Editorial Why a black man is not voting for Obama | { | BY EVAN NELSON am just explaining how I feel about why Americans are voting for Obama, but the I'm guessing putting the rich out of Staff Writer Obama is most likely going to win and majority black community is voting for power and give money to the poor.” | I’m not going to be apart of this non- him. If you don’t believe me, then tune Obama has really great ideas and a posi- Who is Barack Obama? Obama is sense. your televisions on too Black Entertain- tive vision for our future. The alarming i an African American male, who gradu- Obama is a man, that I believe is ment Television (BET). BET has done number of us Americans are scared that ated from some of the most outstanding going to be our next President of the nothing but promoted Barack Obama’s the change is not going to actually hap- | schools in the nation. I know he has an United State of America. Not because he campaign for “change.” CNN’s latest pen if he is elected. | outstanding education, but why is an is this really qualified African polls show that Barack Obama has I believe Penn State Mont Alto stu- African American male such as myself American man, he is a mostly more than 80% of the dent Dean Schofield hit the nail on the | not going to vote for him? I come from a just black man. Oh my good- black vote. head when he stated, “Who cares what family that is taught to doublethink eve- ness, did I just go there? Penn State [Obama] does? It’s a changed from the | rything before you make a decision. At Yes, I in fact did just go Mont Alto adult b*llsh*t we have now.” However, | first glance I was like a black man run- there (head wobble and student, Darryl Schofield “believes that “McCain will ning for president? My dreams are com- fingers go snap, snap). Clay, answered win over Obama.” | ing true. Upon second glance though, I I: for one am when asked “the In all the interviews I honestly did- i { | | was not so sure. really scared for this question about n’t find one person who knew what A couple of days ago, I was think- country. I know in Obama’s plans Obama’s real plans for reform are. I be- ing to myself; aren’t I supposed to vote your mind you must be for change in lieve that many of us Americans are too for one of my own? That is also-proba- asking yourself this & our economy caught up with his skin color that we all bly what the Germans said when elect- question: “Evan, that is +s he answered, forget about what it means to be presi- ing Hitler, a very good talker who only awful not all black peo- & “You, me and dent of this country. talks about change. I’m not and I repeat; ple are voting for Barack & getting us edu- Obama only has a little over two I am not saying John McCain is in any Obama. Besides can you prove cated.” Although, Clay years under his belt as a senator. As a way, shape, or form a better candidate, I that?” I know that not all African is right in the fact that to president he well be learning on the job stimulate our workforce is indeed to and won’t have the experience I’m look- get are new generation educated; how- ing for. To be president I believe you i : ever, that’s Obama’s plan right now. need experience because being president p e O urt d Who knows what is really on his po- is not a “on the job training,” type job. Ei litical agenda. On Tuesday, November 4, 2008 remem- When I asked Freshman Matthew ber to inform yourself and think about 1 5 staff I ! 1C | | bers Moore what changes Obama had for your vote and who is going to really our country he replied, “I don’t know, bring “change” to our nation. | The Fourth Wall is a monthly, student-run newspaper for the Mont Alto campus of The Pennsylvania State University. Letters to the Editor, A dvice columnis t fi n ds solu tions comments, and queries may be addressed to Julia Ritchey, Editor-in- | Chief (jer5121@psu.edu). Penn State Mont Alto’s The Fourth Wall can BY TIFFANY THOMAS good amount of people around | also be visited at www.clubs.psu.edu/ma/thefourthwall. Mail can be sent Columnist you that you can trust. to The Fourth Wall, Campus Life Office, 1 Campus Drive, Pennsylvania State University Mont Alto, Mont Alto, PA 17237. Problem: I don’t want to com- mit because I have problems trusting potential partners. A lot of times when we pick our relationships the peo- ple we end up choosing, we AGVISOT coven PRET Dendle iis nr ths holialE Con. Suton Sree it id 2 | i : : Ty values. This is called disconti- ?0Ugh you choose p opie with EAHOT=-I=ChIe]... cvs as run vos con sosiininiannis ienine novi Julia Ritchey nuity. As we go on we tend to have only a few traits of the choose our companion based things you like in a companion, Columnists... ....................Takema Fuller & Tiffany Thomas | on what we have in common Y°% PZ” obably should ny choos | or features that we like about 7*& them beyond their physical ; : that . which is di +; features and more because of Staff Writers...... ..................Rad Bennett, Adam Eisentrout, at person, which is QISCont reir persoienliies. Thus. n- nuity. With continuity you only gain more friends but not based on common features, but 2 just to have people around you. te | son, Katie Warcholak lie Bs BD to ir the beauty, and a shining person- discontinuity path because ality. fewer friends equal less in Anyone who needs advice Editorial offices are located in Library 205 quantity but more in quality. please feel free to contact me This means that you have a at tat5078@psu.edu . stead of just physical beauty they will have morals, and not only physical beauty but inner Joshua Enriquez, Alex Hagans, Kevin Momplaisir, Evan Nel-
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