December 3 } 1 9 5k On Wednesday evening the Mu Delta Sigma Fraternity held a rather short meeting with Brother Bernie Gromniak presiding, Brother Richard ICnovrlton informed the boys that the sweaters that were ordered some time ago will arrive next week, A Christmas party was discussed but no further arrangements were made. Final arrangements for the Military Ball have now been made and from the plans of the committee, this appears to be the best ball the Center has ever had. Genetti's Pennsylvania Room has been procured for the Ball which will be on January 8, 1 955, and Os Werley's orchestra will supply the music for the dancing which will be form 9 PM to 1 AM, For those who work up an appetite from dancing there will be refreshments. On top of all these activities there will be a crowning of the Queen of the Ball, After an hour or so of dancing there has been a Grand March planned and this will end in the crowning of the Queen, Unfortunately the only draw-back of the entire program, something everyone is familiar with, is money. According to the prepared budget, the funds available for the Ball are scarce, therefore it is up to each and every Cadet to get his money in as quickly as possible. Merri Lou Lotito, a graduate of Hazleton High, is the Sophomore Girl of the Week, Kerri Lou is an active member in all the activities at the Center, and she deserves a lot of credit. She's a "mad fad" girl - she loves knee socks, crazy earrings and necklaces, and anything different. But her main interest at the moment is a certain ROTC officer Bob Scott, of Hometown, is a graduate of Tam?qua High School, While in High School he was president of the Hi-Y and a track star. Bob is majoring in Psychology and also has two other brothers going to Penn State, I hear that he and Peggy Trevarow used to have little arguments every time they played cards. Say, Bob, what's this I hear about you being a sandwich snitcher? Staff: Lil Junas, Kerri Lu Lotito, Mary Jane Skoff, Art Teel, Russ Brungard, Lois Carper, Mary Ann Wassel, Ilona Weltman, Cartoons by: Tom Swiclc and Rib Zimmerman HAZLETON COLLEGIAN FRATERNITY NEWS SCOOP ON THE BALL SOPHOMORE GIRL OF THE WEEK SOPHOMORE BOY OF THE WEEK Page 2
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