Ir tmm————rtrrre ered] The Fourth Wall page 3 Drinking continued from page 1 campus students had about 3.82. Mont Alto Freshman Gwynne Turner = states do not want to get into” and “it has many consequences and can cause harm to others.” The February 2004 survey states 32.1% of the students experienced being insulted or humiliated compared to 27.4 in 2003. In 2004 36.6% had a serious argument, 14.7 % had 24.7 percent had their property damaged and 20.5% experienced an unwanted sexual advance. The percentage of students who experienced direct consequences either “decreased slightly or remained the same since last year.” The percentage of students who indicated that they had a hangover dropped from 63.3% in 2003 to 59.8% in 2004. 29.6% of the students missed a class as a result of their own drinking, compared to Links to Order Transcripts Link to the on line Schedule of Courses and .pdf files to print entire Schedule of Courses Forms to Print Change of Major Form Drop/Add/Late Drop Form Change of Assignment Form Re-Enrollment Request Form Withdrawal Form Undergraduate Non-Degree Application Form Information about Registration Student Action Guide & Calendar (Deadlines, Holidays) Registration Time Schedule Schedule of Courses (Link to Web Site as well as Entire Schedule to Print in .pdf file) A List of General Education Courses Offered in a Particular Semester Registration Instructions Information about Various Student Actions Dropping/Adding/Late Dropping Courses Canceling Registration Registration Holds Grades and Academic Actions Confidentiality Leaving the University (Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, Re-Enrollment) Dean’s List Auditing and Visiting Courses Final Exam Schedule Enrollment Verifications World Campus (Independent Learning and Web Courses) Many Helpful Links Degree Program Summary Undergraduate Degree Programs Bulletin Course Descriptions and Much More : 25.9% in 2004. About 17% reported ‘engaging in unplanned sexual activity. According to the 2001 Journal of American College Health, nationally the high risk drinking rate was 44.4%. The North Carolina = State University states “nationally, 500,000 students aged 18 to 24 Tuition continued from page 1 pay taxes towards the state. Non- Pennsylvania residents pay taxes towards their own state, leaving non- state residents with an extra fee to study. in the state of Pennsylvania. University Park allocates each campus about $4,000 each year to be used at the campus’ discretions. According to Gill Mont Alto “uses that money for Transportation.” What about parking tickets: does the University take that money too? According to are unintentionally injured due to alcohol use, 1,400 students die each year from alcohol- related unintentional injuries, 70,000 students are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape annually.” Student Government Association (SGA) Freshman Representative Bella Perez, the money “goes towards SGA” and “This money is given to clubs and organizations on campus.” Mont Alto Freshman Antonia Houston stated, “I see results in the activities that are offered on the campus; I can tell that’s my money in use. But, it’s a problem that people are paying for activities and do not take advantage of the opportunities.” abundant selection efficiencies, 1, 2, 3 hdrms even townhouses RENT AT MANY PROPERTIES
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