Tew Lost in Lanca Tew’s reputation is mi sunny than in her sha 1766 when a Lancas Quarter Sessions Cou ; d that her ears be cut c mthe same day. the Court called her m of bad fame,’’ is soug! as a legal oddity, whei 1765 she was a counterpa •’s “check raiser ” From tl Is it appears she was pla double jeopardy, and fro ;ords one assumes she w; iced to one our m the p that both her ears were c lat she was whipped with ! .andbdfmed 100 pounds irning and again in the ai lofMarch 25, 1766. isylvarua in those days w iilvania” v and the boui of Lancaster County ( from what is now Ma o Lake Eue. •ovince of Pennsilvania” led in the yellowed pan is the one-smiling “provin insilvania” Bill of Cred the presses of “B Frank! D Hall.” The printing h 1 a bit, but the obvious alte: where the word “one” w jd to “ten” in ink, fine mgly, by hand, remai evidence 190 .years late; sought to deceive the' Kir altere dlhe denommatic she passed the bill to a ci Wendal GJoert nd she 1( her ears twice 9 many insiances, the scrj the letter “s” in Germ resembling an “f” B script is clear, readab idmg! The spelling th _ Court King) February 1766 Misdemeanor Tew) A True Bill J G Rolfe mg charged cognovit cul ister County to wit - Grand inquest for •eign Lord the King tl is for Lancaster County mr oath and affirmation • do present that No more forking and shovel- ling manure when CORNELL EARN CLEANER’S famous ©val-hnk chain takes over the drudgery If you have 20 cow* 01 more, you can’t af- foid not to save this way Scores of dairymen find CORNELL the lowest-cost cleaner because of lugged construction, simplified opei *Uon. economical install*. (ion. Barn*tcsted b years, with nevef a broken chain Many exclusive features Let us demonstrate today) Twice in, Same County’s Court Most Unusual Sentenced to have her ears cut off twice m the same day, Ann Tew 190 years ago pro vided one of the most unusual legal cases ui Lancaster Coun ty. Lawyers and students from all over the country today call on the office of the clerk of quarter sess ons, Mrs. Violet EsMeman, to again study and ponder *over these unusual parchments Tpw of Lancaster Cgunty, Spims tjr, being a person of bad Fame and wickedly intending the honest liege, Subjects of our said Lord the King,to cheat, - deceive and defraud, the first . . day of January in the sixth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the third, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, De fender of the Faith at Lan caster County aforesaid and with in the Jurisdiction of this Court with force and arms . . a cer tain one shilling Bill of Credit of the Province of Pennsylvania falsly and fraudulently altered in us Denomination with design to encrease the value thereof and purporting to be a ten shilling Bill of Credit of the said province unto a sertam Wendal Gilbert . , for a god, true and genuine ten-Shilhng Bill of Credit of the said Province, falsly fraudulently and deceitfully did tender utter, pay away. She, the said Ann Tew, then and there well know ing the same one Shilling Bill of Credit to be so as aforesaid altered - in its Denomination with design to encrease the value of same contrary to the form of the ct of General Assembly of (he said province in such case made and provided and against the peace of our said Lord the King his Crown and Dignity . . . A jury of 12 men found Ann guilty. These 12 men gave the decision leading to an apparent double sentence, two punishment periods in one day, separated by two hours at noon. True Bill Account The True Bill of The King v Ann Tew in February Sessions, Lancaster County, reads. “Judgment that Ann Tew stand m the Pillroy on Tuesday the 25th day of March next, for the space of one hour, between the hours of nine and twelve of the clock in the forenoon of the same day; that she have both her ears cut off and nailed to the same pil lory, and that she be whipped at the nublick whipping post, with thirty one lashes; that she WHAT’S NEWS 1 us a letter - if you have