The fourth wall : a Penn State Mont Alto student periodical. (Mont Alto, PA) 2004-????, February 01, 2009, Image 2

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    Page 2
February 2009
Staff Writer
The resident assistants (RAs)
at Mont Alto are set here to help
keep the on residence life style
running smoothly. RA Saskia
Hamilton who has been an RA for
almost a year now says that her
duties are more than to just keep
things running smoothly but “to
be a role model, to uphold myself,
to be a moral supporter, a helper
of the community and to be a
good friend to colleagues.” When
asked if the job is tough, hard, or
easy, Hamilton responded, “it is
what you make it, if you make it
difficult then that is how it will
be. To me it is not that hard, I
love interacting with. students.”
Even though Hamilton loves in-
teracting with students she also
has common issues that she must
address while on duty.
The most common problem
that a RA might face are noise
violation which consists of mak-
ing noises where one can hear
will receive two warnings and if a
third one is issued by the RA then
that student in violation will be
documented and will have to
meet with a RA’s supervisor.
Even though noise violations are
the most common issues they are
address. RA Kyle Graybill ex-
plained that the worst thing that
he had to handle all year was a
fight.. But beside noise violations
and altercations between students,
Graybill stated that “sometimes it
is difficult to balance RA work,
school work, and a social life all
at the same time.”
Penn Gate II resident Yvon
Nazaire stated ‘that “RA John
Lewis knows how to talk to stu-
dents; he does not blow things out
of proportion. He does not walk
around as if he is on a higher pla-
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teau than everyone else.”
went on to say that “if you get in
trouble by Lewis, you deserve it.”
Jerry Hopkins who wishes to be-
come an RA also has his own
ideas about what being a good
RA requires. “I want to be a RA
because I want to help the new
incoming students for the follow-
come a peer mentor so I can help
new students adjust to the college
explained Hopkins.
RAs have a type of authority over
selves, too.
The Fourth Wall offers"
tising in this newspaper,
~ contact Julia Ritchey at