located on the premises, with hose attached, that could throw water over or into the midst of any of the buildings. A force of thirty-five firemen were on duty, by relays, night and day, under an arrange ment made by a committee with the Chief En gineer of the Fire Department, by whom three steam fire engines were kept in readiness out side the premises, with water attached and steam up. Telegraphic fire alarms were disposed at eight points within the buildings by which in stant communication could be made with the city police and fire telegraph offices. To in sure the prompt readiness of these appliances, they were under the care of the Chief of the Fire Detective Police, aided, if required, by seventy-five municipal policemen on duty with in the buildings, and the whole were under the orders of a Supervisory Committee of twelve gentlemen, selected from the Executive Committee of the Fair. HOBOBABY LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS TO “ OUB DAILY FARE.” List of subscribers to “ Our Daily Fare,” whose subscriptions were not less than five dollars. PENNSYLVANIA. Rebecca Hillman, Byberry, Phebe A. Tomlinson, “ W. H. Gnliek, Blossburg, J. M. Gibbony, Duncansvillo, Miss C. K. Wright, Allentown, L. J. Goodspeed, Westfield, H. D. Rogers, Edinboro, Jos. D. Drinker, Montrose, J. M. Conley, Ralston, Albert Hancock, Pittsburg, G. W. Murphy, E. W. Furman, Sam’l Knisley, Kate M. Scott, C. F. Rockwell, E. V. Gerhart, J. J. Rathvon, John Schaeffer, Mrs. J. M. Worden, Lewisburg, W. A. Hammar, Cresson, Jesse Hartley, Glenwood, Mary S. Corse, North Jackson, Sophia M. Richards, Pottstown, Miss C. G. Brooke, “ Miss C. C. Weaver, H. K. Aurand, J. D. Mendenhall, Mrs. N. L. Jones, B. Bannan, Ada Snyder, J. J. Blair, Lebanon, H. M. Darlington, Kcnnett Square, R. Patterson, Washingtonville, Fannie M. Owen, Kingston, G. L. J. Painter, Muncy, Mrs. M. C. Stewart, Clifford, J. Hall, Selins Grove, Miss M. A. Mehl, Germantown, E. B. Clark, “ G. H. Lenhart, Middletown, Mrs. M. A. C. Walborn, “ C. H. Miller, Mt. Airy, Mrs. Dr. S. Scott, Forestville, J. A. Cook, Ledgerville, Mrs. J. F. Righter, Mauch Chunk, D. W. Thrush, Shippensburg, H. R. Holsinger, Tyrone, Mrs. D. H. Darlington,ConcordviUe, Ashland, Orrstown, Brookville, Equinunk Lancaster, Tamaqua, Doylestown, Roxboro,’ Pottsville, Ottzr 3D .A. I li-ST IF 1 A. 33. 33. Sam’l P. Coles, Lykens, Mrs. Geo. Bennett, Montourville, Mrs. D. Thomas, Elk Lake, W. E. C. Coxe, Danville, MissM.A.Montgomery “ Emily C. Filler, Bedford, Mrs. M. F. Barclay, “ Sarah 11. Corlies, Morrisville, Wm. C. Taylor, Chestnut Hill, Mrs. D. M. Lesher, Webster's Mills, Thomas Dunn, McKean, Miss M. Taylor, Storlingsville, “ J. P. Banks, Reading, “ Maggie Gries, “ E. Trexler, “ Annie Clymer, “ Emily Gilson, Mrs. C. C. Gries, “ S. J. Canfield, “ R. R. Brundage, Miss M. Mcssinger, Mrs. W. S. Baker, “ Benj. Clause, J. F. Mcllhenny, Amos Bonsall, Sallie Meredith, S. H. Hill, Miss A. Smith, E. Shoemaker, R. L. Johnson, Goo. F. Worrall, Mira J. Townsend, Payne Goold, Benj. Parke, Geo. Thomas, Jr., Mrs. T. E. Eves, Miss Eliza Overton, Mrs. N. L. Bird, H. Fcttinger, R. H. Lamborn, Amy J. Hopkins, Mrs. C. Mendell, 0. N. Ramsey, J. F. Craver, Alex. Montgomery, $ 6 00 8 00 33 00 5 00 6 00 A. 8. Cadwallader, Yardleyvillo, Edw. T. McMose, Allentown, Sallie M. Fell, Tullytown, Miss J. M. Shoemaker, McConnellsburg, George Bergner, Harrisburg, E. C. Whitson, Mifflintown, Miss Mollie Parker, ' “ Bell Wilson, Mifflintown, “ E.C.Stambaugh _ Mrs. J. H. Barton, H. E. Steele, John G. Kurtz, Miss Annie Comfort, Mrs. W. B. Oakford, Dr. W. Uhlor, Sarah H. Tyson, Miss Lizzie Moore, “ Annie Carver, “ E. A. Roberts, Geo. Schall, E. N. Perkins, AV. C. Adams, Miss L. J. Roberts, G. W. Garrettson, Anna M. Pardee, Miss Fannie A. Dyer, C. G. Childs, S. B. Jarman, Mrs. C. W. Lewis, B. B. Powell, Miss C. Buck, Miss Belle Howey, Miss Mary Bowen, Mrs. Charles Elmer, Miss Sallie Buck, Miss Bragg, Abner Sparks, James H. Stevens, George Browning, Charles M. Gill, D. Ballinger, Mrs. J. A. Thomas, Annie E. Jones, $ 35 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 41 00 5 00 23 00 16 00 13 00 15 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 Beading, Espyvillo, Maimsburg, Berwick, Canton, Wellsboro, Gettysburg, Kclleyville, Gwynedd, Norristown, Coudersport, Ebensburg, U 5 00 26 00 5 00 9 00 5 00 West Chester, Hopbottom, West Whiteland, Millville, Xowanda, East Smitbfield, Altoona, tt 7 00 17 00 30 00 15 00 5 00 105 00 14 00 Shannonsville, Johnstown, SO 00 Lock Haven, 42 00 Coatesville, 15 00 Bellefonte, 10 00 Fallsington, 19 00 Russellville, 7 00 Falls of Schuylkill, 500 King of Prussia, Mt. Carmel, Bristol, York, Hokendauqua, Huntingdon, Hazleton, Covington, Chestnut Hill, NEW JERSEY. $ 6 00 10 00 25 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 5 00 26 00 13 00 5 00 10 00 9 00 6 00 Somers Point, Lumberton, Bridgeton, Tuckerton, Camden, May’s Landing, Medford, Mrs. John Dobbins, Mount Holly, J. P. Schofield, “ Debbie S. Cordery, Atlantic City, Helena Scull, r Mrs. Catharine Rich, Batsto, George Niplin, Joseph Miller, A. H. Dougherty, Capt. S. Crowley, Maggie Moore, Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. F. W. Strong, J. W. Muriken, John Collins, Miss F, Rodyhouse, Miss Mag’eS. Rodgers, Mrs. F. Woolman, “ Mrs. C. B. Smith, Leed’s Point, Miss M. R. Carver, “ J. S. Downs, Smith’s Landing, W. H. Izard, “ Miss Annie E. Rislcy, Somers’ Point, Miss J. A. Springer, Cape May C. 11. W. T. West, Trenton, Dorsey Gardner, “ Miss M. A. West, “ Mrs. S. W. Abbott, Haddonfield, Miss Annie E. Gaunt, Mullica Hill, Hannah M. Beesley, Dennisville, Miss M. A. Brewster, Cumberland, Miss R. H. Thompson,Salem, J. Alofsen, Jersey City, Miss Sallie Woolman, Rancocas, William Whitehead, Newark, Miss M.S. Hollinshcad, Woods town, J. S. Dickerson, A. M. MoClean, M. L. Harrington, Miss E. G. Rumford, Miss S. S. Price, Miss L. D. Chambers, Miss F. L. Chambers, Miss Lillie Fibiger, Rev. H. A. Cleveland, “ W. 11. Barr, Middletown, Mrs. H. N. Willetts, “ Hannah S. Merritt, “ Miss A. B. Maxwell, Delaware City, W. Townsend, Frederica, MASSACHUSETTS. Worcester, Fitchburg, E. Washburn, T. K. Ware, Mrs. G. A. Mason, Mrs. G. B. Clark, W. R. Alger, S. R. Urbino, A. Williams & Co., J. S. Blatchford, W. D. Smith, Jr., Rev. C. V. Spear, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 45 00 10 00 10 00 50 00 5 00 50 00 25 00 5 00 Thomas Halo, J. R. Forest, CONNECTICUT. Mrs. Simeon Collins, Wost Haven. Miss E. L. Linsley, Stratford. M. lumber, Geo. J. Pampelly, E. J. Hanks, St. John’s College, J. T. Headley, Mrs. C. W. Field, Hurd & Houghton, Jos. T. Lea, S. W. Wing, C. S. Todd, W. £. McCormack, Elkton, Nathan Denny, Circleville, Mrs. J. W. Andrews, Marietta, Elwood, << Beverly, Burlington, DELAWARE. Wilmington, Cambridgcport, Boston, Pittsfield, VERMONT. Winooski Falls, NEW YORK Elmira, Owego, Yonkers, ' Fordhnm, Newburg, N.Y. City, KENTUCKY. Owensburg,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers