own. They will see a fall fash ion sho\V, visit famous Read ing landmarks and industries, and luhch at a favorite Penn sylvania Dutch Restaurant. Secretary of Agriculture Ben son and his wife are scheduled to arrive at the Reading airport on Tuesday at 2 phi He will be met by Pennsylvania Millers’ and Feed Dealers’ officials, 10 of Pennsylvania’s agricultural queens, and representative groups of 4H, FFA, and Boy Scouts. The entire motorcade of convertibles will proceed to the Abraham Lincoln Hotel Landisville Wind Damage Monday night tornadic winds caused the damage above at the Landisville Camp Meeting Grounds. Here is the two story minister’s residence, at the right a huge tree that snapped and crushed the corner of the residence. (Lancas ter Farming Staff Photo). Com Shredded by Hail M/Uiu. ana nail ivionaay night ul .oui field near Mount Joy Similar cases were reported elsewhere in the northwestern section of the Garden Spot where seveie wind and hail struck Monday night. (Lancaster Farming Staff Photo). Road Near Mount Joy Bio iced by fallen trees alter Monday eight’s storm this road near Mount Joy. Extensive damage was' repoi ted in several sections of northwestern Lancaster County (Lancaster Farming Staff Photo). Mourning Doves in Good Numbers; Open Season to October 19 Mourning doves are repoitefl to be in good numbers this >eai. The shooting season for them is Sept. 10 to Oct 19, inclusive The hours are one-half hour be ford stinn&a to sunset. This pci iod brings out a fair number of Pennsylvania hunters who en joy the sporty shooting these birds provide. Cotton acreage in U.S. diops to a ,70-year low where Mr Benson will meet briefly with the press prior to his appearance during the ban quet where he will moake h ls address
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