page 2 The Fourth Wall Currently seeking writers The Fourth Wall is seeking writers for all sections, including sports and arts & entertainment. We also need general writers on assignment and general article writers. There are openings for regular columns, such as a political column, humor column, advice column, and cartoons. All students are welcome regardless of major. Writers are not required to submit articles on a regular basis. To make this paper successful, we need you to participate by writing in your opinions, concerns, and comments. Interested parties should send emails to Future opening: The Fourth Wall is currently looking for the next Editor-in- Chief for Fall 2006. Receive academic credit and gain hands-on experience. Start learning the process and pro- grams now to take over next se- mester. Anyone interested should contact Danielle Ramsay at Mission Statement The Fourth Wall was established to provide a responsible forum for dialogue within the student community and for the free expression of considered ideas; to build community; to promote student involvement in activities and issues that have an impact on students’ lives; and to disseminate information about campus activities, organizations and events. This Announcements Newly formed English Club now open to all students. Planned activities include an essay contest for local elemen- tary school, book discussion for local high school AP En- glish class, Poe convention, and more. Anyone interested in lit- erature, film, poetry, communi- cations contact Danielle Ramsay at Hello, I am Kabura Teri Njuguna and I am excited to be your spring 2006 President. This will be my fourth semester here at Mont Alto and I am majoring in Economics and International Business. I am oringinally from Gaithersburg, Maryland and I attended Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School. As far as this spring is concerned, I figured that we as a community could change things a little and make this the best semester of our lives. I look forward to working with the SGA board of electives, the students of Mont Alto and also the staff. I am really excited about the position and about making a difference in everyone’s academic and social life here at Mont Alto. I look forward to the spring! Links to Order Transcripts Link to the on line Schedule of Courses and pdf files to print entire Schedule of Courses Forms to Print Request to Order Transcript Form Change of Major Form Drop/Add/Late Drop Form Change of Assignment Form Re-Enrollment Request Form Withdrawal Form Undergraduate Non-Degree Application Form Information about Registration Student Action Guide & Calendar (Deadlines, Holidays) Registration Time Schedule Schedule of Courses (Link to Web Site as well as Entire Schedule to Print in .pdf file) A List of General Education Courses Offered in a Particular Semester : Registration Instructions Information about Various Student Actions Dropping/Adding/Late Dropping Courses Canceling Registration Registration Holds Grades and Academic Actions Confidentiality Leaving the University (Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, Re-Enrollment) Dean’s List Auditing and Visiting Courses Final Exam Schedule Enrollment Verifications World Campus (Independent Learning and Web Courses) Many Helpful Links Degree Program Summary Undergraduate Degree Programs Bulletin Course Descriptions and Much More The Fourth Wall Sn is our chance, as students, t0say [A rtist: Zack Mentz ( what we really think. Staff Writers: Bobby Casiano (, Nolan Fontaine (, Kyle Rondeau (, Travis Keefer (, Jan Wintermyer (
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