farming news to][ report. a pay a fine of one hundred pounds to his HOrtour the’Governor; dis-’ charge the costs of prosecution and stand committed till this sen tence be earned into execution.” The second true bill' reads much the same 1 “The prisoner being arragin ed pleads non cul et de hoc Wc; Attorney P Dorn Rege Silil Simi liter Wc; “And now a jury being called came to wit Caleb Stewart, Alexander Scott, Christian Such, Abraham Riblet Henry Mauier, Daniel Kamm, Peter Riblet, Jos eph McQuinn, John Bower, George Fisher, Patrick Henry arid Chris tian Kinter, who being duly em pannelled, returned, elected, tryd, chosen, sworn, affirmed, upon “Whereupon the Court their oath and affirmation, respec tively, do say that Ann Tew is guilty of the misdeameanor whereof she stands indicted; adjudges that, on the 25th day of March next, she stand in the Pillory for the space of one hour, between the hours of two and four of the clock, in the after noon of the said day; that she have both her ears cut off and nailed to the same pillory, and that she be whipped at the pub bek whipping post, with thirty one lashes; that she pay a fine of one hundred pounds,' to his Honour the Governor, discharge the costs of prosecution and stand committed till this sentence be carried into execution ” There’s a note in the envelope file of this strange, strange case, from a much moie recent official of the Quarter Sessions Court. “Ann Tew, 1760-1768 File Ann appears in the prison rost er, also in the aging files, “A bit of (Calendar of) Prisoners remain in Lancaster Gaol for their fines and fees, February sth, 1766.” Benjamin Franklin’s bill that Ann altered would seem strange today. Its dimensions are two and 13/16th inches by 3% inches Ornate border designs'were fore runners of today’s intricate de signs to prevent counterfeiting, andthisaged note carries the warning “To Counterfeit is Death ” On the reverse side is the endorsement of Wendal Gil bert, with a second signature “Wentel Gilbert” below On the face of the bill, one reads “This bill shall pass cur itnt lor ONE (and here Ann had altered the woid to TEN) shil ling within the province of Penn silvania according to an act of Iho Assembly, made in the Fourth '(’ear of the Reign of King George lil.” In a letter-fold is the Court’s Give LANCASTER FARMING a call - or drop coming l up, if you schedule a coming event. sale Our columns are for you. Please sign all items. Ist Charge 31 Lashes Ears Cut Off Altering Note 2nd the same H Phone: Quarryville 378 ■■i I Lancaster 4-3047 vntons Lancaster Farming, Friday, November 18, 1955 —H Show Business - Early Start - One- of the most youthful but enthusiastic exhibitors at the recent 4-H Baby Beef Roundup at Lancaster Stock Yards was Janet Frey of R 1 Lancaster. Janet, who is ten years old, came out witft )a ribbon for her Whiteface, which explains that sincere smile. This is her first year showing baby beef (Lancaster Fanning. Photo;. - True Bill, 13 inches by SL The parchment has acquired the pa tina of age, but the firm script of the Judge is still very readable Wars have come and was have gone since Ann’s case was filed and tied with led tape Today court reporter’s type and file hundreds of cases Wigs are ab sent from the Bench The Court has modernized, yet retained many of the symbols and pro cedures of the 1700 s No wonder Ann’s an interesting case vsvi-ss.>j>.s!sa.-aj vnsa'w □ v ivmjl'&jssa CCA.SNMic». snsx^o | T. J. MATTdEWS A. H. BURKHOLDER 6 j 27£R2 175 ' 1 QUAREYVILIE CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. \ d THOMAS J MATTHEWS, Gen. M B r. H ® Concrete or Cinder Block. w 2 Phone Chimney Block and Lintel. H $ 109R2 Steel Sash, Cement Paint. Pj Quarryville, >■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ : West Willow [ ; Farmers Association ■ ■ CUSTOM GRINDING AND 5 MIXING W-W-F POULTRY ■ ■ FEEDS ULTRA-UFED i J FORMULAS ■ 5 West Willow, Pa. _ 5 Ph. L»nc. 450) 9 • > . ■ •* ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers